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baccarat system advice

Started by twinriverdlr, April 29, 2015, 06:35:50 PM

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I watched this video and contacted the seller who says it's guarenteed to  win.  Price is $1500.
Has anyone heard of this working?

Also target baccarat.  This seller gives a full money back gurantee.


A team of 7? Wow. Good luck with that. What he showed here was a fixed increment of $10 with a starting bet of $50. There was no mention of commission cost either. You will need to remember that the commission is on the total amount bet so if your base bet has crept up to $100 which is only 5 bets lost then 5% is $5 which is half your profit and if it is a banker 6 system then you only get $50 back for winning that bet. The idea of hedging amongst the team is intriguing but could be complex with a team of 7. And of course you are all paying commission so I can't really see how this could work in practice.


that's the famous or infamous dave gunas from mohegan sun area


Time for a pint and some cashew, hey hey.


Quote from: twinriverdlr on April 29, 2015, 06:35:50 PM
Also target baccarat.  This seller gives a full money back gurantee.

I would be very careful about Target Baccarat. "Russell Hunter" seems suspiciously like Martin J. Silverthorne, and the claims on the site are outrageous. The "iron clad" guarantee is most likely to be worthless.

My advice, FWIW, is not to pay for any system.


You should never Buy a system.


     I see alot of systems or betting systems for free online.  As a dealer I don't often see people win on baccarat or should I say leave.  I'm just looking for the right system for small amount wins not like some you see make $50,000 a day cmon...


Quote from: twinriverdlr on April 29, 2015, 06:35:50 PM
I watched this video and contacted the seller who says it's guarenteed to  win.  Price is $1500.
At 1500 it's a bargain!  He used to sell it for $7,000.00 personal instruction and was rumored to sell it in LV for 30k.

Maybe make him an offer?  $250.00 ?  $99.95 ?


Maybe $250  and a percentage.
I head or read that you have a good system. Would you be wiling to share? Actually $1500 would not be bad if granted to work but I have yet to see any system that is 100%.


The Truth is that if you want to spend Money on gambling and in this case baccarat, then try card counting.

If not then you should try Visual ballistics.
If you buy Jafco large package and make digital copy of the material and send it to me ( don't need it but i  collect)
Then i can give material to get you started, Worth several thosands.


3. Don't think the scrutiny is only on blackjack
All table games track black chips and higher denominations. They also count greens and reds, but not so carefully.  All table games have behaviors that are forbidden or in the gray area of unwanted but not illegal. Some casinos don't want you setting dice in craps. Some of them don't want you using visual ballistics or wheel clocking in roulette. Every game has weak points that can be legally exploited, and you shouldn't imagine that the casino is entirely unaware. So be stealthy. Be cautious.  Above all, don't be greedy. Win a reasonable amount and then quickly go. Don't pile it up and dare the casino to identify you as an advantage player.- See more at:


Sorry posted for baccarat.  Card counting does not work for that game.


You answear you own question, then you can not play baccarat and win.
And its silly to belive you can buy a method for Money that will make you a Winner.

If you want to play for fun, then you can find free methods that is as good as any method for sale.
As none of them can beat the game, so don't waste your Money.
But is a different game if you want to play for fun.

The video you post above is a joke.


Your search for the "perfect" system will prove fruitless, twinriverdlr.  There is none to be had, and most certainly not for sale over the internet.

You see, my friend, I am of the belief that any baccarat "perfection" to be had must be acquired from within.  Honed over years of trial and tribulation, with years of experience under one's belt.

Think about it, twinriverdlr, if there were such a mechanical system that would perform successfully 100% of the time, do you think that the casinos would still offer the game?

No, on the contrary, most players are STILL making the same mistakes that players have made for years at this game, thinking that THEY WILL BE THE ONE who will be immune to the misgivings of mechanical play.

The real, true, Holy Grail of this game MUST...not maybe...MUST... come from within.  For only then, armed with the full confidence and commitment to THEIR OWN METHODOLOGY, will one successfully develop the most necessary patience and discipline to carry it through over the long term.

This game is not about the last bet that you made.  This game is not about the last shoe that you played.  And this game is not about the last session that you played.  This game IS about, however, your long term vision and exactly how your statistics hold up over that span.  (Here's a start, and it's a very daunting one, to say the least: You'd best learn how to pick more winners than losers, over the long term.)  (Clue #2:  Learn about the Laws Of Series, and how that relates to your preferred playing methodology.)  (OK...last Clue:  Become as familiar with your "nemesis" as you are with your preferred bet selection process....in other words, knowing when NOT to bet can be just as important as knowing when to bet.)

I wish I could help you further, but, alas, only I can play like me.  And you gotta play like you.

And for that, I wish you nothing but the very best of it.

Stay well.


Guess that's why blue hood is on this site betting I'm in the video haha.  If your a betting man you lose. Just ask g advice because like I said I see more losers than winners