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Baccarat, An Insider's Approach

Started by alrelax, July 10, 2017, 07:24:36 PM

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                                                         Baccarat....An Insider's Approach

You have to lose.  Those that say you won't—are either oblivious to playing baccarat more than a few months, selling one of those systems or know-it-all-books, or just actually have no idea except the word of another that is basically, less than fully knowledgeable of the game of baccarat.

Numerous, and stressing the word numerous, as well as the highest majority of all systems—triggers—patterns and those "By Theories" plans will lose if applied as a consistent—rock solid—continual, preconceived scheduled bet placement method.  The more hands/times you apply it—the quicker it will certainly lose.  Yes, it will also win and that is what compounds and fractionates the problem into so many complicated pieces, 99.9 + percent of the players will fall prey to the casino and lose their bank rolls, buy ins and subsequent bank rolls and buy ins.

Evenly cut, their mathematical balance and regressions, all of their winning 2's and 3's, followed by their losses of 1's and 2's are not happening.  Why?  Because when they wager for those winning 'triggers' consistently, they are losing the same amount or more than what they are winning with the impacted and unavoidable downswings that cannot be won with any consistent systems whatsoever. They will be getting that one win when I am getting those 5 to 9 wins.  When you have 5 to 7 single Bankers or Players, with say 24 to 30 of the opposite side, you cannot profit and you either lose or winnings and your buy ins or you sit idle and fume.  The shoe and the dealer and the casino are not beating you as a baccarat player.  You are beating yourself with simply, the wrong frame-of-mind.

Following what so many attempt to sell with anything, the likes of, "Wait for one to lose then wager the opposite side that won, or cut back to the one that lost", etc., etc.  Those will work sometimes and sometimes they certainly will not.  The authors and the experts always have a way out.  "I didn't mean it that way", or "Sometimes it has to lose but if you play it correctly you will win more than you lose as I do every day", etc., etc.  The story changes with them and their newly discovered systems and triggers, but it is really always the same base logic or anti-logic. 

Read it again.  "Sometime(s)".  Your winnings will always be lost on subsequent attempts and your frame-of-mind will be tarnished if not crushed.  You will not be able to 'pounce on it' when the events are there and the shoe is providing certain outcomes that, are classic old school pounce on them—time and time again—and being able to run the dealer's rack down---BIG TIME!  If you have never ever ran the dealer's rack down, yourself or you and a buddy---you have not played this game long enough.  It is a feeling of tremendous accomplishment and you join an elite group of players that have truthfully and sincerely, 'ran the dealer's rack down'.

Follow me for a minute, please.  A bit of analogy for the 4 important modes of baccarat play that should be labeled and shared with some of you serious players. 

1)    'Science'.  The highest application and mode;
2)    'Middle'.   The average bouncing back and forth, so to say;
3)    'Lower End'.  The unknown, the terrible and unwinnable;
4)    'Variable'.  Any combination and possibility of anything.

Here are my analogies.  Continue reading and applying the above 4 to each. 

  Similar to that of a product packaged and proven and will work in every circumstance that matches its reasoning for application or use, etc.  Such as grass seed, fertilizer, erosion control matting, etc., in relationship to landscaping and ground restoration.  It is taken for granted that the person applying the products are within the guidelines and permissible conditions as per the instructions of that product.  Not, apply grass seed, fertilizer starter and erosion control matting on top of concrete and expecting grass to grow.  The 'science' is the following or cutting type of wagering that will be strong and continue without much effort on the player's part, or at least it appears so the majority of the times.  Science mode of play happens when you will continually win with the 8 to 15 run streaks, the 9 to 15 hand chop-chops, the 10 repeated pairs of doubles, and many other events that happen.  You are 100% riding what the shoe is producing and only losing the last one, when the shoe will finally terminate and cut to another winning trend, identifiable or not.

Middle.  Similar to that of recipes, cooking by following some type of instruction of another.  Set definitive list will turn different based on types and qualities of each product as well as the twists and turns each preparer/person put on it.  In other words, your recipe will turn out different than the same one I copy.  We will each purchase different quality and types of stock we both use and we will each add a few things slightly different without the intent to change anything.  The same as the baccarat shoe producing almost a perfect union of regression to the means.  A perfect balance or nearly a perfect balance where upon anything and everything will work and equally fail within the section the shoe produces a 'middle of the road' cluster. 

Lower End.  Similar to additives and enhancements for fuels and oils that run vehicles, equipment and machines.  They are there and supposedly working.  You just do not have the tangible proof and the immediate positive gain as you would with 'science' or even 'middle'.  'Lower End' tends to ruin more baccarat players than any other mode of the game.  It is the hardest and the most frustrating by far and large.  It is the easiest to get 'stuck' within and lose and the hardest to climb out of because of what it normally inflicts on most player's, frame-of-minds.  There will be numerous wins and losses while your own system or triggers appear and then quickly disappear.  However, swings lasting normally longer for your downswing than your upswing. 

Variable.  The largest and most prevalent mode there is, clearly without a doubt.  Here is the way I define it.  Similar to that of traffic control device placement on the highways, traffic cones, traffic barriers, traffic signs, arrow board trailers, etc., for emergency scenes or for scheduled work zones.  Obviously the protocols of such placement unknown to the public by far and large, however there are published guidelines under numerous areas for such placement.  The 'municipal uniformed traffic control device' rules and regulations, as well as the 'traffic indent management' protocols, and others.  The placement of such devices are really exact measurements for varying speeds with 3 or 4 differing schedules by speed limit.

However, there are times, exceptions and variances have to be applied.  For instance, I ran into this last week.  Say a ramp happens to be present within an interval between one signage pattern and a subsequent one.  If you do not follow the published rules and set it up correctly, there are possibilities of huge monetary fines and of course liability from the results of a crash that occurred due to your inability to meet the requirements as published.  Kind of the same as wagering on the winning hands that are prevailing from the shoe of baccarat, IMO.   At the speed limit I was setting up a work zone in, the flashing arrow sign board to signify the merge required ahead, was supposed to be 500' from the start of the taper, those orange drums spread out to close off a lane of travel.  However, an on-ramp from a busy rest area exits about 100-150 feet from the start of the taper of the channelizing devices I had to place.  So, do I put the arrow sign board at the taper less than 500' as the requirements say, or do I put the trailer board another 350' down the road and thereby not allowing the exiting vehicle on the on-ramp to see the board?  It was not written anywhere in the plans about this situation or event from being incurred.  So, I call the state highway supervisor and asked him.  His answer was, "Huh—go ahead and place it prior to the ramp to give the interstate vehicles already at speed the full 500' of warning and place two additional (XYZ) signs on the exiting ramp to the interstate with (such and such wording)".   Then he goes, "However Glen, remember if that ramp was say from another interstate or divided highway instead of being from a rest area—you should place another trailer sign board with the message, (such and such) being displayed for those people to also have warning the right lane is to be an immediate merge to the fast lane".  And he finishes up by saying, "However since it is an exit ramp from a rest area, it will be okay for those merging vehicles not to see a flashing arrow sign, for this instance". 

So, that is what I am referring to when I say 'variable'.  Might work, might not work—with varying considerations, too numerous to publish and too numerous to memorize, some a bit complicated and yet—others unknown.  Handle each with caution, forethought, observation and reasoning out.  If you cannot get a clear and accurate picture of it, get on the side lines, stand out and get it sorted out.  Same as in gambling.  I don't give winning point value sequences much real consideration, however—when there develops a black and white pattern of strong or weak, wining/losing total hand values—you better turn to that and use it.  Take it and profit from it.  It will happen and it will be one of the best and strongest formation patterns and events in baccarat that you can substantially win on for 8 to 20 hands almost consecutively most times.  That is where the real money is and when those 200 to 400 unit wins come flowing your way. 

I had it on two nights, one with the Players excelling and one with the Bankers excelling.  It will happen  with Banker Runs, Player Runs, Chops/Singles, Doubles, etc., long sections or numbers of hands repeating themselves.  And, that my friend is the time to clean out the dealer's rack.  For all the time and games and properties I have experienced, I don't believe I have seen a dealer's rack cleaned out with 1's and 3's, or 2's and 4's, or playing that elusive ad proverbial secretive troll---the 'cut' to the opposite side---usually with 2 or 3 or 4 negative progressions being stacked and stacked up on your wager in some kind of desperate attempt to regain your lost wagers. 

"When?—If—variable--might not continue", etc., etc.  All are applicable and more, such as—'might' or 'might not' and then there are descriptive terms which will certainly be gloated and exploited by the authors and the experts here, which to me are the negative players hoping to get even and come away from each baccarat session with some kind of trivial win that will pronounce them the ultimate expert and holy-grail author of the century.  Sorry guys, baccarat is much more than that.  Let me give you a small analogy of what you look like with those small wins that you claim are an everyday thing and add up to by huge amounts of money without having a job.  You look like the guy that rolls up with his kids and wife in a car besides someone's house that, the husband traveled a couple hundred miles away and spent about $500.00 on fireworks to put on a great show for his kids and all their friends from the block.  He also spent about $400.00 on all the burgers, brats and jumbo Coney Island hot dogs with all the potato salad, cold slaw, cool side dishes and soda pop.  Oh yeah, he also spent another $250.00 at the bakery for all the dentist endorsed cavity makers to seal the deal with the kids.  Then he set everything up and endured all the bugs, and the problems and the clean-up and the one neighboring calling the local cops because fireworks within close proximity to another residence is not exactly legal, etc.  And there you are, sneaking up and staying in your car to provide the fireworks for your own family without cost, labor or headaches.  And instead of going up and slapping the guy on the shoulder and saying thanks that put it on, you drive away accepting the thanks from your kids for letting them see it and the thanks from your lazy wife for not having to clean up anything either.  But the whole event could have been terrifically better and more profitable for yourself, if you just gave it a bit more thought.

I got news for you and you're not going to like it—not one bit.  For the 10-15 of you (in my estimate) that seek only a certain area or group up a few areas of "open debate" which can fall either way of the baccarat player type—you will certainly come back with the likes of, "yeah right—you have no idea what you are talking about".  I will say it anyway, that in baccarat the most profitable and substantial sections are those that are identified after the turning points within the shoes and being within distinct sections.  Those that I mentioned, the four.  Bankers and Players repeating, single/chops and double pairs.  The rest is not as easy and mostly sucks everyone in and exhausts their motivation, wherewithal, guts, feelings and bankrolls/buy-ins.  Period.  But, in baccarat by far the most profitable players are almost always taking advantage and pouncing on one of those four areas of events, I just mentioned.  When you do this, you are reaching out and taking it with a distinct 'set' wagering placement method based on what the shoe is and will dish out.  No rhyme or reason.  Mathematically and/or statistically wagering for anything, just about always produces those "Wows"----"Gee—I can't believe that", etc., etc.  But when you play the way I am trying to quantify and share with you, instead of those, "Wows" and "Gee---I can't believe this f****ing rubbish" just about every single time at the table, you would be doing what I do.  But somehow you believe that one and two or three unit win will provide you some kind of golden easy income award, each and every day. 

And you know what?  The highest majority of players will lose on those mathematically and statistically placed wagers.  Like I said, they win a few then get sucked in with their greed and unconscious playing and inability to focus, truly realizing how much is possible to win and as well—how to hold the winning with the implementation of a guaranteed holding system.  But hey—they were 'right' and as well—because they were waging for what 'should' have happened that clearly and sadly did not.  However, exactly what they were wagering for will soon happen, which will add the fuel to finishing off their bank rolls or buy ins once they start wagering with their feelings and frustrations as to why they just lost.  And that happens every day and night, day in and day out at each and every casino. 

Fine---Great, no problem.  I will be there playing that distinct---wrong—very rare---'Wow, Gee I can't believe it', event with my sudden positive progression—increased by 200-400% wager and pull each and every winning hand down to my stack of chips.  Others will lose and lose and lose.  Their 1's and 2's, those that wrote, you can always win 'XYZ' amount if you follow what they discovered, which is normally when the shoe will produce the 'cut' to the opposite side because of the statistically figured out regression to the mean, etc.   Those players are playing with statistics that do not apply to the 1-2-5 or 8 shoes at the casino that night.  But they will argue until they lose their voice and with a super amount of dignity to boot!  Fancy math, graphs and charts.  They are selling you something that might or might not work for a certain chain of events that once again, might or might not appear at the table you are wagering at.   As well, they come back and 'talk down' to me saying---"but mine will happen the majority of the times".  And I like a fruit cake will continue the argument.  My come back is then, 'But no it will not at the tables—it might in 10,000 hands or shoes, but not for the few shoes we are going to play at the reality of the casino session each time".  Yet they continue to fuel the fire and 'support' what they say and discovered with things like, 'small---random---hopeful', events that when you compile up all those small wins every time you play, you overall picture is huge and you will be winning the war against the greedy and unfair casino.  Problem is, the ones you catch will be given right back with the change of events.  Catch 2 or 3 and walk away.  Same as black or red on roulette.  2 Red—2 black, 1 black—1 red, 9 Black---3 red, 1 Black---4 red, then 13 Black in a row.  Mix in a couple or a few greens also.  Win 2 or 3 over there.  IMO, that is easier than baccarat, for those 2 or 3 or 4 unit wins.  However, if you want that 250-500 unit win---it can happen at baccarat, but not following a preconceived and scheduled bet placement method to capitalize on 'cuts' and regression to the mean---fall offs, etc.  Following a system's mathematical 'supposedly' edge, LOL!  And, if it does happen---you will find that happened in such a long time span and you forfeited numerous----and I mean numerous great sections of the shoe(s) that were ripe for the wagering and wagering big time on. 

I posted an actual picture of a scoreboard shot from the baccarat table and my actual score card for Stephen Tabone, the newest self-proclaimed expert, author and master of baccarat, black jack, roulette, craps, keno, crime novels, writing, mathematical systems and numerous other things (according to his bio on Amazon.Com anyways) and on a fantastic---great---shoe with repeated super strong prevalence, he would have profited exactly -1 before stopping play, as he so graciously admitted.  Our table took the casino for well over $200,000.00 on that shoe!  And no, I and my buddy will not give back our $70,000.00 we took combined.  Chasing and attempting to turn that into $700k like 9.9 to 9.99 out of every 10 players would attempt to do.  I did that years and years ago in the past at Atlantic City, many times over.  I learned how to play and how to win.  I learned what fantasy is and what reality is, in 'real' baccarat.

That is why, when these types of events are being produced from the shoe, while I am at that table---I will profit and profit huge.  Not 2 or 3 units.  As far as dragons' tails and scoreboard viable markings---again, might be there and might not be there.  It is not science to the classical sense.  Where you can gauge yourself accordingly to the map being drawn.  If it was, believe me, those electronic scoreboards would never have been added or would have been removed.  Talking about the scoreboards is actually, almost a vacuum cleaner to your chip stack.  However, I brought it up.  Those scoreboards are there and there for one reason.  Because just about every baccarat player will follow them in one fashion or another.  And they will suck you in and paint a false picture of what is happening or about to happen.  And almost everyone will believe 'such and such' will happen, because the tail is forming or some other mythical fairy tale that more often than it does, will just plain fizzle out.  They will build you up to have all the ego, gusto, feeling confirmations and making you feel like the sure wager is right where you spotted it--confirmed by the score boards and the roads shown.  The only things the scoreboard accurately does, if there are no mistakes in entering the data, is keep accurate track of how many bankers/players/ties and side wagers prevailed and the current count on hands of course.  Everything else is a picture painted of what is supposed to be going to happen according to Asian folk lore and myth, etc. 

Your frame-of-mind has to be in the shoe—not on the board.  I have a recipe and the shoe will have to produce it.  Not the score board. It is the same thing with an NFL scoreboard, it reports and does not dictate who will accomplish what.  As well, if I have my recipe and I go in the supermarket and their attractive/pretty/delicious looking display of 'XYZ', influences me and I pick from that—I just changed my recipe falling prey to the supermarket's marketing department and ruined my proven recipe.  Same thing at baccarat.  Except that score board, the marketing manager, the systems, the authors and sellers of rich dreams---all agree and exploit that scoreboard the same as the supermarket did with that pretty/delicious and mouthwatering display of food/pastries/decorations that changed the shopper's mind and altered the recipe he was so hell bent on making that night.  The exact same as the player lets others do to him with the baccarat game.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Wonderful post.

As an avid roulette player and developer of roulette platforms, I am well aware of the underlying mathematics involved in understanding the game, and I am also aware how important it is to really BE AWARE of your Intuition (so few are today) when your logical mind can only take you so far before it hits a wall.

True Intuition is in a way the super intelligence contained in the subconsciousness of our minds, though blocked access wise to most of us because of various inhibiting factors, to some of us it is there as an information cloud, spawned from the trillions of neuron connections, and as such revealing itself to us through what we perceive by night as dreams of infinite permutations, and by day as a kind of strong sudden sensation, or thought, and even image.

With over 20 years experience, I recognize much of what you wrote about. I do not argue anymore with people who do not understand or even open their minds to the very possibility of it. In time all good trains arrive at the same Central Station.

Really beautiful writing. You should write a book ;)
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Thanks for your comment, I actually wrote most of that at the casino the other night when i was doing great on a couple of shoes and that was my forced break!!!! LOL, seriously.  I sat down in the high limit slots lounge and wrote for you guys!  I was not going to post it for fear of wasting time.  But lately, thanks to AD and a couple of others, a bit of reality has actually been coming out in regards to baccarat.

I am trying to explain the difference between trying to actually follow a shoe and stop the non-sense of creating something to make the shoe follow your expectations. 
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Quote from: alrelax on July 10, 2017, 09:12:31 PM
Thanks for your comment, I actually wrote most of that at the casino the other night when i was doing great on a couple of shoes and that was my forced break!!!! LOL, seriously.  I sat down in the high limit slots lounge and wrote for you guys!  I was not going to post it for fear of wasting time.  But lately, thanks to AD and a couple of others, a bit of reality has actually been coming out in regards to baccarat.

I understand what you´re saying. I truly do.

At least we players know what Dickens meant when he wrote; "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom"  :)
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.

21 Aces

How are you following the baccarat shoe without the scoreboard other than looking at point totals, number of cards drawn on each side, and how each had starts off?

For example most Long Dragons/ Dragon Tails consist of the losing side getting a crappy start every time.  Even with a decent first couple cards the dominant side does even better!  Player pulling very low total first cards often and Bank showing a power total with the first two cards.  Or... Ok Player you have a Natural 8, try Bank Natural 9...
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


The scorecard we write on, which by the way was done prior to the electronic board when actually the table rarely missed being on anything repeative, come to think about it,  you do know the game was played prior to the electronic scoreboard don't you??
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com

21 Aces

Quote from: alrelax on July 11, 2017, 01:38:49 AM
The scorecard we write on, which by the way was done prior to the electronic board when actually the table rarely missed being on anything repeative, come to think about it,  you do know the game was played prior to the electronic scoreboard don't you??

Isn't that stating that the scoreboard with no notes on a paper scorecard is not going to be effective as with one because of all that you can write on there?  Just trying to understand.

Yes.  The game was played prior and without the Derived Roads as well until they were invented in Macau.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


As much as I love asians (half my own family is) they simply suck at playing this European game that came to the USA from Cuba.  Go ahead and follow the magical roads young man, you will no doubt hurt the casino with great fear!!!
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com

21 Aces

Quote from: alrelax on July 10, 2017, 07:24:36 PM
                                                         Baccarat....An Insider's Approach
That is why, when these types of events are being produced from the shoe, while I am at that table---I will profit and profit huge.  Not 2 or 3 units.  As far as dragons' tails and scoreboard viable markings---again, might be there and might not be there.  It is not science to the classical sense.  Where you can gauge yourself accordingly to the map being drawn.  If it was, believe me, those electronic scoreboards would never have been added or would have been removed.  Talking about the scoreboards is actually, almost a vacuum cleaner to your chip stack.  However, I brought it up.  Those scoreboards are there and there for one reason.  Because just about every baccarat player will follow them in one fashion or another.  And they will suck you in and paint a false picture of what is happening or about to happen.  And almost everyone will believe 'such and such' will happen, because the tail is forming or some other mythical fairy tale that more often than it does, will just plain fizzle out.  They will build you up to have all the ego, gusto, feeling confirmations and making you feel like the sure wager is right where you spotted it--confirmed by the score boards and the roads shown.  The only things the scoreboard accurately does, if there are no mistakes in entering the data, is keep accurate track of how many bankers/players/ties and side wagers prevailed and the current count on hands of course.  Everything else is a picture painted of what is supposed to be going to happen according to Asian folk lore and myth, etc. 

Your frame-of-mind has to be in the shoe—not on the board.  I have a recipe and the shoe will have to produce it.  Not the score board. It is the same thing with an NFL scoreboard, it reports and does not dictate who will accomplish what.  As well, if I have my recipe and I go in the supermarket and their attractive/pretty/delicious looking display of 'XYZ', influences me and I pick from that—I just changed my recipe falling prey to the supermarket's marketing department and ruined my proven recipe.  Same thing at baccarat.  Except that score board, the marketing manager, the systems, the authors and sellers of rich dreams---all agree and exploit that scoreboard the same as the supermarket did with that pretty/delicious and mouthwatering display of food/pastries/decorations that changed the shopper's mind and altered the recipe he was so hell bent on making that night.  The exact same as the player lets others do to him with the baccarat game.

I have to review more several times, but it is this part that I don't understand.  As in the difference from tracking play by watching and the scoreboard vs. tracking play by watching and a scorecard and only looking at the scoreboard on a limited basis or hardly at all.

For example, one could only look at the Big Road. 

I have loved playing with and 'loved' many players in many different ways, but my team would mostly be Asians - haha.  The best and worst almost there is no nationality or person type, but Asian people have a mindset more geared toward business and gambling in my book.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


Statement from 21:  I have to review more several times, but it is this part that I don't understand.  As in the difference from tracking play by watching and the scoreboard vs. tracking play by watching and a scorecard and only looking at the scoreboard on a limited basis or hardly at all. 

My Answer:  Is part of your question a direct quote from something I wrote?  I am a bit unclear as to what your exact question is, something I wrote or your question that derived from a paragraph, etc.? 

But, IMO—"What is the difference from tracking play by watching and using the scoreboard, Versus-- Tracking using a scorecard and looking somewhat at the scoreboard"?  Answer:  Well 21 and others, I do not like the complexity and the innuendoes on the electronic boards installed on most baccarat tables in the early 2000's to 2005-ish or so.  They serve very little purpose except to influence the players in one way or another.  This can be a very deep and debatable subject, but the bottom line is if they truly gave the players any kind of real advantages—they would not be there.  I have to revert back to playing blackjack for a quick second.  Sit down at the blackjack table with a pad and pen and write down all kinds of notes, winning hand total point values, etc., and see what happens.  The realization is that anything that can give the player a slight (although small) advantage in anyway,  the casino will react in lightning speed faster than calling 911 for a player having a heart attack. 

I personally used a scorecard, a manual card provided by the casino for most all shoes prior to the electronic board.  I score the actual winning hands on a horizontal, the same way the 'Main Road' on the electronic board does.  I have a multitude of other markings, which usually includes naturals and winning point values of 7 or better and a few other things, that are important to me or I take into consideration depending on how many hands I am playing or whom, I am playing with or alongside, etc. 

As far as looking at the scoreboard.  I do not believe I ever said that, "I did not ever look at it".  I generally don't pay much attention to it, although I do wholeheartedly believe in 'turning points' and 'sections' and I have done very well with those as the key indicators as to when something along those lines will happen or currently happening, etc.  I use the electronic board to coincide alongside with my own scorecard and mostly the Main Road, the Manual Road and other factual data that is on the board.  But, it is the player that has to have the correct perception of the game as it is unfolding to capitalize on what is about to come up and I just do not see obtaining that from the board as a overall guide as how and what to wager on.   

The predication paths and roads are biased, not applicable and have no correlation to what is actually happening the majority of the time.  The board will and does—fool/offer false perceptions to players and inevitably increases the highest majority of the player's frustration and aggravation levels beyond believes. 

IMO, the way to play the game of baccarat is not by predicting the roads and paths to match the scoreboard or claim you followed it and you almighty prevailed.  What do I mean by that, here let me spell it out.  Where so many have lost money at the table and the hero of the table is pushing in a large bet.  Everyone is going along with him most likely.  It wins, he jumps up and exclaims that he knew it because of 'so and so' he is now pointing to on the scoreboard prediction road, etc.  Of course, if he did not win, no exclamation or pointing and usually just a hunched set of hunched over shoulders thinking what he is going to tell the people that loaned him the money he just lost, etc.

Everything generally has a purpose.  A wheelbarrow as compared to a hand truck dolly and compared to a shopping cart.  Each one has a distinct purpose and when used for other purposes, generally does not work out well.  Same thing with say a pickup truck as compared to a full sized box truck and as well, a semi truck and trailer.  One more, a pen as compared to a high-lighter as well, compared to that of a large marker pen.  Each one has purposes.  Each one excels at what it is supposed to do as compared with something similar.  You know the electronic scoreboard is no different.  But it is developed with deception and the casino mind, not the player.  It appears as it is the key to fortunes and the Asians have rolled with it.  People get into an entanglement and a perception problem at the baccarat table.  They turn to the scoreboard in the desperate hopes to figure it all out and rely on programmed prediction that has little to do with the actual reality that will unfold with the shoe being played. The aura, the possibilities, their desires  with false hopes.  What fuels it?  Possibilities and the proper and improper ways to seek those same possibilities.  But the scoreboard is not the player's answer to following a magical road that may or may not apply to the shoe being played. 

Those are just examples, for sake of attempting to explain my side-version and experiences.  But most importantly, and I will let you guys in on something—at least those of you that can read, interpret and use things to better yourself, your play and the outcomes you realize with profit at the casino.  Please, don't take that last sentence as a stuck up statement, it is far from it—it is reality and what this board is all about.
Hindsight Bias.

One of the best and most informative things you can learn and be conscious of when you are at the baccarat table gambling!  Hands down, take it to the bank!  Here is the gist of it

"Hindsight bias, also known as the knew-it-all-along effect or creeping determinism, is the inclination, after an event has occurred, to see the event as having been predictable, despite there having been little or no objective basis for predicting it. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that can affect different stages of designs, processes, contexts, and situations.  Hindsight bias may cause memory distortion, where the recollection and reconstruction of content can lead to false theoretical outcomes. It has been suggested that the effect can cause extreme methodological problems while trying to analyze, understand, and interpret results in experimental studies. A basic example of the hindsight bias is when, after viewing the outcome of a potentially unforeseeable event, a person believes he or she "knew it all along". Such examples are present in the writings of historians describing outcomes of battles, physicians recalling clinical trials, and in judicial systems trying to attribute responsibility and predictability of accidents.


Positive consequences of hindsight bias is an increase in one's confidence and performance, as long as the bias distortion is reasonable and does not create overconfidence. Another positive consequence is that one's self-assurance of their knowledge and decision-making, even if it ends up being a poor decision, can be beneficial to others; allowing others to experience new things or to learn from those who made the poor decisions.     


Hindsight bias decreases one's rational thinking because of when a person experiences strong emotions, which in turn decreases rational thinking. Another negative consequence of hindsight bias is the interference of one's ability to learn from experience, as a person is unable to look back on past decisions and learn from mistakes. A third consequence is a decrease in sensitivity toward a victim by the person who caused the wrongdoing. The person demoralizes the victim and does not allow for a correction of behaviors and actions.

Statement from 21:  For example, one could only look at the Big Road.

My Answer: 
People sometimes have different labels and names for the 'roads' and divisions of the scoreboard these days.  The largest and the horizontal one, is the 'Main Road' which normally stretches all the way across the board and displays the winnings hands as prevailed without any prediction or sampling, etc.  The 'Manual Road' is usually the next most popular one which would normally be on the upper left or the lower left right under the 'Main Road'.  Those are by far the two most popular, IMO.  The rest are prediction and based on 'whatever' and 'various road outcomes', etc.

I don't want to get into a debate or a discussion about the scoreboard and its 'roads'.  If you like it and need it and it pays you back good dividends, use it.  One day get your hands on the sale and technical info from a casino contact you might have.  Read them, interesting certified studies and audits in relation to the game being played with the scoreboard and without the scoreboard.  Also, tons of studies and statements of data in relation to players and their actions. 

My bottom line after much reading, thought and having the board since the early 2000's as compared to 1980-ish to 2000, is the board is useless.  It is misleading, a gimmick, a false perception the majority of the times and as well—entices countless players to wager bets they normally would not have in so many ways.  It is one of the things that has partially changed the game and the players 'real baccarat' minds and thinking to the way of susceptibility and fallacy, both potential negatives to the player. 

Statement from 21:  I have loved playing with and 'loved' many players in many different ways, but my team would mostly be Asians - haha.

My Answer:
  Asians are no different than other nationalities.  Except they have slanted eyes, black hair and less body hair by far.  They have a huge tolerance for burning hot nasty gross food that makes my stomach turn inside out.  Other than that, there are great ones and not so great ones.  The Asians have a deeply rooted gambling desire in many areas and much of their illegal ventures in the USA have been and are because of casinos.  There are criminal enterprises, go back to the New York City days of the Green Dragons, White Tigers, Born to Kill, Flying Dragons, On Leong Tong, Ghost Shadows, The 14K and the ruthless bad-butt Sister Ping's.  Some still exist and others have been put out of business or reorganized under another name or triad/tong, etc. There was a massive take-down, 300 + key member indictment and US Government attempted breakup and squashing done around 1997/1998 or so.  They hurt them but not entirely.  The ones that I know from the late 80's through the 90's were the badest of the bad and gave ruthless a new meaning, mostly the Born to Kill (BTK) and the Green Dragons.  I was married to a Korean woman and she had numerous and extensive ties into several Triads and Tongs for various business reasons, as well as being one of the largest Asian loan sharks and affiliated 'business' partner to many in the NYC area.  There was even law enforcement in her side of the family.  All I will tell you, is the Asians are ruthless, spineless and heartless in many ways—especially when it comes to money.  I don't say that in a bad way, but I do believe in Karma and 'doing the right thing' as so many say—yet so many do not practice.  IMO, the majority of the Asians value money more so than the humans that those same Asians are affecting with their actions caused by or because of their money.  I also am very familiar with the Italians of NYC and New Jersey, 'my people'.  And, once again, no argument here—money and relationships are handled differently as a whole with a much larger outlook and a huge dose of compassion that so many of the Asians lack. 

As far as business.  There are great Asian business people all over as well as every other nationality of business people.  However, the Asians tend to borrow and have pools of borrowing money for the business people, the same as they do with gambling.  What you might be seeing in gambling as well as business, are pools of money from 20 or 50 or 100 Asians pooled together with an appointed gambler or business person.  That has been widespread within various Asian communities all over the country for countless years now. 

There are honest ones and dishonest ones.  There are numerous Asians players I currently know and have known, that are extremely brilliant baccarat players.  However, as a whole—their largest and worst trait---is not knowing when to stop and their excessive personality with a poor outlook on their immediate family.  Sorry, just from my experience and the hundreds I have known or been around. 
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com

21 Aces

This answers the question.  I think your original post was commenting that there is information on the scoreboard that can not provide much value.  I think when a player jumps around too much from table to table they tend to look for certain set ups and there is much less knowledge of what has occurred throughout the shoe previously.  Using a scorecard helps take in what has happened.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


'.....Asians have less body hair by far.' I remembered eons ago in my early 20s I won a competition for Mr Beautiful Leg because my legs were practically hairless.

My Western friends were making fun of me. Then I said without blinking 'that's because I am further away from the apes than you are!' Set them thinking....


Quote from: Lungyeh on July 11, 2017, 04:57:09 PM
'.....Asians have less body hair by far.' I remembered eons ago in my early 20s I won a competition for Mr Beautiful Leg because my legs were practically hairless.

My Western friends were making fun of me. Then I said without blinking 'that's because I am further away from the apes than you are!' Set them thinking....

That one made my morning!  Actually yesterday, the 10 year old boy faced time.  "Daddy how do you like my eyebrows?  My sister plucked and trimmed them up, she said they were growing together".  Oh lord. We were in the sand box with the Tonka Toys back when i grew up or at the park or fishing or riding our bicycles or mini bikes everyday, all day on our summer vacations.  Not staying home, with the IPad and internet.   
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Read this, posted it almost 4 years ago. If you can read it and digest it, you will see how many things I originally wrote that were copied elsewhere or taken out of context.

My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Excellent post, but now be ready to play some serious baccarat together.  ^-^

Baccarat is 99% skill and 1% luck

(Friday Night Lights TV series)

(Nelson Mandela)

Winners don't do different things, they do things differently (Albalaha)

Success is not a goal, it's just a by-product