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To Mark/Gizmotron

Started by alrelax, September 30, 2019, 04:56:30 PM

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You are what you are, the same as myself. 

The only mistake I made on any board was the 'Saturday Night Live' type of skits converted into the written words/posts I had made regarding systems, other members and such.

The rest of just about everything I ever posted, deleted and re-posted, has been my experiences, downright real, justified if needed and absolutely the truth or what I believed to the last word.  Not, words of hate and spite and words that attempted to demolish or put someone's light's out, so to say. But others that are drama driven and pretty much full-time internet types, certainly roll with it all and use what I have said or said in pun to boast themselves and pass themselves off as multi interracial and savior to any and all people.   

Problem is, so many are exclusively inhibited and as well--introverted on here.  They picture just about everyone else the same or just below themselves with little to no imagination, experience or optimism.  All of course, IMO.

I thought for a while--we were about on the same level, play--experience wise that is.  But you did (again IMO) go a tad bit too far with the medical, personal and professional valuations regarding myself.  Why?  I can't really say.  Maybe I was just there. 

I seriously have been through some pretty tumultuous times and experiences in my life from being affiliated through marriage with NYC Asian Triads to all out criminal activity regarding adult businesses and financially related activity and businesses, to non-gambling and non-criminal professions that were just nasty-dirty and extremely difficult years with the history of them, etc. 

I generally (unless pun is intended or some other form of humor) tell the truth with explicit and redundant tenacity on here.  Yes, I have been on other boards and self-banned myself or been banned for generally not caring one bit about what they stand for and got in some two bit 'back alley' fight with some internet troll.  Like I did on the other forum I last told the Admin to ban myself.  I just got that NYC 'don't give a F*** attitude when I take a stand for something', etc., etc. 

As far as accepting or not accepting an apology of the type you made, I honestly see no reason to have even brought up what you did.  You have nothing to prove here the same as myself, although I have tried at times, why---I could not answer except to say, I write the honest and unforgiving truth. 

There is a way to gamble and there certainly are many ways not to gamble.  The same as writing on the board here or anywhere else.

Just because someone gambles differently than myself does not make him or her inferior or superior to myself or anyone else for that matter.  Likewise, the way others write and what they write about or belief in, the exact same would have to hold true as well.  If we were all the same, this world would really suck a heck of a lot more than it already does.  And, you and your few buddies that ganged up together, certainly write and dictate one-sided non verifiable experiences and dialog a heck of a lot more than I have or ever have done.  So be it.  Truth like that is hard to defend and show, it just lies there and is interpreted by those that read. 

The bottom line?  And many will not like it, some will take it and twist and turn it and use it against me, others might realize something from it and begin their own journey into finally realizing how to win and stop.  But here it is.  You cannot race bicycles without knowing how to ride one in the first place.  You cannot swim in competition without knowing how to swim in the first place.  You cannot race a car without knowing how to drive one in the first place.  You cannot be a novelist without having basic skills in writing, reading, organizational and researching skills in the first place.  You cannot be successful in gambling without having experienced losses and wins in the first place.

It is the realization and the comprehension of the proper skills and protocols that will allow you to take advantage of what casino games present.  Meaning, how to actually recognize risk, manage it and at the same time, the ability to cash out and be comfortable at your levels and plateaus that govern your casino time and play. 

Wishing you the best as I always have.  Although at your own admission your previous apology to myself was a lie and a piece of made up drama, mine is not.

Maybe one day you will realize...Alrelax/Glen.

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