Went in at night and had these two. Most did well, few cashed out and left. Sad part was, most gave back their profits and win after the two shoes hoping to recreate additional ones.
First shoe. 30 Bankers vs 15 Players. 4 Fortune 7s. F7s at hands: 6-9-19-25. Pic shows up to hand 52.
At hand 19, came straight down and made that 'BOX'. So many are in total negativity at the live table about the strength of what a shoe can do. Love those boxes! Wait until the very next shoe I will show you!
Will post the pic under the first one before the box was made, so you can see it.
Second shoe. 44 Bankers vs 32 Players. 4 Fortune 7s. Fortune 7s at hands: 8-22-38-60. Yes, 84 hands total.
Once agai, what a damn BOX! Love that to the max! Some of us were playing for it and many against it.
The Bankers run was hands 35-50. It stopped and cut to Players after hand 50. On hand 65 it went straight down for that classic BOX!
TECHNICAL NOTE: Look at that Bead Plate in the second shoe, last picture! Something I do follow, when it is happening in some kind of readable order/pattern. The Bead Plate treats me well at times.