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cryptocurrency and me

Started by Albalaha, November 05, 2021, 09:47:29 AM

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Albalaha: "I believe it will again go up by the end of this year reaching new high again."

I agree as that is how the early hodlers and the current whales can make the most ROI. I expect we will see many gyrations from BTC in the coming years.

Currently /according to my calculations the present range suggests a ceiling @ approx 74k with a basil of 59k. The current price is 62k today 5/10/24. If it can't hold above 59 we may see another move downward in the near future. There is a large group of recent buyers that bought in around 52-54K and if they panic we may see another tanking.

*My recent 4 of 5 positions of BITI(proshares SHORT BTC) was liquidated at an ROI of 7.5%. I had a trailing sell order and this recent BTC uptick from 56--63k made it hit(BITI is a SHORT on BTC futures). This was my 4th of 5 tiers as previously noted in above posts. The earlier three tiers were liquidated at a >=13.5%, 16.6%, and 20.0 % ROI. My 5th of 5 tiers is on hold as Im thinking of just letting it run. I may even hold for a few months or years. I think we are going to wake up some morning and find BTC has plummeted like a lead weight.

Best of luck to all bitcoiners.
"There are many large numbers smaller than one."


As expected, BTC has an uptrend for last few days. It has always happened after halving that price corrects a bit before going too high. I again say that BTC is here to stay for long. Biggest investment whales are into it for a reason.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


I wrote this on 4th May 2024 about Bitcoin:
QuoteBTC always sinks around halving and goes up heavily. I believe it will again go up by the end of this year reaching new high again. This tanking of price gives an opportunity to add more to your wallet for "average down". Actually, the surge and tank are essential to keep it under trading.
  If it tanks too low immediately and doesn't rise to a new high level BTC will lose lustre.New altcoins like BlockDag and PI could easily replace it being faster and safer way to transfer value.
Today, i.e. 6th of November Bitcoin reached $75k, an All Time High. Trump won the presidential election today in the USA. I again those who invested in Bitcoin or Ethereum for last few years and took benefit of average down by investing more, stand to gain the best any form of investment can offer. We might see temporary drawdowns but till January $80K Mark is most likely than not. Stay invested in the BTC and ETH. All the best.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


As I predicted 7-8 months back, Bitcoin surpassed $80k mark easily. Chances to go even higher can not be ruled out. Ethereum is also doing great. It can keep on increasing still and can even surpass $100k mark but we need to be a bit cautious at this stage. Profit booking could also start any moment. Those stayed invested in the BTC for a year or more are laughing lound on those who were negative about the potential of the BTC or even terming it as fraud. BTC was there, is there and will be there for long. No other investment can match that, be it property or gold or anything else. Invest small and systematically. It can remain stagnant or downwards too but grdually if you average down in downfall of prices, the corrections will reward you great. Watch out.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


I bought a "bit o biti" last week. Reminder BITI(pro shares Short on BTC futures). I have purchased BITI several times over the past few years when I think BTC has increased too much too fast. BTC was at 90K or so last week. I haven't checked it today (11/17)

BITI just announced on 10/28/24 it was doing a 1:5 reverse split on 11/5/24. It was around $6 dollars or so at that time. I started following it and after the reverse split it was around $30. Its my opinion that one reason for the 1:5 reverse split is to deter investors from speculating(Though same value post split obviously easier leverage to be had at $6 per share vs $30.) Possibly some arbitrage opportunities for folks that actually own BTC and bought it several years ago.

 As BTC started rising the past couple weeks BITI started dropping. I tried to get it at 25.55 but didn't get a strike that day. Last Wednesday(11/13) my price of $25.05 was triggered. It actually dropped on down to 24.40 or so I believe. Anyway , I was satisfied to get in at 25.05 and immediately set a sell price at .0735% profit. It(like BTC) is very volatile so I never leave it just setting idle(no trades on it) as alot of movement when our markets are closed(and BTC is live).

Good luck to all investors
"There are many large numbers smaller than one."


I make another prediction for Bitcoin. In Feb 2025, after Trump actually takes over as the President of USA and formulates policies and fits people, all good cryptos will gain insane. I do not know BITI etc or even ETF. I would bet on BTC, plain and simple. If you buy and sell at a fraction of % in this bull run, I can not appreciate this as a very wise decision. Do not get overconscious. Just invest a bit of your income and get the biggest gains possible in investments. Do not ever sell BTC fully. You might not get that price ever again. Use price graphs to buy at support and sale at resistance.
           Huge price declines could be seen around Mid of 2025. Be watchful.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Among new altcoins, Ton, Tron, Solana, SUI have great future prospectives. If you are looking for a big multibagger, buy BLOCKDAG now in its presale stage. I wrote a detailed topic on that. Don't miss out the biggest bullrun crypto industry has even seen. Take a plunge.Early participants have seen substantial returns, with the token price increasing from an initial $0.001 to the current $0.0234, marking a 2240% increase.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Bitcoin Surpassed $100k + rates and naysayers kept weeping. It is still not too late to enter into Bitcoin. The best price so far, is yet to come and most likely the first quarter of 2025 will see that. A good money management could yield even better from it despite the ups and downs it may offer, time to time.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Follow up from my earlier post#64 up above.

"...As BTC started rising the past couple weeks BITI started dropping. I tried to get it at 25.55 but didn't get a strike that day. Last Wednesday(11/13) my price of $25.05 was triggered. It actually dropped on down to 24.40 or so I believe. Anyway , I was satisfied to get in at 25.05 and immediately set a sell price at .0735% profit. It(like BTC) is very volatile so I never leave it just setting idle(no trades on it) as alot of movement when our markets are closed(and BTC is live)..."

    My first target finally hit(It took 2months) as my sale of BITI(Proshares SHORT Bitcoin) triggered at >=26.90 this past week(thurs or fri)  produced  a >= .0735% Yield. I thought it would hit within 24-30days. I didn't check to see the exact hit price but somewhere between 26.90--27.05. I just happened to get a notice of the transaction. I only sold 20% of my initial stake purchased at 25.05.

* I had actually tried to get another tier below my initial buy level. I placed a Buy at 19.80 for an additional 1/6th of my initial amount. Then raised that addendum Buy to 20.80 as BITI initially started moving downward to 22-23 range but then started back up so I raised up from that 19.80. I just didn't want a big gap between entry and secondary tier levels.

So I still own 80% of my initial purchase at 25.05. Who know BTC could be at 100K tomorrow(I think it was 84K on 3/1/25). So my BITI will likely be very volatile going forward. I have several tier levels already entered for SaleOrders for huge gains(Im optimistic I will awaken some morning and see that Bitcoin has tanked). Which will mean my BITI skyrocketed.

Im not too overly concerned (Not very much invested) so will patiently wait(For years if required). I do indeed perceive Bitcoin could go much higher. Though I expect it to plummet and gyrate(maybe several times) prior to reaching its apex years down the road.

Good luck to all the Bitcoiners(and to the BITI buyers).

"There are many large numbers smaller than one."