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Casino is the biggest loanshark

Started by bacpro, February 21, 2016, 06:09:57 AM

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Quote from: 21 Aces on February 23, 2016, 04:22:34 AM
marinetech, the smart guy who just created a thread about he he got comped all weekend, but doesn't like money.  They must of comped you because you lost BIG.  I feel sorry that you and a bunch of you on here think this game is so hard.  Must be the house cranking up the heat on the ShuffleMaster on you or maybe you're just blind.  I try to show you countless things that are way more difficult than baccarat that people do every day, but many of you are so Fing unintelligent you can't see the connection.

I'll repeat it one last time, and most likely I'm off here.  I do not give a fcuk what you think. You guys just lose, lose, lose so you think everyone loses!  YAY!

hard to be as smart at you. nearly impossible. yes we all lose, trillions.........heck, I've lost billions. you have it all figured out, why would anyone argue with you?

21 Aces

I like watching people who play big and you get off on people who decide coffee or $5 bet - that's great!

I make this easy for you so you can sleep at night believing that I'm not doing well.  This link tracks many national debts and I have lost 100 times that!  http://www.usdebtclock.org/
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


Quote from: 21 Aces on February 23, 2016, 04:41:02 AM
I like watching people who play big and you get off on people who decide coffee or $5 bet - that's great!

I make this easy for you so you can sleep at night believing that I'm not doing well.  This link tracks many national debts and I have lost 100 times that!  http://www.usdebtclock.org/

so you admit you lost 100x more than the usa national debt? lol. you're not very smart are you. check into gamblers anonymous FAST. i knew you werent a businessman!

21 Aces

In case you haven't notice because it is quite clear that you are blind, I am wiping most everything I have posted on this forum.  This is something I thought I would not do ever, but you core group on morons who somehow believe that nobody can consistently make money gambling are unreal beyond belief. 

I am well in up on a net basis after all expense of playing like driving back and forth, etc. and most every session I have played in has been a winning one with minimal drawdown right out of the gates and throughout and low volatility in P&L.  My last session's performance have been on another level in many ways.  THAT MEANS I AM PLAYING BETTER AND BETTER.

Keep believing in house edge and casino math.  I have already posted to nth degree how people excel at so many risky endeavors, but you math quants can't get the connection along with my posts or most everything else winning players that comment on here are trying to convey. 

Lastly, I have only seen very professional conduct by casino staff across the board and they have a very difficult position.  At the casinos I play at floor management, hosts, and dealers are practically going out of their way to help players win and they discourage the very type of play that is most profitable to the house.

Enjoy being blind.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


Quote from: 21 Aces on February 23, 2016, 03:55:06 AM
So unintelligent, but I'll respond.  You're assuming that I don't play well, but I do.  Furthermore it's on minimal sleep after actively managing a business for 12-14 hours that day with a window of 2-2.5 hours of play time.  I already posted that there are times where I piggy back or hop along.  Very easy to be last bet on the table.

Why do you think there is a dynamic adaptive system that can win, but outside of that no approach will win?  Very unintelligent.

Let me know when all you bro's have documented proof of how well other players are doing because you have nothing other than ghosting what The Wizard of Odds and some other people say about game math.  You do know many of these experts are paid consultants and employees in the gaming industry don't you?  And I really have zero idea on how you gain all this info from other players because most don't talk each other to any degree other than a bit of bull here or there.
First of all I didn't say you lose or win - I could care less.  Given the number of bets you have made lifetime it is hardly relevant either way.  What you don't recognize is that you're interacting with people who have logged thousands and thousands of hours at the Baccarat table.  My guess is that the overwhelming majority are losers.  Some, like myself, are actually long term winners.

The problem regards attempting to define a rule based mechanical method that can overcome the HA.  There are numerous ways to "chart" the game.  Likely most of what you see are players using one or more of the derived roads (usually just two, rarely all five even if the casino scoreboard records all of them).  Point is there is no way to chart and win.  Smarter people than you and me have tried and have failed.

There is no way to determine whether or not the player(s) you witness are winning or losing long term.  To assume so is folly.  Think about it.  If they are don't you think that the other regular players would just follow them?  A lot of these people know each other.  The regulars are not tourists!  How fast would the word be out and soon the casinos would have to close?  Why do you think the hold is so great and the max bet so large?  Seasons players here realize that you are not making sense and don't bother to respond.  I do because I like to dispel nonsense so that other newer players don't get the wrong idea that there exists some secret formula still waiting to be found. 

This is a grind game.  Whether you are a big progressive player or a tight 2 hi bettor.  Like "hey, hey" says repeatedly, "It ain't rocket science."  But you do need a plan, a strategy, remarkable patience, discipline and well - experience to know what you're looking at.  Someone on another now defunct board used the terms "statistical limitations."  For my part I always like to say it's a guessing and betting game.



Quote from: 21 Aces on February 23, 2016, 03:04:55 PM
In case you haven't notice because it is quite clear that you are blind, I am wiping most everything I have posted on this forum.
Nobody cares.

21 Aces

- Good because it is clear several are do unintelligent you couldn't see the value in what I post anyway.  Like when I post about how people do extreme sports and risky things every do but you all think baccarat is so much harder - YAY!
- Right, consistent players have unlimited money and are just there all of the time losing it.
- What you just posted supported their performance and my view of the game
- Players are very competitive and I think I do well enough on my own and for the the nth fcuking time, I already had posted repeatedly there are times where I play same as others and/ or take the table consensus into consideration.

'There is no way to determine whether or not the player(s) you witness are winning or losing long term.  To assume so is folly.  Think about it.'   So you just support what I am talking about.  That you math quants have zero proof that the regular consistent players are losing yet you believe they are all suicide masochists on their way to financial ruin.  Do some players lose?  YES.  Already stated that to the nth degree as well.

FCUK, how hard is it?  There are long dragons, jumping periods, terrible two's, terrible three's, difficult chaotic progressions, etc.  Make a fcuking bet based on what you think is most likely going to happen and be more right than wrong.  Stay sidelined when you don't like what you see.  Move to another table(s). Be smart with your bet sizing.

I haven't learned a damn thing from most of you here, yet others post what can lead to extreme improvement in play like Great Player's comments... and it goes right over your head because you believe there is an all encompassing system with enough rules in it to adapt to what's going on in the shoe.  There is.... it's called your mind.

Dealers, and more so floor management and hosts will emphasize 'You never know...'.  I'm sure they haven't seen everything, but they have seen everything.  Remember that when you place your bets.

It's simple.  Start a thread so you control it and post up all of your hard evidence that shows that all of these players everyone is seeing all of the time are on their way to financial ruin.  Show me their financials, their tax returns, there records of buy-in and cash out, their game records.  Fact is that many of them are grinding it out at a clear net profit.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


First of all, IMO this thread is already OOT.

I kind'a sad to see some thread get OOT. When I sign up as member I really would like to seek for learning andexperience from other.

Anyway, I believe we all know about the math, stat, methods, gambler's fallacy etc etc. But that don't stop us to play this stupid game.


We all seek for something, subjectively different for each of us.

Let's be truth, is all about the MONEY.

So, let's everyone swallow their lost, and keeping their winning.


Nb. Despite of all the argument here, this stupid game is already a "pain in the @$*" for me. Should we add the pain?
You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


Quote from: 21 Aces on February 23, 2016, 03:26:04 PM
- Good because it is clear several are do unintelligent you couldn't see the value in what I post anyway.  Like when I post about how people do extreme sports and risky things every do but you all think baccarat is so much harder - YAY!
- Right, consistent players have unlimited money and are just there all of the time losing it.
- What you just posted supported their performance and my view of the game
- Players are very competitive and I think I do well enough on my own and for the the nth fcuking time, I already had posted repeatedly there are times where I play same as others and/ or take the table consensus into consideration.

'There is no way to determine whether or not the player(s) you witness are winning or losing long term.  To assume so is folly.  Think about it.'   So you just support what I am talking about.  That you math quants have zero proof that the regular consistent players are losing yet you believe they are all suicide masochists on their way to financial ruin.  Do some players lose?  YES.  Already stated that to the nth degree as well.

FCUK, how hard is it?  There are long dragons, jumping periods, terrible two's, terrible three's, difficult chaotic progressions, etc.  Make a fcuking bet based on what you think is most likely going to happen and be more right than wrong.  Stay sidelined when you don't like what you see.  Move to another table(s). Be smart with your bet sizing.

I haven't learned a damn thing from most of you here, yet others post what can lead to extreme improvement in play like Great Player's comments... and it goes right over your head because you believe there is an all encompassing system with enough rules in it to adapt to what's going on in the shoe.  There is.... it's called your mind.

Dealers, and more so floor management and hosts will emphasize 'You never know...'.  I'm sure they haven't seen everything, but they have seen everything.  Remember that when you place your bets.

It's simple.  Start a thread so you control it and post up all of your hard evidence that shows that all of these players everyone is seeing all of the time are on their way to financial ruin.  Show me their financials, their tax returns, there records of buy-in and cash out, their game records.  Fact is that many of them are grinding it out at a clear net profit.

no one cares about your nonsense. for a guy who works 12-14 hours a day you sure do post a lot. my guess is you live at home and are 1 big dreamer. i bet you never played live. as jimske said, no one cares. end of story go tell it to people who care lol

21 Aces

I have a desk and smart phones.  I would say I live at my business and at home - split time with so many hours DUH.  I have staff that work under me, but I watch them very closely and work along with them.

Here.  Learn from these dogs.  They can surf, but nobody wins gambling - you guys really are certifiable.

Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


Quote from: 21 Aces on February 23, 2016, 07:32:39 PM
I have a desk and smart phones.  I would say I live at my business and at home - split time with so many hours DUH.  I have staff that work under me, but I watch them very closely and work along with them.

Here.  Learn from these dogs.  They can surf, but nobody wins gambling - you guys really are certifiable.


so because a dog can surf that means people can beat a game that is mathematically unbeatable? Great theory. Love to hear the facts you have to support the correlation between dog surfing and beating baccarat.

Also, you may have a desk and a smartphone but you are no businessman...I'm 101% certain on that...

21 Aces

Then you shouldn't quit your day job as a fry cook or maybe you moved up to salads because you seem to think your deductive reasoning has some accuracy when it couldn't be further from the truth.  I used to post up on another forum entirely unrelated to gambling which was quite active and some of the most frequent posters where very wealthy professionals and business owners in a position far stronger than mine.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan


Quote from: 21 Aces on February 23, 2016, 09:37:11 PM
Then you shouldn't quit your day job as a fry cook or maybe you moved up to salads because you seem to think your deductive reasoning has some accuracy when it couldn't be further from the truth.  I used to post up on another forum entirely unrelated to gambling which was quite active and some of the most frequent posters where very wealthy professionals and business owners in a position far stronger than mine.

Everything you speak about has to do with money and power. LOL. You really are infatuated with them aren't you? If you put more effort into getting a job and bettering yourself you would be that much more better off. Instead, you hang on an internet forum posting videos and pictures (that nobody cares about) and talking about betting big and seeing big people bet, etc, etc. You should try to date a "whale", maybe that will satisfy your craving. You obviously have issues, too many for me to list and i'm no psychiatrist so my judgement would be unwarranted.

Keep on dreaming about dogs who can surf or people who jump off cliffs. I see a lot of people like you who are jealous of others people's jobs, homes, money, wife's/husbands, cars, etc. You fit that to a tee......I personally do not worry about others because their lives affect me 0%. If my neighbor has 100 billion and a 25000 square foot house, what does that have to do with my life? Why should I care? I don't care. I have my life, you have yours. Put down whatever it is your smoking (peyote) and start attaining wealth by washing dishes at a local pizza joint. Maybe you can work you way up to dough maker in a few years. Best of luck to you bud......

21 Aces

I posted all the extreme sport stuff to show you morons that people do things way more difficult and risky than baccarat 24/ 7 but your are so unintelligent you can not get the connect.  And yes, dear moron people on trading, gambling, and other risk capital sites tend to like money.

How any of you can believe that the next 10,000,000 hands will be more difficult than the first is beyond me and all of this 'In the long term' bull is quite laughable unless there is a wholesale way that the game is run.

Why do even gamble if you are losing and believe that you will lose?  It sounds like you have serious mental issues, a lot of money to burn, or both.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan

21 Aces

Why am I bumping this? 

Because we have someone supposedly capitalizing on playing baccarat who is capitalizing training others to play baccarat who believes 'Casino is the biggest loanshark'.  It's 100% bull and actually quite embarrassing.  And a beer at the ball game costs more so yes ATM fees and financing charges from the house for advances are higher than market rates.  So what?

The fact of the matter is that casinos all around the world provide an avenue for people to make money.   Smart players are thankful for this.  So if you have any consideration for your reputation you should get back in here and explain yourself to all of us players and more importantly to the thousands upon thousands of casino staff who bust their behind from cleaning the restrooms to the highest level of management or delete this entire thread.
Life is something you dominate if you're any good. - Tom Buchanan