Yes. Anybody talking of a bet to be better or the best is either a naive or a crooked person. Every bet on roulette covers a portion of the wheel. Its win:loss are thereby proportional too. In a random game, we will always see wild and wilder scatter and clusters and nothing can predict when they will behave in what manner.
Even bets looking very dashing at the moment can go bad immediately when you bet on them. Hot, cold, sleepers, repeaters, opposite last, same as last or all these are just fanciful ways to pick a probability which is always constant.
Whichever bet you pick by any magical formula, it can not be a Constant Winning bet in any manner, by itself. Correct use of MM can though make any bet a CWB in the long run.
More later......
Something's cooking?
Quote from: Albalaha on May 08, 2016, 06:53:34 AM
Whichever bet you pick by any magical formula, it can not be a Constant Winning bet in any manner, by itself. Correct use of MM can though make any bet a CWB in the long run.
Whatever bet selection you might use it will only produce one of three states at any time. It works like a constant winning bet, it works like a constant losing bet, or it bounces somewhat between the CWB and the CLB state as an evening out state. Once anyone starts to react to the effectiveness trends of their betting choices they can maneuver with their MM stratagems.
In other words, don't be mesmerized by learning how to use bet selections, "these are not the droids you are looking for."
Do we talk about any "Temporary Winning Bet"? If so how can we identify this bet?
There is a group of people who say that you have to play what is coming out more than it should but a number coming out 4 times on 5 spins and then passing 100 spins without showing is a winning number yet if you entered after spin No. 6 you have been betting and losing 100 sets straight . that number is a sore loser for you.
What are the parameters that should be used for the temporary winning bet?
There is nothing like temporary winning bet too. What has past already may entice you by showing patterns that seem to do great. All the patterns are fake and you can draw no sane inference out of what has just happened about what will happen now. Only exception is the virtual limits if you believe in them. If you believe that there will be 100s of Reds consecutive too, one day, nothing is then left for you, to predict, that way too.
Any bet picked in any manner, carries the risk and that risk is same risk as it carries otherwise too. It is all about odds and house edge and all volatility comes from randomness via variance.
Learn to identify the patterns and trends, practice, practice, practice, then you will be a winner.
Easier said than done, but doable.
Finding patterns in a random game is worse that finding a needle in a heap of garbage. Patterns are visual illusions only. Come out of that before it swallows you.
I have written another topic on patter play, check that to know the reality, if you want. If you want to enjoy your hallucination, I am none to interrupt. Find your CWB if you can.
True, 1,000,000% there is no, and never will be a constant or consistent winning trend/bias. Yes, also true, what happens in one portion of the shoe may or may not happen in the another portion of the same shoe. Like wise, the same bias might follow for the whole shoe and the next one or two shoes.
Play what the shoe is producing.
If you are reading or writing on this board, you are doing either that or the opposite of that.
Fact is, you are not truly, each and every time, flipping a coin or flat betting one side with no observation at the board or your own score card. If you are, you are looking for a bias anyways, the one side or either side you are wagering on to prevail through winning more then the other.
The O.P. statement is the same as a written law on the books. This is what you are supposed to do or don't do, 100% of the time. What people do is entirely different.
But to sit here and write what you did, I am sorry, not reality and not correct. But I will say, admit and put it on anyone's life including my own, their is no consistent and constant winning wager that can happen each and every time or even the majority of times it appears.
Thanks for the info
viva9988 (