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Win percentage

Started by GSOB, August 26, 2016, 04:10:01 AM

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Hello Everyone,
I am new to the forum and I would like some feedback please.
My method of playing Baccarat for the previous month gave me the following results.
Please note: I double up my bets up to 3 times. (risking 7 units in total)

I have played a total of 130 shoes and made 251 bets (units)
Total bets won with 1st attempt - 150 units (60%)
Total bets won with 2nd attempt - 55 units (22%)
Total bets won with 3rd attempt - 28 units (11%)
Bets lost 18 (7%) (126 total units)
107 units profit

The average is about 2 units per shoe. (I play in units of 2000)
I would like to know what is my actual win percentage and if it can be sustained in the long run. I have tested my method on 1000 shoes with similar results.
I have worked out my win ratio to be 64.9% (233 units/(233 units+126 units) = 64.9%
This seems way too much. Can somebody please break down my stats and give me a true reflection of what I can expect in the long run.
Personally I am thinking the results are to good be true and somewhere I am making a mistake.
It is not a holy grail method of playing. It is readily available on the internet. (Zuan Xin patterns of patterns)



I'm a new member myself....I ONLY made an account because I just did something similar myself last month ... I won a total of 70+ units for the month...My goal is 4 units a day/ONE SHOE A DAY ONLY!....I'm betting at the 100$ level...7,000$ profit!!..... but I would love for someone to explain this also as in long terms...I feel like if I get far ahead NO WAY I'm giving it all back, I have an conservative betting style also....
