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btc lawsuit

Started by jsb02009, March 25, 2015, 02:16:45 PM

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New to this site.  I am looking for fellow members of btc that want to join me in taking ellis and keith smith to court for fraud.  I can't believe these scam artists have been running this scheme for so long.  My goal is to get members back their money but also prevent future people from being scammed.  If you are a btc member that has been scammed please notify me.  If we get enough people we can do a class action lawsuit.  My wife is a lawyer and I am willing to pay all legal fees.


Numbers must run into the thousands over the last 10 years.  In this age of consumer protectionism it is about time these dinosaurs were made extinct, and "our moderator" would then have no excuse.

Good Luck, maybe somebody North of the border should instigate the same against that other long running con-artist.


I hope you put an end to that scammer ellis and the piece of stuff liar ADulay......hey dulay where is the shoe you were to post .......how's the maverick scam


Unfortunately you do realize most would never step forward, firstly they have written off the money, put it down to one of those things, or too embarrassed to admit to having been conned. 

If ever the day compensation was being paid, they would then come out the wood-work, nature of the beast and the scammers know it.   

As for our moderator, he was moderating those forums with one eye closed, so him doing the admin stuff on said sites doesn't really count, because he didn't really have a clear view of what was going on..


I was being flippant,  I did read his posts on the Maverick site, just like he promoted Ellis's stuff at every opportunity on the defunct BF site, you know the score..


I gotta add my two cents,  Someone once said," If it sounds to good to be true..."

If is was as simple as betting One unit then Two units, we would all be rich and Baccarat tables would close.

There is a reason why this game is in a casino, and that is because most people lose.

If anyone had a winning method, It surely would not be public or for sale .   

Is there a case here? Probably not.  Even Ellis has said something to the order of , ... you have to pick the right shoes and you have to win the majority of your bets...   sounds like winning advice.

I'm sorry to all who have purchased a club membership or method and received lass than they expected.


I will say this one more time. I know someone who has known ellis personally for over 20-25 years and has seen him MANY times play live at baccarat and blackjack. He stated numerous times HE IS A SYSTEM SELLER, not a GAMBLER. The old timers already know this, the newbies, do not and that is why i'm posting this again.

Stay far, far, away. As Ezmark said, if it were so easy, he would be at the casino every single day making as much money as one could possibly need.

He obviously doesn't. He is washed up, his systems worked some of the time, just like every other system in the universe.


Quote from: BlueHood on March 28, 2015, 04:56:17 PM
So was the guy/gal who commenced the thread.
Yeah I know, it is highly unlikely anybody would consult a lawyer over a gambling scam, though they tried it in Singapore, press coverage the lot..


I haven't been following the Ellis saga but I did visit the BTC forum years ago and read about his theory of "Casino Orchestration". I remember thinking at the time what utter nonsense it was. Apparently not everyone agrees with me though.

Regarding Izak, not at all trying to defend him, but at least he offers a money-back guarantee (or used to) on his systems.


Quote from: Bayes on March 29, 2015, 05:13:40 PM
I haven't been following the Ellis saga but I did visit the BTC forum years ago and read about his theory of "Casino Orchestration". I remember thinking at the time what utter nonsense it was. Apparently not everyone agrees with me though.

Regarding Izak, not at all trying to defend him, but at least he offers a money-back guarantee (or used to) on his systems.

This is what he preaches, he gets people to drink from the same batch of kool-aid that he does. The casino already has the house edge, in the long run, they win. They don't need to resort to any antics to get your money, play long enough and they will get it...

Math doesn't lie.....


Ain't no shyster gonna take on a mickey mouse case like this! But still, I always wonder, if these system selling cats make any kind of decent cake from their endeavor, hey hey?


Isn't the system selling kinda like fishing?

Got nothing better to do today, so I'll just go cast out some bait in the local pond and see if they are biting today!

The MORE I fish, the better I get at it. The better I get at it, the MORE fish I catch. The MORE I catch over time, the MORE of an expert I can call myself!

System?...what System? Heck...I'm a FISHERMAN!