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Adulay shoes

Started by RouletteGhost, January 28, 2016, 10:42:38 PM

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I see you uploaded some old decisions

see example attached

excuse my stupidity here but take for example the card on the left, 4 players come first, so when you went to that table you saw PPPP, in other words the top line is newest and then going down is what came next? thanks
QuoteBecause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.


Quote from: RouletteGhost on January 28, 2016, 10:42:38 PM

I see you uploaded some old decisions

see example attached

excuse my stupidity here but take for example the card on the left, 4 players come first, so when you went to that table you saw PPPP, in other words the top line is newest and then going down is what came next? thanks


  Wow.  An oldie but a goodie I see.  Had to go back and pull that year off the shelf to see what I did.

  I came into that particular shoe as a new one and started the wagering at hand 3, on Player.  I played it "F2" for the win.  +19 according to my records.



ADulay, I'm just curious...was my reply on Xcaliforniadealers post deleated by the staff. I had another reply removed, I guess Xcaliforniadealer must be doing that himself.



Quote from: Wewin2222 on January 28, 2016, 11:15:24 PM
ADulay, I'm just curious...was my reply on Xcaliforniadealers post deleated by the staff. I had another reply removed, I guess Xcaliforniadealer must be doing that himself.


Xcaliforniadealer is deleting most, if not all of his posts for some reason.

Evidently nobody seems to care if they wreck a thread anymore.

What generally happens in forums that allow this type of behavior is that the original poster gets mad about something and then takes his ball and goes home.

The staff removes only X-Rated posts and those deemed unacceptable to a civil discussion.



shouldnt allow members to delete posts unless it is their own blog

between him and baccpm i see lots of fu*kery
QuoteBecause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.


I deleted almost all of my posts for the simple reason that they are not warranted or appreciated.  I took a long time and lots of effort to answer questions and afford others knowledge and factual happenings from casinos.  Kind of like being in a classroom to learn something technical but there are a few relentless ones preaching and attempting to derail others with childish statements having no validity or purposes other than an attempt to grab attention and illicit from others, 'WOW, OMG really factor'.

The responses and the constant 'chopping down' by Wewinn2222 was what did it.  The strength and the conviction of the mostly garbage he was preaching and relentslly posting which is 100% not true, unproven and does not exisits in the legitimate casino world.  Perhaps at some mom and pop motels or other venues and industries, but sorry, casino in the USA do not moniter and record inside of bathrooms, hotel rooms, etc.  I don't want to cat fight, dog fight, prove things that are not true or engage in 'he said-she said'. 

I have two decades plus dealing baccarat and cards games as well, in excess of that playing in many casinos.  I have family members working in Cali, Vegas and in the Northeast as well as Asia in the casino industry. 

I in no way claim to know everything or take the stance that my theories or knowledge is the way everything should be played.  But in no way do I cite or post what someone said that I overheard or is made up or taken out of context.  Seems 'some' want to litter the board with 'this or that' without one bit of evidence or personal knowledge, or history of that posted info being true or correct or that it is factual operational standards, etc.

Oh yeah, come on seriously, I am laying in my casino hotel bed and security bust in to check to see if I am alive.  The only way that would happen, if the person made a 911 call to threaten suicide or called someone else and they reported same back to the casino hotel, etc. 

I liked the board and the people and I seriously thought it was a great avenue to learn and explore and share, but with the mentality of WeWinn2222 attacking me in my threads or other posts I made, I see no reason to share and use my time and efforts, only to be squared off on with some fallacies.  So I deleted everything I wrote in all my threads and the other places I posted in choosing not to be a part of a board that is part factual and part 100% garbage.


Xcaliforniadealer- What I said was and is the truth and people need to know that. I don't care if you believe it or not. Casino's do have cameras in the hotel rooms and it is an invasion of privacy.



is it BELIEVABLE that they bused into your room to check if you were dead? is it reasonable to believe the rooms are on camera?

NO and NO

but who am i to say it did NOT happen, i was not there

QuoteBecause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.


This is a forum where everyone post their opinion and things they have experienced. We have the option to believe it or not. If you don't like someone you don't have to read their post. That's ok...Xcaliforniadealer has basiclly called me a liar and I have the right to defend myself. He thinks that because he has delt cards that he should have instant credibility. However when he says someone took there last 400 dollars in one evening and made 250,000.00 dollars. The guy then went to his room and started to count the money, got concerned about a flashing red light and dismantled it looking for a camera and didn't find one. Thy guy then went on to kill someone for stealing his money. I figured Xcaliforniadealer said all that to refute my post about cameras in their hotel room. If you can believe that story you shouldn't have any problem with what I said. However what I said was actually true.

Please grow up Xcaliforniadealer you talk like a child.



It was a joke.  I posted a joke.  :nod:

But for giggles Archie Karas did turn$50.00 into $40Million!  And lost a good share of that playing Baccarat!   He was very well known in the LA card club casinos.   


Why didn't you say you were joking, I would have said that's a good joke.



Quote from: ADulay on January 28, 2016, 10:56:08 PM

  Wow.  An oldie but a goodie I see.  Had to go back and pull that year off the shelf to see what I did.

  I came into that particular shoe as a new one and started the wagering at hand 3, on Player.  I played it "F2" for the win.  +19 according to my records.

So you won +19 using F2, so what is / was F2 ??


So our moderator won 19 units playing F2, can somebody tell me what F2 is?   Or maybe I have to give that Smith or Ellis fella some cash to access their that "beat the casino" web-site to find out?  :'(

Which kinda begs the question, why was it even mentioned in the first place????  :thumbsdown:



Quote from: 2-Face on February 19, 2016, 07:39:02 PM

Which kinda begs the question, why was it even mentioned in the first place????  :thumbsdown:

Uh, because it was one of my shoes that was posted as the example?  If it will keep the likes of you happy, I will refrain from ever posting a score or play on any shoe posted in the future. 

I would be more than happy to explain the intricacies of F2/F3 and all of the voluminous rules that go with them (actually it's only two) but then I would be "shilling" for Ellis' sites, propagating the end of baccarat as we know it and probably contributing to global warming with all of the hot air you continue to spew, but I'll let you inform them of this super secret weapon from the mind of Ellis, as you like to call it.

You know how to play it (F2/F3) as you're well versed in all of Ellis' stuff and he won't mind, nor will I.

As I am no longer allowed to even MENTION any kind of system play, especially from anything Ellis, I will defer to your expertise on the matter.

Oh yeah, F2/F3 is also part of Maverick.  May as well toss that nugget in there too!

Have at it.



F-Series F2/F3:
You simply follow under 2-in-a-row. You bet under the first 2 in-a-row and stay on that side until the
other side has a run of 2. Then you follow that 2.

Remember: when we are on F2, the FIRST time we see a 2 on the other side, we switch sides and follow
that 2. After we switch, we allow 3 plays on that side before changing sides. After we have allowed 3
plays on that side, we now go back to "follow the 2". So, now when we see a 2 on the other side, we
follow that 2 again, and apply "once you switch sides, you must bet 3 times before changing again" This
provides protected from the TTs.