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Confidence. Vision. Knowledge. Experience. Frame-of-Mind.

Started by alrelax, June 22, 2018, 06:15:27 PM

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Visual perception turned into tangible asset

Such as witnessing a three-card 8/9 (one for the player and  the other for banker), or a Fortune 7, will normally be followed by a cut to the opposite side.   More so with banker bonus wins than with other bonus wins on the player side.

Raising the players 2 card total to a 7 or an 8 or a 9, will normally add additional players hands to follow.

Equaling out sections, will normally be followed by a very strong repetitive bank or player section and if not in a single streak in a clump, with several where there is several of one side and one of the other, followed by couple/few of one side followed by a single, followed by a few/several followed by another single, etc.

However, do not fall into the misconception of the banker catching up to a strong player side or vice a versa, but be conscious to that.  As well as limited sections are separate entries which a lot of people do not understand. The other things such as bead plates when consistently extending itself to the right will be short-lived and probably will not repeat themselves but at times they do and that's what throws off most of the people playing.

Value of the cards either 2s or 3s with addition or reductions, will generally set the flow for a short period of time. The problem is by the time almost all players see that, it' is ready to switch into something else or probably will not continue and they get fooled as to whatever it is going to do and frustration sets in!  The rest is history. Be careful.

Equalling out and then player gets the first win ahead with a small selective clump. More times than not that happens. Continue in singles on one side, only it happens more often than anything else, so be conscious of that.

For Banker belief people, remember the highest majority of shoes will equal out. I cannot stress enough that you can obtain a huge advantage by not falling into the past and what should happen fallacy.

When I quote the things above and other things, I'm talking as a general sense for a slight advantage in a small section and that is the best you can do in the game of baccarat if you repetitively play it. You can put up all the numbers you want of anything run on the computer or from the last 1,000 or 10,000 shoes and it does not apply to the future shoes you were sitting down to play.

Sections of turning points. You do not create them they exist and they create themselves. They begin and end without any of your desires taken into consideration. Just sit and be conscious of it, it is truly the best thing you can do. 3 to 5 sections and turning points within a shoe, it happens almost all the time.  No matter what you want or what you think, that will not change the shoe presentments.   You have to conform to what the shoe is going to present and how it presents its hands. 

A Must. You have to govern Yourself by levels and plateaus that you are in. Your money management method has to govern you. I must. You cannot change tables or casinos and belief that will fix your not winning and when your money back that you lost or been losing. In the beginning section play yours is generally heavier than Banker I didn't say always and there are sections where the exact opposite might happen but in the long run I do believe players are generally heavier in many of the shoes in the beginning because of the distribution of cards 1/3 card will affect players more than it affects the bank because they get their cards first.

(The above prelude added 6-9-20)

Confidence and what it leads to.  Recognizing and knowing how to transform your knowledge and experience into tangible items to put yourself on the correct path to winning the way you can when it is possible.  Taking that knowledge and experience and developing the vision, the frame-of-mind and allowing yourself to function outside of your emotional feeling in the casino.  The path you can profit from if you manage your vision, frame-of-mind, and emotional feelings and thoughts while at the table.  A total different thought process with all outcomes and how profitable or costly each session will be is derived from those 3 things, as compared to most other types of income and career advancement.  What almost all fail to realize, just in the casino everything is accelerated, enormously 'fast-forwarded' which is the down-fall for almost everyone.  You do not have to trap yourself within that same 'normal and emotional' thought process and wishful thinking of what does not work, that so many will repeatedly and consistently tell you and even attempt to show you they know it is all based of theory of numbers, math, stats or some form thereof---but just failed for that session but hold no fear, as it has to prevail if you subscribe to it for the long-term. 

Realize your vision, your frame-of-mind and literally using your experience, plays enormous roles within your thought process.  And the down side to what I just said, and it will appear that I am contradicting myself, but what actually will work, does work, I will show you pictures of the results of it, etc., it cannot work day in and day out, shoe after shoe, on a consistent basis and that is where most will dismiss what I say.  That is the reason for a great money management method, as long as you have risk capital as your buy-in and not subscribing to win loss and stop loss, because those will stop you from making any serious money when opportunities present themselves to be capitalized on.   Simply, if you are not conscious of those and rely strictly on any and all twisted theories of 'what is going to happen' by everything from mathematical and statistical results to the attempt to merge into the Feng Shui syndrome, you will devastate yourself nearly 100% of the time. 

Stop trying to locate, purchase and read a text book or gambling manual, buy a DVD with a gambling system or attend some make shift 'holy grail'class with the numerous ways they are presented, where upon you believe you can read 7 lines or give 15 minutes of your time to learn a multi-million dollar sure thing.  You get sucked with all the mathematical numbers, all the proven statistics that will give you the edge, that proverbial 1 to 5 % whereupon you are thinking every shoe you play, all you have to do is push out wagers every so often and your running total will be 51 to 55% or so positive.  And the dangerous part of it all, that you really do believe just that!  You put your pen to the paper and you add up all those 1% to 5% profits, each and every time you game.  You believe that it is possible and you reason it out, "because I never saw it that way and this guy or this group spent thousands and thousands of hard-core hours to develop this", etc. etc., and "it all makes sense, it all checks out, it is the system that works and the wagering base I was never able to find", etc., etc., and so on. 

What am I trying to say in the above paragraph?  Well, all the math and all the statistics cannot consistently win at baccarat or any other table game on a consistent basis, day in and day out, all day every day--the way so many preach or swear by.  Of course with no proof and only offering repetitive one liners or repetitive short paragraph generalize claims.   Even the so-called pros, the real pros, do not gamble every day, all day with the same positive winning results.  You hear about the large wins, you hear about the tournaments, you hear about the hall-of-fame stuff.  You do not hear about the pain and the suffering, the constant and huge losses, and once you take out all of the superstars of the gambling pros, you have everyone else left.  The people that claim to be pros on the message boards, the system selling pros, the elite circle paid membership website owners and their exclusive members, etc., etc., etc., as well as the everyday playing person, claiming that he rakes in 51% to 55% or so over the long-term and lives nicely while being his own boss without a full time job and enjoys taking money every day or nearly every day from the casino.  Of course they also throw in, I travel a lot and stay under the radar, just so I will not get banned from all the casino properties I like to play at.  Those players will seldom, if at any time, really reveal much anything about the way they play or how they win, why?  Because whatever they say would actually be incompatible to what actually happens at the tables and they have no other story to tell except for their mathematical and statistical beliefs made into a lecture of sorts.  They exploit the text-book/classroom theory of mathematical and statistical probability as well as their 'even/odd strategies' along with their 'makes more 1's and 2's than anything else' dilemma,, etc., etc.  Which would showcase their 1% to 5% over the long-run as being very profitable rather than what actually happens day to day.  There are different twists on what I just said, but each and every one of them is actually, some shape or form, of what I just said.  But, what they all fail to tell you and disclose, is how they constantly lose and lose more than they win by sticking with their 'proven results' that prevailed the 1% to 5% greater from all the testing backed up by all the 'so-called' documented statistical proof. 

How do I know what I am writing here? How do I know it will work?  Have I experienced any of it at all?  Am I just turning around what the vast majority of the gambling public thinks works and will not work?  Am I just anti-system math result envious?  Have I had profitable sessions based on the 'other things', that I claim are of required understanding and you must employ 100% consciousness at the table, rather than wagering for a specific event over and over with consistently and only profiting a trivial 1 to 4 percent or so the minority of the times, which normally disallows you from getting even as you track your daily/weekly sessions? 

Well the answer to those and other questions of the same nature, I rather visually respond with a few pictures of only the past months play of mine. Oh yeah, I forgot, my wins are mine and I keep them, spend them and do not increase bankrolls, wagering and status levels, plateaus and all the other false and misleading 'brew-ha-ha', that is perpetrated by the majority of the forum members on how to win and gamble and get rich.   Of utmost priority and protocol, I also replenish the local bankroll I have when I win before leaving the table, if I had any negative downplay prior to the wins.  I have not depleted my local bankroll in the past 16 years or so, without replenishing it prior to depletion, strictly from wins.  All the rest are the fruits that fell from the tree or should I say, the opportunities I caught that presented themselves from the baccarat shoes?  And here you go, on a local level for the past month or so, just recently here and there:














My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


How about I fly you out to my local casino in ny. Let's make some real money using your mind and thousands of shoes. We can be partners with my cash...


Bump, real!  Results that happened. Not all sessions. Just a few pictures for the motivation!  It's there,,  you just have to know how to take it and how to walk away. As long as you don't subscribe to that absurd win a few units or have a few unit stop loss!
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Prelude added to the original post in the beginning, June 9th, 2020.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Al, do you really need his/her cash to play?  :)

Baccarat is 99% skill and 1% luck

(Friday Night Lights TV series)

(Nelson Mandela)

Winners don't do different things, they do things differently (Albalaha)

Success is not a goal, it's just a by-product


Would be enticing to play on someone else's cash if there was a firm agreement like I keep an XYZ amonut (50%) and he keeps an XYZ amount.  He pays all expenses and if I happen to lose, there's no problem on my part and he absorbs all the loss.  I don't think anyone would really want to do that??
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com