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Current Strategy

Started by geylangstar, January 12, 2016, 05:33:03 PM

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Hi Everyone,

Just to share.
Had lost thousands in physical casinos and online.

After losing the bankroll, the feeling of emptiness and remorse will kick in
Some mentioned that bacarrat is the easiest to win in the casino, 50/50 (it actually boils down to your greed level)

Today you might win your months paycheck, tomorrow you might lose your paycheck and your savings.

don't try martingale, somewhere along your gambling life, it will occur to you, and it will hurt you so bad you will regret you ever tried.

Let me just shared why alot of you will feel martingale will  work, works short term, but long run it will occur.

Every bacarrat table has this screen(Big Road), showing you the results of the bankers and players
1) if you look at it, 80% don't have streaks of 5s, so if you martingale, you will win a few months paycheck, but the issue is you don't know when that streak will come!
2) Do a maths fact, martingale of 10$ initial bet, after 10 rounds of losing streak, you will walk away with 10,000$ lesser, and if you win on a banker before that 10 round lost, your 10$ win can't even cover the comission.
But if you are able to guess correctly 3 rounds, that will really be great play, but again its not everyday sunday unless you can see the cards

Real Life examples
1) i had seen a woman in a physical casino in Singapore, armed with 250k.
Her system, chop player buy banker, 1st player buy banker 1k, 2nd player banker 2k, along the 4/5th player, she adds 1k or more to cover the bankers winning commission of 5%. When banker comes, she will just buy 1k irregardless of how many streaks banker has. I had never seen her after a few occurences

My conclusion: even if she started at 100$, her martingale will get her eventually

2) In Macua, i had seen VIP players bet 200,0000 on a banker streak, he hit 3/4 rounds, the security was busy ushering the casino chips, once the streak breaks, he cashed out.

If you really wanna win, just join the streaks, especially those that cross 5 streaks, try not to be a smart aleck to guess the outcome. Today, you may decipher the roads and won alot, a week later you go back and tell yourself " i can read the roads or i have a winning system", i would say enjoy while the cards are to your favor.

I can't give you great advices, becos
1) the cards are stack, its not your luck that will affect the outcome, not like roulette, Dai Sai, cos if there is an earthquake, bacarrat results will REMAIN same!

2) control your greed, just like what i am doing now as i text. 4 days ago, i have a positive balance of 900 from an online casino, it only took a losing streak to wipe that out and i had to overtime to try to recoup my losses. 24hours of non sleep, stressed and i still had to lose an amt of -1200 in the end. When you are on a losing streak, you will ask yourself, is there a ghost? or the casino is cheating or some high tech technology to make me lose? I would only comment that your losses has taken over your mind, wash up and start hunting for streaks where alot of people are gathering at.

My current play.
Irregardless of banker or player, when its 3, i will chop the 3s and 4s and 5s or even the 6ths, plan your bankroll well.
Aim low, when you aim low, your betting amt is low, so even when the results goes against the chop, you won't be traumatized and start doing silly things. i use a very low bet of martingale on the 3/4/5 chops, mainly 5$/5$/10$ or even 5$/10$/20$, and for every 20$ in total i won, i would bank it in, so everyday 20s x 2 set x 7 days, if you would like to work harder 20s x 2 sets morning 20s x2 set evening x 7 days, it doesn't add up much, but i think the winning will cover the rental and some drinks, and you won't run into high risk and traumatized at any point.

What if it's a long streak?
Whatever you have done on those chops are the losses, you can martingale again, make a good decision either on the 5th/6th or even the 7th/8th/9th if you had chopped and pray hard, martingale once more and bet on the joing streak, if it favors you, you won and you are on a winning streak with small winnings, but if wrong outcome, that will be the point the shoe helps you cut loss. Imagine you had continued to chop, and like someone in the forum mentioned, 19 streaks!!!

10 losing streak for 10$ > 10000$, what abt 19 losing streaks if you are the stubborn one.

Just becos the earlier results on the Big road shows all bankers ended with 5 streaks, the current one is at the 5th and you wanted to showhand, i would say, you need alot of help from GOD!

Anyway that's my sharing, hope everyone wins and really stay away from being too greedy.


You need to read the topic about relevant happening vs sta acc

About your bet selection, well I personally not into it. Because as you say need a lot of BR.

Hey man, nobody will put their gun in your head and force you where to bet, when to bet and how much. It is all your decision.

I believe the member here know and been in your position. We learn from our experience (mistake), and move on!

Stay strong bro! All the best wish for you

You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.