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After all of this...

Started by Garfield, August 13, 2017, 04:48:20 PM

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Well, what a conclusion. May I say that ? ???

What's there left ?

Some on watch-list ; a (last?) note from a member ; explanation from the "you-know-who" etc

And I have this surprise !!!

Never seen it coming...

Got an e-mail from someone@somewhere.com, said that he read the recent topic, and he felt blablablah and he want me to blablablah and to cut the story short, he sent me the "controversial" book.

Wow !

This is something I never expected.

Be assured, it wasn't the one who get involved in the recent situation.

So, I am on dilemma. Look at it, or no ?

Well the curiosity win, so I read it...and read it...and keep on reading to the last page.

Should I make a review ? I didn't buy it or anything, so I supposed I shouldn't.

Beside, the copyright issues, the law, the attorney etc etc. I'm just a simple cat.


Maybe a general comment wouldn't hurt anybody. ( I guess ???)

For me, IMHO and personal comment only,

I've read Silverthone's, bought Alvin's, got free for Dr.Tom...and this is no different with what I've read.

Try it with real money ? Nah, I think I will pass....

Not because I don't believe it will work whatsoever, just personal choice.

I've learned my lesson.

So, for the sender, sorry to let you down. I will send it back to you, and I promise I won't keep it.

And please don't ask me to share. Even though I got it for free, and I've read it, I won't give you anything.

So, for me the finale is a surprise for me.

You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


Hi Garfield,

Must have been a nice surprise for you. I would imagine those free copies of the book have circulated far and wide in the bacc world esp to lots of bacc forum members nationwide by now and whatnot... Nothing to stop other people giving it away, I suppose to others... and others giving on... etc.

I think the author has really brought this sad situation upon HIMSELF by his own actions and is now paying the penalty for trying to "take over" and monopolise the forum for his own business advantage.  This has brought on a Lose-Lose situation.
for him.

It's regrettable things like this had to go this far (and I do genuinely sympathise with the poor author about that)
However, I have MUCH more sympathy and respect for our genuine stalwart forum members who were only trying to do right by the forum and who have been the subject of undeserved and nasty comments made about them (and that includes myself as well, btw.  - Tabone you are sick in the head and should quickly see a doctor about your delusional egomania - seriously mate!)

Garfield  - I'd like to ask you about Izak's systems - did you ever play any of those too? Or do they fall into same category as what you described as well?


PS. I just saw he posted a couple of times over at gamblingforums.com under his "cluedupcity" alias
Shamelessly promoting his own system without even owning up to the fact that he is the author!

stephen tabone

Quote from: Atlantis on August 13, 2017, 06:42:32 PM
Hi Garfield,

Must have been a nice surprise for you. I would imagine those free copies of the book have circulated far and wide in the bacc world esp to lots of bacc forum members nationwide by now and whatnot... Nothing to stop other people giving it away, I suppose to others... and others giving on... etc.

I think the author has really brought this sad situation upon HIMSELF by his own actions and is now paying the penalty for trying to "take over" and monopolise the forum for his own business advantage.  This has brought on a Lose-Lose situation.
for him.

It's regrettable things like this had to go this far (and I do genuinely sympathise with the poor author about that)
However, I have MUCH more sympathy and respect for our genuine stalwart forum members who were only trying to do right by the forum and who have been the subject of undeserved and nasty comments made about them (and that includes myself as well, btw.  - Tabone you are sick in the head and should quickly see a doctor about your delusional egomania - seriously mate!)

Garfield  - I'd like to ask you about Izak's systems - did you ever play any of those too? Or do they fall into same category as what you described as well?


PS. I just saw he posted a couple of times over at gamblingforums.com under his "cluedupcity" alias
Shamelessly promoting his own system without even owning up to the fact that he is the author!

I have received an email about your posts that attack me in various ways including copyright. You should be banned from this forum.

If you are allowed to continue with your attacks as can be seen in your recent posts, I will do as I have read members have written that I had been planning to do but is not true and that is to take over this forum just like you are trying to take over me.

Furthermore and not withstanding, I will write to the site owner that I will do this because of you and as well as taking over this forum I will write to members about my new forum when it it set up very soon and I will write to this site owner that I will do so namely because of you.



  Let me say this one more time.

  Man, you're losing it.  Step back and take a break from the insanity.


stephen tabone

Quote from: ADulay on August 13, 2017, 07:54:42 PM

  Let me say this one more time.

  Man, you're losing it.  Step back and take a break from the insanity.


Dear AD.

Let me be very clear. I am not losing it; I am very calm and cool.

Have you read Atlantis posts? I received an email alerting me to his posts. He is breaking forum rules. But of course you wouldn't see anything wrong in his action would you.

So continue to turn a blind eye.

Best wishes


P.S. If you do not want to moderate properly and rather support rule breaking then just write so rather than try to give the persona that you're undertaking the role fairly which we all know is remote from the truth. Because when you continue in this vein you're damaging this forum. 


Quote from: Garfield on August 13, 2017, 04:48:20 PM
Well, what a conclusion. May I say that ? ???

What's there left ?

Some on watch-list ; a (last?) note from a member ; explanation from the "you-know-who" etc

And I have this surprise !!!

Never seen it coming...

Got an e-mail from someone@somewhere.com, said that he read the recent topic, and he felt blablablah and he want me to blablablah and to cut the story short, he sent me the "controversial" book.

Wow !

This is something I never expected.

Be assured, it wasn't the one who get involved in the recent situation.

So, I am on dilemma. Look at it, or no ?

Well the curiosity win, so I read it...and read it...and keep on reading to the last page.

Should I make a review ? I didn't buy it or anything, so I supposed I shouldn't.

Beside, the copyright issues, the law, the attorney etc etc. I'm just a simple cat.


Maybe a general comment wouldn't hurt anybody. ( I guess ???)

For me, IMHO and personal comment only,

I've read Silverthone's, bought Alvin's, got free for Dr.Tom...and this is no different with what I've read.

Try it with real money ? Nah, I think I will pass....

Not because I don't believe it will work whatsoever, just personal choice.

I've learned my lesson.

So, for the sender, sorry to let you down. I will send it back to you, and I promise I won't keep it.

And please don't ask me to share. Even though I got it for free, and I've read it, I won't give you anything.

So, for me the finale is a surprise for me.
Me thinks you're referring to Stephen's book, The Ultimate Golden Secret Baccarat Winning Strategy 3.0

Or was it his Ultimate Silver Bullet Proof Baccarat Winning Strategy 2.1


(Controversial book) was it from a member who got a free copy? I wonder, tut tut. It must be that good then.

Remember it's a Secret. lol



Quote from: Atlantis on August 13, 2017, 06:42:32 PM
Hi Garfield,

Must have been a nice surprise for you. I would imagine those free copies of the book have circulated far and wide in the bacc world esp to lots of bacc forum members nationwide by now and whatnot... Nothing to stop other people giving it away, I suppose to others... and others giving on... etc.

I think the author has really brought this sad situation upon HIMSELF by his own actions and is now paying the penalty for trying to "take over" and monopolise the forum for his own business advantage.  This has brought on a Lose-Lose situation.
for him.

It's regrettable things like this had to go this far (and I do genuinely sympathise with the poor author about that)
However, I have MUCH more sympathy and respect for our genuine stalwart forum members who were only trying to do right by the forum and who have been the subject of undeserved and nasty comments made about them (and that includes myself as well, btw.  - Tabone you are sick in the head and should quickly see a doctor about your delusional egomania - seriously mate!)

Garfield  - I'd like to ask you about Izak's systems - did you ever play any of those too? Or do they fall into same category as what you described as well?


PS. I just saw he posted a couple of times over at gamblingforums.com under his "cluedupcity" alias
Shamelessly promoting his own system without even owning up to the fact that he is the author!
You really should read your posts over again and then try to think about who is really sick in the head. With all your malice I'm sure the doctors will want to take a good look into your mentality but maybe they already are. Keep taking the tablets.

stephen tabone

Quote from: Rbry on August 13, 2017, 08:04:48 PM
Stephen you are a jerk!!

New member. This might be a reflection of yourself. O0


Quote from: Rbry on August 13, 2017, 08:04:48 PM
Stephen you are a jerk!!

I think he's had a sniff of the barmaid's apron. The silly billy.
