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Alrelax deleting posts

Started by HunchBacShrimp, July 07, 2016, 07:59:08 PM

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Good job Al,

Maybe a little bit of censorship will mask your ignorance and ineptitude. Though, that mask won't last long.

Deleting my posts is proof you are only willing, and interested in dishing out offensive, intentionally belittling remarks, but unwilling or incapable of receiving any.

You are an emotional child.

Oh, and a complete and utterly desperate fool. Evidenced by placing a 1k wager on Wewinn222's underdog Mariners pick. This was after you posted a link showing all of the baseball approved statistics that pointed to the Astros winning.  You bet against the trend! The exact opposite of what you keep saying to do!

You bet for the cut!

You are the most ignorant hypocrite I've ever witnessed.
Lookie there, you came in first in something.
A real winner.



Yup, it is that time again; good thing I stock up on cashew and Guinness, hey hey.

21 Aces

Well, just like in baccarat nobody knows for sure in sports.  Unless it is a true lock rigged. I don't follow, but the Mariners did have one huge comeback win this season against the Padres. I bet the Padres already went to the bank on that one.


Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


It's actually pathetic really, IMO he acts like a little child, deleting anything that questions, disagrees with his viewpoint.  People make posts in the Baccarat forum and he responds in his own blog so he can maintain ultimate control, I think that is it, he is an ultimate control freak that needs to feel wanted, living on past action with a ridiculously thin skin.

BTW nobody that has frequented Baccarat boards in the last 10 years refers to betting the opposite , as betting the cut, but he doesn't like that and threw his dummy out the pram, likewise if you are different than him and don't buyin' for your entire casino bankroll like him, then you are most defo wrong and he is right and there are no I've got the biggest chip stack games ever played at the tables, certainly not by the Chinese players.  Like a little boy in a mans body, too use to getting his own way. 

What is it with that stupid poll (again), why can't we see votes?  Hey guys you must tell me you love and appreciate me, or I'm outta here, kinda sums up his weak ego.   This is the internet for God sakes.
approx 10 million over 4 decades is one helluva loss to bear, cobber.


        Gambling is about having fun with probability. None is perfect and none can predict perfectly even one single event. I did my high probability picks with very high success rate and even delivered 10+ wins in succession but I can still not boast of guaranteed to win pick that too with payout as good as 27/20. That was not wise at all. Even I wonder as to how a guy who is so regular in gambling could do such blunder.
            Maybe there can be almost guaranteed pick with payouts of 1/10 but they still carry risk of loss otherwise entire world will earn 10% interest in a day from bookmakers. Please leave alrelax on this issue.
Let bygones be bygones. If Alrelax is deleting some posts in his own topic, let him do that. Create your own and speak your mind there. We are not here to mock someone.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


It just proves what we already know. He is living in the "past". He wishes he didn't lose everything and that he didn't waste his earlier years hanging in the back room of casinos wishing he could play like the "big guys". His deletion of many posts proves he has very thin skin. Oh well, hopefully I can sleep ok tonight and I don't like AL affect my sleep......... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


That's more than enough!

If you don't like what Alrelax writes then DON'T READ IT. 

If you don't like his blog then STAY OUT OF IT.

A few here have yet to learn the difference between playing the man and playing the ball.

You are accountable for your actions.

Soooo...the next person who launches a personal attack on Alrelax's character and/or personality chooses the consequence for ignoring an important Rule.

Heed the warning!     [And read the Rules if you haven't already, or again if you have.]

I'm now locking this very unpleasant thread.