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2 Posts I Want to Re-Post This Morning

Started by alrelax, April 25, 2018, 03:32:04 PM

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Yes, I copy and pasted it, but it is appropriate for this morning. 

If you do not read things I write or have no interest in what I post, please skip this--no comment needed by any means, but I feel a need to post these two threads once again, as they to represent what so many of us are here for.  Reading what other baccarat gamblers actually do. 


I am pretty hard headed, LOL But still here!
« on: January 31, 2018, 06:55:43 PM »

Most of you know me, some of you do not.  For those of you whom do not, I am Italian, I am from the Bronx (New York City) I have been trough ups and downs in life that would amaze many.  The message board in summation is a small part of my life/daily routine in many ways and I have kind made a home here at BetSlection for many reasons.  Yes, I have been on Sonya's 'Vegas Message Board' and The Wizard's WOV and Andrew's (Shifter) Vegas Forums, etc.  Yes I was banned from those at my own doing and not retreating when the BS hit the fan, as they say.  Mostly those boards are drama rooms and boards for the consumer or soap opera end of things, in so many ways.  It didn't phase me at the time and still does not.  As far as BetSelection, I have meet some really great people in various parts of the world and on the board type of relationships.  I have learned from many here and I have countless emails from some board members here as well as many that have never posted as I have helped them in their gambling ventures.

I have expressed myself and I have used BetSelection as an avenue that allows me to write about baccarat and casinos.   do have a full time successful established business that has nothing to do with gambling.  Pictures and stories are posted within my Blog regarding that.  I have many facets to my life outside of the casino and gambling and this message board, unlike what many think.  Same as gambling for those negative or naysayers, etc.,  'small mind/closed mind' go nowhere types.  It's all good.

Fast forward a bit.  Vic is brought the board down for a couple/few days to reboot and re-do his forums.  That turns into a couple of months plus a couple f weeks.  Hey, it happened.  So many did email me and said they would never be back.  I guess it is the same as when a restaurant that is popular or say a bowling alley closes for a sale of the business or closes to renovate, etc.  Some leave and never return as a customer and yet, many new customers come on scene when it reopens.

But hey, here we are.  It is a good place and IMO, better than all the other ones out there.  Sure I tried another one or two while Vic was down here at BeSelection.  The one that most of the rooms within itself require you to be a paid subscriber for like $50.00 a month is a total joke, I read many things on there and know a couple of the posters as well.  Total garbage, in fact, if you follow what some say and they preach--you will have your bankroll destroyed, all said IMO and nothing endorsed or asked of me to say by Vic or this board.  Just a sheer fact.  In fact one of their key players on that board was a friend and an endorse of another board where the boards admin went into the hole playing baccarat to the tune of about $500,000.00 of bad unpaid markers that he is or will be criminally prosecuted by Clark County Neveada's county attorney.  He disavows knowing the guy now o the new board and is preaching once again about playing baccarat, etc.  LOL to the max!

I have done fairly well at baccarat.  Never claim fame to mechanical stems or being able to make millions and beat a - Negative expectation game, but I have won far greater than my losing sessions.  I even post pictures when I can.  And like most things, in business and life in general.  The longevity of anything, takes time, patience and due diligence of doing things day in and day out on a repetitive basis.  At times it sucks and other times it is great.  But it is me, you, Vic and all the rest of us that makes this board the greatest.  I joke around some and unless you actually know me, you might not understand what I write at times.  Something you have to follow.  But when I say, I have been there, I have been there.  I am not proud of everything I have done i life, but there are numerous things that far outweigh the bad things and those things I am extremely proud of.  I put my writings and my experiences here on BetSelection as one of those in the latter category.

You know, I am currently up in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St Paul) for Superbowl 52 and a couple of days before I left last week I was at the casino.  I bought in for $900.00 playing baccarat.  I was up about $1,500.00 and I failed to apply my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd Money Management System I always do.  I don't k why I did not when I doubled my buy-in because my 1/3rd system has fueled my wins almost all the time and protected my buy-in from being lost.  Anyways, I get wiped out and I bought in with another $600.00.  Something I rarely do and out of 100 sessions with 100 buy-ins, I would say that I would buy-in a second time, once--maybe just once like I did last week.  It always leads to disaster and if I can't win on the initial buy-in or win and give it back and then lose my buy-in, I wind up pressured and losing the 2nd buy-in as well, just like everyone else.  I learned a long time ago, that all the repeat buy-ins will outweigh the wins if I do that.  Something else I have written about.  But I am hard headed and I am real and I know baccarat and casinos..........So........

Like I said, I am at the casino, lost $900.00 and bought back in for $600.00.  I had $2,000.00 pocket money for my little boy for the week and a half I would be at the Superbowl, for his movies, the Mall of America, Extreme Sand Box, etc., etc.,etc.  I set that aside a while back and although I have other funds available, that was his and for him.  Sure I could have left with $900.00 down, replaced it and lived happily ever after.  I do not chase.  Leave and reset and start again another day.  I learned years ago.  But something got into me and something was wrong.  The casino took my little boy's money!  My Italian and my NYC background came out all at once.

I bought back in.  I was down to right around $200.00 once again.  I looked around and realized I did everything I said not to do, so many times.  Oh well, that's life in so many real ways!  I said to myself I was unintelligent and past stupid and there was no need to stay any longer.  Take the $200.00 use it for food and gas and the trip to Minneapolis and replace the $1,500.00 I lost and call it a night.  Yeah right.  You know what???  I actually thought of this board, the things I have said and Vic, right then and there.  I would not have bought in again and I would have left if I lost that $200.00 by all means.  I almost got up, really.  Then the dealers switched, the one that took most of the $1,500.00 from me was just tapped out by one that I always win Fortune 7's with.  She sits down and I throw up $175.00 on the Banker and $25.00 on the Fortune 7 side wager.  Players hand shows 2 monkeys and the Banker has blackjack for a total of 1.  Players third card is a 6.  LOL, I actually broke out laughing as I saw a monkey or an Ace or a 2 coming for the Bankers side.  A few others are on the Fortune 7 as well for $25.00 or $50.00 thinking about that $1,000.00 or $2,000.00 win.  They are yelling and screaming for a 6.  I am doing nothing.  They hold the dealer up and tell me, 'hey that's not like you—what the heck man, we need a 6, give us some power here'.  So I join in and boom-yes a 6!  So naturally as always, the dealer says, 'back to back Fortunes coming here'.  It's happened in the past but very seldom.   

So I leave the $175.00 on the Banker and throw up another $25.00 on the Fortune 7 wager for a total of $50.00 hoping for $2,000.00 pay off.  I put a quarter off to the side for the dealer for a $1,025.00 tip which the dealers keep their own tips at this casino.  She calls the floor person and he says okay.  She pulls a monkey and 2 for the Player and a 10 and a monkey for the Bankers side.  She pulls an 8 for the players side reducing them to zero.  Saying, "nothing to beat now", so naturally we are all screaming, and I mean loud for a 7, everyone is coming over  to the baccarat table watching at this point.  She slides the card out and it is still face down.  She goes to flip it and I stop her.  I told her to slightly pick it up and let me see it.  So I put my head almost on the table and she picks it up a tiny bit.  I can see the 3 lines on it and say to put it back down.  She does and the floor person looks at me and asks what I saw.  I said three lines.  The table goes wild as everyone had a quarter or two out on the Fortune 7.  There was 3 other $5 chips out next to the quarters for the dealer.  If it was a 7 the dealer would get $1,640.00 tip.  I told her I did not want to see it first and for her to look at it.  It was at this point, 2 Asian girls playing throw a fit and wanted the players to see the card first and not the dealer.  The pit manager came over and told us we have to all agree or he will turn it over.  So we all said for the dealer to look at it and flip it so she sees it first, towards herself.  As she was flipping it, she screams and her right elbow hits the chip rack and numerous chips are on the floor now and all we know is it was a 7.

I am up like $1,500.00 now and leave the $50.00 on the Fortune 7 wager and put it all on the Banker for a wager of $1,675.00.   Bankers get 7 over the players 6.  I leave with the $3,100.00 and change profit and as I pass the baccarat table on the way from the cashier's cage, say my goodbye.  The dealer told me with tears in her eyes, that I just made her little kid's birthday something she would never have been able to do otherwise.

I remember lots of things I have wrote on here and although I am against buying in a second time to play catch up, I did it for reasons unknown to myself.  You know life brings us down many roads and it is up to ourselves to make those journeys something that we remember no matter if they are good or not so good.  Just when you think you have seen everything, something jumps out there and grabs you.  Just like when my little boy recently told me, "Daddy we are not going to celebrate your birthday any more".  I asked him why and he says, "Because when you have a birthday you get older and if you get older one day you will die and I don't want that so we have to stop your birthdays".

Just like I say to Vic, don't stop this board.  Keep doing what you do, follow your feelings, don't pay attention to the other garbage boards out there and if you made a mistake, don't look back--just remember and don't make it again.
Reference skipping what you don't agree with, like, enjoy, are interested in and maybe--just doesn't suit your ego-style or mentality, etc:

And the second one is:

Message Board Fallacy & the Desire to Chastise Others, what is the real reason?
« on: April 03, 2018, 09:31:01 PM »

The internet, The Knowledge, Info, Data, Etc.  All right there for better—for worse!

Out of curiosity—Message Board Fallacy and the Desire to Chastise Others.  What is the real reason?

Personally, I don't read out of, 'Curiosity to chastise', or 'Whom can I belittle or humiliate today?'  At least to go looking for them, and there sure are plenty of fishes in the sea!  However, when someone comes on one of my posts, I will probably answer, unlike many others—I believe it is rude and not appropriate to ignore questions as well as a rude comment by another on a thread anyone creates.  If you are going to create, answer and be real, same as you would do if it was in person.

The same as a book or movie or a local hangout of any type.  If you don't enjoy it, if you don't learn something, if you are not interested in it, if you don't like the person writing whatever it is, if you are above what the person is discussing or you get upset, why would you even go on that page and waste your time with it?  Something I never really understood for the life of myself!

Why demean—chastise—belittle someone that wrote something (something that is written in a real-nature and non-commercial/non-scamming type of gesture, etc.)  in his opinion and research or his beliefs that are not in retaliatory style to anything that you have written yourself or subscribe to?  There are many examples of this going on the internet casino gambling boards.   

Such as the likes of certain past and a few current members here on BetSelection.  Also, and a most perfect example would be the elite group of 'so-called' professional multi-million dollar full time baccarat players that attempt to and collude with the owner of the website to sell monthly memberships and subscriptions where you have to be accepted to join and the only requirements are, pay monthly fees and basically be submissive and agree to whatever is said.  Best of all, no experience needed and no contribution required, only to pay a certain amount of money a month.  You kind of, and have to praise and worship those putting on the show also, but hey—like I said, submissive.  If you choose to believe in fallacy, desires, fantasies and scheming---join them.  If not, then stay within the real-world of gambling and baccarat because if you do join them—you will head yourself down the worst road you possibly could in the world of fallacy and dreams for sale.  Anything that is really worthwhile said within their elite circle of paid members, is actually available for free anywhere else on the internet.  As far as all the strategic and secretly uncovered patterns and wagering success, it is just good old fashioned 'arm-chair' quarterbacking turned into wishful thinking that their randomness will really repeat itself and consistently provide you wealth, which if it really was---they would not be wasting their ultra-valuable time selling low dollar memberships to their circle of bull poo-poo to the millionth degree.

I speak the brutal honest truth, which many can't stand because it contradicts their agenda, roles or salesmanship tactics.  Message boards are used by many people in many varying ways.  However, I use them and believe that many exist on them for their learning, interests, research and enjoyment of whatever the subject matter is.  Unfortunately, there are those that use them as their 'base', their 'website' and marketing tool to locate and market to those of a less experienced, vulnerable and less knowledgeable aspect of whatever the subject is, to sell them their 'scams' and fallacies turned around and masked as the, 'easy-street of gambling' that will make you wealthy, etc.

My words and thoughts (mostly through or based upon my own casino experiences) rather than strictly on-line or 'non-lived' type of experiences, is what I choose to use.  I have never been overwhelmed or attempted to get involved in the theories and the statistical mathematical end of gambling, because to me—that applies to the 'long run', which we do not play when we sit down at the table and put out real money on the real table to play the real game of baccarat.  We could just as easily receive the 3 shoes that produced 50 + Players for the 80 hands each as we would receive shoes that produced 36 Bankers and 34 Players, close to what the statistical models prove in mathematical testing, etc.   But, members and readers will interpret what one says on the message board according to their own agenda and beliefs the majority of the times, rather than where the author of the information came from and what he experienced, is the mistake I think many make when using a message board.  You can learn a lot on the various message boards and forums alike.  Or, you can obtain the wrong information which could lead you down the road of financial disaster as well.  Be careful what you feed into your brain and use your wallet to fund your pursuit of winning with.  Most forums have huge agendas and hidden secrets, I warn you from the bottom of my heart.  BetSeleciton is one of the few that does not and attempts to administer a forum that reasonably commercial-free or let's say, 'non-forced' upon its members.  While other forums and boards, sole mission from its owner(s) and their colluded with side-kicks, is to sell memberships or their other agendas by deceitful and dominant means for its readers and members to live out the fallacies of becoming professional full-time multi-million dollar winners at the casino with their special information known only by their group of key-players at that website/forum/board, etc.   

But, message boards and forums, have agenda's and reasons for their own existence.  Usually it is about money and something the owner and their colluded with sidekicks, assist them with to form a certain 'circle of business' with.  Each one puts on a pretty good front, IMO to cover up this end of themselves.  Please ask yourself, "If it or they say it does 'such and such', why are they giving it away for $50.00 a month or something else for several hundred or even one thousand dollars"?  Seriously guys!  Why would they all not be out on a Caribbean island relaxing in the tropical breeze, playing golf and getting daily massages and every so often replenishing their bank accounts with the millions of dollars they claim they take from the casinos with their super secretive information that you can get---if you only join their special circle of professional players, etc.   Oh yeah, I answered my own question—I forgot.  They are not out on a Caribbean Island doing all that luxurious stuff because they are compelled to help their fellow gambler and internet friend out of the goodness of their hearts, etc., etc., etc., and so on and so forth and they have to constantly be on their computers to quickly ban anyone that comes forth with actual, factual and real gaming experiences and perhaps, just might post something that would be detrimental to the discreditation of the members that endorse the owners line of 'propaganda'.

So, go ahead and believe what so many will say on these types of forums, boards and websites., that it is possible to have that luxurious, lifestyle of becoming a multi-million dollar professional elite baccarat gambler, just like them---if you join their circle of special friends and just pay a little bit of money for such a special privilege.  How was that, pretty close to what they are doing?

I guess all sides really do exist on the internet.  I never really did realize it until I compared the internet to real life and visa-versa.  And the message boards & forums are pretty much a carbon copy in so many ways! 

You know, seriously, I walk in stores like Barnes and Noble once in awhile.  I pick up a book and skim through it, If don't like it--I put it down and go on to another.  I don't write down the author's name, email and contact info to send him a chastising or humiliating note and threaten on him.  OMG, seriously guys--are we 12 or 6 and not over 21 or 25 here?  Even my little boy who is 5 years old, goes into a store, picks something up and checks it out.  If he doesn't like it, he puts it down.  He rarely even says anything, moves on. 

BTW:  You can mute anyone you want on here, even me!  It is easy to do, then you can not be contacted by that person and as well--you will not even see the content of his posts!  Isn't that great?  Use it if it floats your boat.

My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


I assume you posted these for some interaction rather than reading it yourself, am I right?

If it's the 2nd case then is like masturbation, you get satisfied by yourself without the need of another human being.

If it's the 1st case then I assume that everybody could speak freely his/her mind, talk about what he/she really thinks like you are doing about scams, frauds...etc

I really admire your honesty and straightforward spirit, you dare to tell the truth, you dare to oppose interests when you have none by doing so!  :applause:
Thus you are acting like citizens' advocate and someone has to do so without the materialistic motivation.
As for you, the same principles exist for me, I'mm an idealistic person, sometimes I could be accused for expecting too much from such world and to be too idealistic could has practical consequences...

With such circumstances as we call everyday life, it is not convenient to be honest and live by your morals and principles, it is not easy to practice what you preach...
In theory, everything seem easier than how it really is.

And here we come to particularly you, what you wrote:

"But, members and readers will interpret what one says on the message board according to their own agenda and beliefs the majority of the times, rather than where the author of the information came from and what he experienced, is the mistake I think many make when using a message board."

Even if I agree in general with the most of what you express, allow me to disagree with the above and let me explain why;
It's not who says/claims something, anything, but what he/she is actually saying/claiming.
The explanation is pretty simple, on words everything is easy, everyone could claim anything, I could claim that I'm Alexander the Great or Epicurus for example, but of course it would be far from truth.

We have to be the example we want/expect to see in others...a great leader does first what he preaches and later expect others, who are able, to follow.

Your casino venture was an aftermath of plain luck and lack of discipline.
Nobody could gain something positive from such example, in my opinion.
Only could tempt some to think: "Hey, why not do as Glen did, I could win on the end!"
Out of 10 persons who would read and consider your ad-venture on such way, only 1 will experience similar result as yours.

Therefore, under this perspective, I think that you are availing more trouble than assistance and forgive me for saying so but it is what I really believe.

If you decide to consider my comment as rude, furthermore remove it and ignore me, I'd understand because I don't expect you to understand me.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Blue A,

It was said in the context of the whole thing, not an ideology or an instructive protocol for gambling, etc.  I hope you understand, but this is why I included it.   Yes, in part 'off the hip' or a 'Hail Mary' as they say, but at times it could be more and at times it has nothing to do with those.  But in this case-it was a 'Hail Mary' type of play and since I preach and attack things from a side most do not agree with on the board here--I was actually bringing out more about going against what I preach and believe in that has served me extremely better since finding those methods/insights I claim, rather than the way so many believe is the correct and normal way to play.

"I looked around and realized I did everything I said not to do, so many times. "

"I learned a long time ago, that all the repeat buy-ins will outweigh the wins if I do that.  Something else I have written about. "


"I remember lots of things I have wrote on here and although I am against buying in a second time to play catch up, I did it for reasons unknown to myself.  You know life brings us down many roads and it is up to ourselves to make those journeys something that we remember no matter if they are good or not so good.  Just when you think you have seen everything, something jumps out there and grabs you."

And, yes--I posted it for a reason, not necessarily for the reasons you quoted/stated.  Something happened on the board last night and the second post, actually coincides with this one for that purpose as well.  This is a community board and not a gathering place to practice sparring or the equivalent of boxing in internet land. 

As far as your comment about masturbation, I don't know, being a former brothel as well as a "Happy Ending" (USA slang for legal/illegal massage parlors) place(s) owner,  I think I know all about that subject and taking that into consideration, I assure you that was not my intention here. 

Thanks for your well thought out answer! 

My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com