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Fail To Plan, Then, You Plan To Fail

Started by iplayforaliving, April 03, 2014, 01:32:55 PM

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Baccarat is like life. If you do not have a plan then, your life at the baccarat tables could be a f'ing grind.

Preparation is one of the leverage we can use against the casinos. The good thing about this, it's FREE.

Casinos are unforgiving to casino players with no direction. I knew better because I've been there. I

struggled during my first year of baccarat play because of lack of planning. My turnaround started when I

started implementing a plan on my baccarat session. This happened during my second year so literally, I

wasted 365 days of my baccarat life.

During my immersion into the casino gaming lifestyle, I found out 3 advantages that the casinos use against

us. These are Time, Money and Distractions.

Can you play 24 hours straight? Casinos are open 24/7. This explains the time factor. Our body & mind

needs rest to stay at a competitive level against the casinos especially when playing a mentally challenging

game like baccarat. For the record, the longest baccarat session I did was 36 hours straight. I only did this

to see the limitations that my mind & body could handle and to see if my method will be affected under such

conditions. I only did this once and I have no plan of repeating this BS again.

How do I leverage against casino time?

Each of us has his own tolerance against mental and physical exhaustion. Some of us will get tired playing

baccarat after 2 hours while others can play 12 hours straight. Like I said, baccarat is mentally challenging.

Physical and mental exhaustion is part of every baccarat game. The key here is to know the highest and

lowest point of your body & mind while playing the game. If after a baccarat game you feel tired already but

haven't reached your profit goal for the day then, don't jump to another game. Take a rest for a moment,

make simple meditation just to relax your body & mind before going for another game. Besides, what's the

rush to jumping to another game immediately? Leverage your time.

How much money are you willing to risk in exchange for a reward? Casinos are using token chips and not

real money to create the misdirection that they have unlimited funds but in reality uses our money to

maneuver our winnings or losses. When we win, other players are paying our winnings. When we lose, we

are paying other players' winnings. So where is the role of the casinos here? They just facilitated the

transfer of chips from one player to another to their chips' tray. Those chips are worthless plastics unless

you cash-out those chips from the cashier's cage. Get the whole point?

How do I leverage against casino funds?

Whenever I have a baccarat session, I see to it I have enough capital to withstand the "boom" and "bust"

of the game. Capital is no longer an issue to me today because I already built it for the last 7 years. So, you

better start building your bankroll first. What I want to point out is, never hit the casinos with a "tight

spread." Believe me, it's disaster in the making.  Since I don't want to have a tight spread, my revolving

capital is 100 units. These give me 100 "action bets" at my disposal before the casinos could get my entire

bankroll. What are my chances? With this spread and my method of play complementing it, I have a 97%

chance of winning my "2-hit combo" against 3% of losing it. With this spread, even though I hit a

downswing early on my baccarat game, I'm still very much on the game. Did you get my point?

What keeps you distracted during your casino game? Glitzy lights, mesmerizing decors, eardrum shattering

non-stop music, non-stop shows, mini-concerts, sexy waitresses, busty dealers, overflowing alcoholic drinks,

"sociable" and "friendly" female casino patrons, among others. The casino is like a labyrinth, a maze. Have

you notice a casino with a clock? Where is the nearest restroom located? Can you easily find it? Did you feel

the air conditioning or your body is too numb to feel it? These are what I call misdirection of the casinos to

players like us. You might not notice these but these add up to the over-stimulation of our brain during


How do I leverage against casino distractions?

Loud noises easily irritate me that's why I practice simple meditation. Sexy waitresses could be easily

ignored just don't order drinks from them but busty dealers are a different story. Think of them as a

sideshow during your baccarat game. Just don't look at "them" when thinking your next bet placement but

"enjoy" the view during payouts. Get the "big" picture? I wanted to stay sharp as long as I could so I don't

drink alcoholic beverages during game-play. After I hit my profit goal for the day then, that's the time I drink

all I want. What about the "sociable" and "friendly" female casino patrons? These I leave it to you. It's only

a choice between "gratifying" yourself "now" or "gratifying" yourself "later." Me, I prefer the latter because

it's not time-bound and I always preserve my energy for my baccarat plays. Milking money from the casinos

is my priority not milking other things.
"Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"



Maybe; maybe not.

For now, let's give him/her the benefit of the doubt, and encourage some serious debate and discussion.


Quote from: NathanDetroit on April 03, 2014, 04:50:20 PM
Another  preacher has surfaced.


Hi NathanDetroit.

Hope you gain something.
"Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"


Quote from: Archie on April 03, 2014, 04:57:40 PM

Sounds like one of OLD sillE's flock.  Maybe bacqueen, aka suzanne, who runs the boards along with her mouth.  Before you know it, she's got another "cult victim" for Ellis.

Hi Archie.

FYI, on my avatar you'll see the male symbol so definitely, I cannot be Suzanne a.k.a. Bacqueen.

Pity the people you named here. They're not here to defend themselves.

My name is Alvin Tuarez to set the record straight.

Btw, do you have some insightful post/s that I can read during my spare time?

But no wait! I hardly have a spare time because when I am not grinding the casinos, I am busy baccarat mentoring my clients, I am busy playing VIP gamblers money, and I am busy casino-financing gamblers. So, you see my hands are full.

So, I guess your post will have to wait.
"Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"


"Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"


Quote from: esoito on April 04, 2014, 07:00:31 AM
Maybe; maybe not.

For now, let's give him/her the benefit of the doubt, and encourage some serious debate and discussion.

Hi esoito.

Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

On a personal level, I don't like debate. It does not resolve anything.

I like meaningful, insightful discussions.

Gossips & hearsays, I don't give anything.
"Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"


Quote from: Archie on April 06, 2014, 04:11:47 PM

I like to keep my responses short and sweet, lol.  (As opposed to long and winded.)

Or you're just afraid to commit mistake/s on your grammar.

Don't worry Archie, this is a baccarat forum and not a thesis class.

For as long as people will understand what you're trying to say or share, it's fine.

For a start, You can try writing/sharing a 150-word post or article about anything you like.

And believe me, nobody will correct you if you commit grammar mistake/s.

Unless of course, you want to correct yourself.
"Make Money Anytime, Anywhere!"