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Claim: "Target Baccarat Has Never Lost! Not Even One Time!"

Started by Neuraxon, April 21, 2016, 04:32:06 AM

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Hello everyone!

Like some of you, I was introduced to the game of baccarat by a close acquaintance and, through a lucky first couple of runs, I was instantly hooked! Granted, it is not the Monte Carlo version, but rather the EZ Baccarat style, but I consider it one and the same (aside from the payout differences of course).

Now, like most of us, I have been reading up on all the different systems out there looking to optimize my Baccarat play. I have not purchased any systems - I have only looked at what is available online free of charge. I have also read a lot of the posts here, and taken all the comments under consideration.

One system I came across is Target Baccarat. Now, based on the publisher's previous systems (and the respective opinions on the majority on this forum in regards to this particular publisher), I was wondering if this is any different from any of the systems. I understand that a mechanical system will, over an infinite number of runs, produces negative results given the parameters of the game. Similarly, I also understand that "new" systems are just older systems with updated lingo. I just wanted to see what the forum's opinions were regarding the system that "has never lost - not even one time!" in a recorded 10,700 games played.

PS. This is just a general question, but do the rules of EZ Baccarat when Dragon-7 is won affect how you would play the shoe?

21 Aces

'the system that "has never lost - not even one time!" in a recorded 10,700 games played.'

This should be your answer, but an approach may still have a high win rate/ performance.
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