Highlighted => Albalaha's Exclusive => Topic started by: Albalaha on May 24, 2016, 08:17:24 AM

Title: albalaha's positive gambling module for sale for full timer player: RE -WRITTEN
Post by: Albalaha on May 24, 2016, 08:17:24 AM
Are you tired of losing in casinos? Want to know why are you destined to lose only? Is there any way you can

improve your chances to win while enjoying gambling and not get fainted at seeing

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLWLLLLLWLLLLLLLLLLWLWLLLLLLLLLLLW  type cases that are called "run from the hell" ? Everyone can tell you a method to be played in average times while on getting harsh times you will lose what you can never earn back. My positive gambling module is trying to make a difference right there.

People look for winning systems and methods while it is a full module of how exactly one should play having positive expectations of win, in the long run. It includes clear safeguards regarding how to avoid LOSING BIG in the worst streaks that can plunder whatever you can bet and how to sustain the worst even if it creeps in our session despite all the safeguards without losing a fortune. I do have an MM which is never heard before that behaves as per the session is going and kind of auto adjust to cause you better chances to earn in good times while lesser chances to lose at the worst. It can beat the house edge and a bit of variance against us, very swiftly.

Some essentials to understand:

The module has been tweaked to be made playable all over(betting every spin/hand)with the same stop loss i.e. 300 units. No triggers, no waiting for something to start, no pausing.

2. This method needs good number of chips. I advise one to have at least 300 chips as sessions bankroll and 3000 chips as lifetime bankroll. Although losing even 300 units, my way, is pretty unusual, positive gambling never makes anybody blind. Be prepared to face things that has not been seen to ruin your entire bankroll money too.Extremely Unlikely but not impossible.

3. To understand the full capacity of this system, check the  horror sessions provided in's-exclusive/anybody-think-such-bad-streak-can-be-won/

and also at:'s-exclusive/harsh-sessions-won-by-positive-gambling-module/

This methodology beats all of them or keeps unhurt in them. Every other method of playing will lose badly in each of them. If someone reverse engineers a particular bad session he will lose in all other as blue angel did.

4.I will provide all the rules of the method in writing with sufficient illustrations in excel. I will be available for chat support on gmail and skype too till one gets to understand every essential of it.

5. It is not meant for newbies or very aggressive daydreamers who wants to kill casinos or become millionaire overnight. This method earns slowly and patiently, hence recommended to experienced players only who are already playing regularly full time in casinos(land based or online) with sufficient bankroll and time.

6. One can play it online with RNG or live dealer or in a real casino. Play it in roulette or Baccarat. Basically meant for EC betting but can be modified to be played with any bet.

7.My methodology is not based on any gamblers' fallacy or myths or any mystical force that does not exist in real world but on logic and      probability.

8. My bets do not go sky high even in the worst of the worst cases. It is not risk thousands to earn 1 unit method. You can earn big units too. Fighting the worst possible cases is the speciality of this method.

9. Those playing for peanuts/cents/fun please avoid to contact me as it is meant for real gamblers who want to improve the way they play and enhance their pleasure of gambling along with increasing their chances to go home winner, at the end of the day and positively by the end of a week.

10. It is primarily for EC betting i.e. for playing Even, Odd, High, Low, Red. Black of roulette and Banker or Player of Baccarat or any other form of random gambling where chance to lose a bet is almost close to chance to win and payouts are similar too. Can be tried on sports betting with similar house edge EC betting. Those looking to play Baccarat, I would advise betting Player only.

11. It needs a bit of tracking, so choose casinos where if you write your notes on a sheet, none irritates or lurks too much. Better play online or automated roulette for the sake of privacy.

12. There will be no moneyback as you can not return back all the knowledge I am going to give you. In addition to that, there will be a Non Disclosure agreement between the buyer and me that he will not talk of the content in any public forum nor will he share the methodology anywhere.

13. There is no guarantee that you will win in each and every situation but I can guarantee you better gambling experience where any player playing will any other published method will lose hope of winning or even surviving. The method is primarily meant to safeguard the wash off of your money in tough times that empties most players. You will smile to see the so-called run from hell. I guarantee this.

14. Those who believe there is no way to win in long run by any mathematical/ mechanical approach, have a look at:'s-exclusive/holy-grail-randomness-can-be-beaten-even-in-the-longest-run/

It is far better approach than that one now, possible to be done manually too.

This positive gambling module is the result of my years of playing, studying and researches and meant for purely random sessions where none can guess what will happen. It has an in-built filter that removes the worst possible scenarios or "run from the hell" spins and the Money management handles the rest in a manner which you can't even imagine.

Email me if you are willing to take my knowledge and improve your existing gambling skills and chances.
Remember, it is not for novice players or unemployed poor people who want their bread from it. It is meant for gamblers who are already into it for years and not on the verge of getting bankrupt.

Price of this module is fixed at Euro 1000 for now. May escalate soon.

Email: telling me your experiences, bankroll, choice of casinos, table limits etc and how much do you target positively to earn a day.

Happy positive gambling.
Title: Re: albalaha's positive gambling module for sale for fulltimer player
Post by: Albalaha on May 24, 2016, 03:11:33 PM
                           Many members here claim that they are so clever that they will never encounter bad moments and run away before a run from hell kills them  but they are only ignorant or myopic. One can get 25 wins in 100 for example if he keeps running in 2 wins in 10 spins, 4 in next 15 spins, 6 in next 25 spins, 10 in next 30 spins and 3 in next 20 spins. Every method is meant for near perfect cases forgetting these situations. In that case, winning is only possible if we somehow keep getting "near standard" results.
                Funny thing is, their play loses all they gain in near standard cases in one horrible run and that is why they can not think of winning in long run.
       Many claim to beat the game seeing "trends" and  "patterns" while they are only illusory and can not give any edge. Any long run simulation can prove that.
Title: Re: albalaha's positive gambling module for sale for fulltimer player
Post by: Jake on May 24, 2016, 03:54:44 PM
Hi Albalaha,

I'm interested in your system but one thing bothers me. I've been reading your posts for a while and you always deny that there is a way to choose bets which is superior to anything else. All bet selections work out the same, you say. I'm not arguing with this but now you're saying that there IS a superior bet selection -

Quote11. It needs a lot of tracking

QuoteIt has an in-built filter that removes the worst possible scenarios or "run from the hell" spins

If it needs tracking then that means you're waiting for some events to occur which supposedly lessen the chance of a run from hell. Similarly with your "in-built filter".

This is an inconsistency which is bothering me. Thanks and I look forward to your reply.
Title: Re: albalaha's positive gambling module for sale for fulltimer player
Post by: Albalaha on May 24, 2016, 04:12:57 PM
Great observation and good question. Let me answer.
QuotePeople look for winning systems and methods while it is a full module of how exactly one should play having positive expectations of win, in the long run. It includes clear safeguards regarding how to avoid the worst streaks that can plunder whatever you can bet and how to sustain the worst even if it creeps in our session despite all the safeguards without losing a fortune. I do have an MM which is never heard before that behaves as per the session is going and kind of auto adjust to cause you better chances to earn in good times while lesser chances to lose at the worst. It can beat the house edge and a bit of variance against us, very swiftly.

  I use a reverse filter that avoids getting extremes but as I said, even the most wise player will ultimately get harsh times and that is the acid test of a system. Unless a method can survive superbad stretches whenever it gets, it is just another foolish way to play. My MM works best in those cases to not let me lose huge. That is where my module excels.
Title: Re: albalaha's positive gambling module for sale for fulltimer player
Post by: Albalaha on May 24, 2016, 04:46:45 PM
I created some conditions before trying to play a system, posted here:
QuoteIn my long haul journey with casino gambling, I saw a very ridiculous practice. Every person is creating systems without thinking of "why and how it is better than simply betting flat on any EC bet". Lots of printed as well as e-books and Amazon's kindle version of books as well as many gambling related sites and forums are spreading "systems" with nothing "better" than just trying your luck. 90% of books on gambling start with how roulette invented and all classical failure "systems" like Martingale, Labouchere, Fibonnaci, D'Alembert, Pluscoup or Oscar's Grind, Parlay, Paroli and hundreds of variants and "tweaked versions" of these ideas. When we know very well that they are already proved as failures, what is the use of talking of them?
                  Whenever you see or read a system that impresses u in first glance or thought, give it a second thought and ask to yourself, "what is the difference between this approach and others". Apart from author's sample sessions, get a few random ones from or any of these forums or code an RNG that will give u random sessions with a single click of F9. Use your very own random sessions to analyse the "system" once again since most "system writers" provide sessions that suit their "system". Many system authors are clever enough (or read fool enough) to use a static data to create a "system".
         In my humble opinion, a system is just a systematic and well defined approach of playing. If you get answer of "why" and "how" it is different, then you can try that, if convinced totally.

            I can answer "how" and "why" my module is different from any other existing approach of playing and can be played upon any random data, not my chosen one whom I can reverse engineer to prove my point.
Title: Re: albalaha's positive gambling module for sale for fulltimer player
Post by: esoito on May 25, 2016, 12:07:31 AM

I quote:  "Price of this module may vary from person to person and one deserving guy may also get it as a free gift."

See?  It's for sale.  Why am I not surprised?  Leopards and spots...  He has a track record going waaaaayyy back.

And look -- it's not even a fixed price! It may vary.  Does that mean the more gullible you are the more you'll pay? 

And if he finds one "deserving" person it'll be free.   Wow.  I wonder what you have to do to deserve such largesse.

I won't delete this. I'll leave it here as a warning to others.

CAVEAT EMPTOR applies in all such cases.

You're all adults. Make up your own minds....  Take care not to get killed in the rush.

Title: Re: albalaha's positive gambling module for sale for fulltimer player
Post by: Albalaha on July 01, 2016, 06:39:48 AM
       Gambling and specially positive gambling is not meant for poor people. Two three guys approached me for buying the module and when heard the price, they pissed and wet their pants. Methods and systems that one wants for free or for $19.95 can be found on forums and on amazon. Do not contact me if you have money for only your grocery or Gasolene or utility bills. Positive Gambling is meant for those who can do it as a serious side business investing ample time, research and money. If someone wants to have fun with gambling, play with fun money or "Test" methods on excels and get the satisfaction of "oh nothing seems to work, I saved my money by not playing. Thanks God."
             The price of say Euro 1000 may look very huge to anyone but it is so to avoid cheap people like Jake who wants to get it for free so that he can sell it to others(he promised to not to do so). He offered coding to me as Bayes did while I did beat over 10 million spins. Do not forget I  have all the biggest coders ready to help me from the forum world including VLS(the admin himself) and Nickmsi. Try your luck somewhere else kids.
            There was although an interesting question from one such kids, "if my method works, why I am selling that"? My answer is, why did Thorp sell his innovation of "card counting" in a  book knowing well it works and works for sure? Answer is real simple: to earn name, fame and much more money than one player can earn himself. Besides, I would be glad to help those who lose $1000 or more in a single visit to casino. To make them realize why are they losing and how they can sustain and survive through the worst stages and try to get a net win, while coming out of casinos most days, if not everyday.
Title: Re: albalaha's positive gambling module for sale for fulltimer player
Post by: Albalaha on July 28, 2016, 06:12:38 AM
In a major breakthrough, I have redone the positive gambling module to be fit to be played in all over. I have realised that no trigger makes the game absolute safer and waiting for too remote triggers to bet is not so wise, in real play. Special care has been given to take care of too bad cases that will show more often than not in all over play but it is still doable.
                           Now, one can sit and play without waiting for any trigger or pausing anywhere. Ideal for real casino environment. Could be used in roulette as well in baccarat. The stop loss of -300 will still be applicable. I believe we can still surpass most of the sessions(even harsh ones) than not.