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gr8 and his play

Started by Tomla, June 09, 2015, 05:18:55 PM

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anyone knowing how the great one is doing on bacc as he made it a part of retirement?


I was wondering this myself. His two weeks notice should have been up 3 weeks ago.

Flat betting a 53.5% win rate is phenomenal if it holds up over the long run. Sometimes increasing your unit size is not an accurate definition of flat betting. Regardless of that, I can't see how this 53.5% could be considered the long run or he would have retired years ago.
I wish plenty of people ill will, but have no desire to see GR8 destroyed financially hitting a losing streak. But that's my concern. To me, it seems as if he should start closing in on a 46.5% win rate. And "sometimes increasing unit size after some losses" is not flat betting. It is a recipe for disaster, especially when one believes they should win more often, and then gets lured into disbelief as their ability to successfully trend disintegrates.

I'm interested in knowing if he can stay zeroed in on his intuitive trending. Because there certainly is no mathematical edge.


Hello fellas....I must thank you for your interest, and with that in mind:

Yes, I've been "pro" now going on three weeks.  I do have a family and the related commitments; and so I limit myself to two nights/three days in either Atlantic City or Connecticut.  I believe that is surely enough casino time in order to achieve my desired win goal for the week.

Well, bottom line....I've been right for 2 out of the 3 weekly trips.  I won the first trip (12 units...it's funny...I lost my very first session as a "pro", but won each subsequent session); I lost on my second trip 4 units, losing 2 out of 5 sessions....sidenote: I'd normally at least break even if I win 3 of 5 sessions, but, unfortunately, those losing session were #3 and the last one, #5.  But I just got back last night from my third trip, and I won 4 out of 5 sessions, winning another 12 units.

Anyone notice the commonality in that report?  My goal is to win, after all expenses, 12 units for the week.  (Please bear in mind that my "week" consists only of roughly 5 sessions.)  I am a conservative Baccarat player, with the patience and discipline of a saint.  But, that said, my unit sizes are, shall I say, sufficiently rewarding.  But, that said part 2, my loss limits are rather tight as well, as you can see.

And so I've begun my journey onto this "roller-coaster" called "pro Baccarat".  Yes, it truly is an up-and-down ride.  But, my friends, that roller coaster ride is a fearless one for the 'prepared' player; in fact, it is rather expected.  And so it goes.

I must say:  I'm lovin' it.  Is it the same income as when I was working?  Absolutely not, and never will be...I always made a nice living at my profession, thank Goodness.  But I wasn't expecting to match that income, and I'm fine with what I'm making now....wait, let me take that back just a bit....I am disappointed with trip #2, my losing trip....and, frankly, I simply will not allow that to happen too often.  I don't mind "shoe setbacks" or even "session setbacks", but "trip setbacks" are not acceptable.  In that regard, I am working towards the solution.

In fact, it's funny about this game (although, I bet that's part of its appeal)....we're FOREVER working to "perfect" our Bac games.  I wouldn't have it any other way.  Bottom line:  gotta WIN.  Everything else is just pure baloney....you must WIN over the long term.  It's a result-orientated deal....you gotta come out ahead, or you'll simply drown over the long run.

But, that said, you've also got to learn to separate that "must win" mentality from each hand, each bet, each shoe, and each session.  That's a pressure, my friends, that'll do more to push you down than it ever will to rise you up.  So it's a "long term" approach that one must take to this game that'll see the player much more relaxed at the tables and much more confident in their over-all Bac game and the success that can accompany it, if only they remain patient and disciplined.

As always, my friends, I wish it for all of you.  Stay well.


So glad the transition is going well for you :)


Thanks, Dennis, you know I always wish the best for you as well.

Like I said, it's pretty much everything I'd expected.  The biggest (and best) difference:  my casino time has expanded tremendously, and that plays into directly into two of my strengths: being patient and disciplined.

I mention P & D alot....ever wonder why?:

Because it plays into everything that is RIGHT about this game.  Disciplined play is about playing only your proven plays, your very best bet selection process; while your patience allows you to await the "triggers" that put you onto those preferred plays and, of course, "no-betting" those "in-between" periods.

Combined with a conservative money-management plan built around your average variances (translation: a calculated formula for any bet sizing "adjustments"), and you'd find yourself to be "one tough out" for any casino.

Stay well, my friend.


Good job GR8. Thanks for coming in here and commenting.

I figured you would spend some immediate time with the family but still be anxious to get at the tables. Here, no news is usually bad news. And apparently the suspense was getting to some of us.

It must have been one helluva test of your psyche to lose your very first session. Murphy's Law you know..... And still another test to accept a 'trip' loss on your second trip.

However, you have always been correct with the importance of patience and discipline.

Far be it for me to offer any advice, but don't put too much pressure on the intolerance of losing trips if you are still making forward progress over all. +20 units is excellent.

Glad to hear of your success and I wish you continued success.


Everyone knows not to believe a single word of yours, Johno, so you'd probably be best served to cower on back to your dense private forum.  At least there, my friend, it must be good to be King.

But it won't happen here, or at any legitimate Bac forum, because you are now and forever will be "persona non grata"; treated as the substandard element that you are.  Or maybe that's a misconception....could it be just a public outcry on these internet forums for some personal help?  If that's the case, PM me and I will try to assist you off of the ledge that you're about to jump off of.  I know you for enough years to know that somewhere, deep down inside, there might actually exist a real human being.

Reach out, Johno, and I will respond in kind.


Quote from: gr8player on June 11, 2015, 01:06:18 PM
Reach out, Johno, and I will respond in kind.

Quote from: WalterMittyBUUUUT, the way I trend, I will catch certain trends that most of you out there would be left scratching their heads over.  I look for things that most bac players haven't yet dreamed about.
And this tool is driving the bus on behalf of the board?


unblock me from pm please.


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on June 12, 2015, 11:41:42 PM
And this tool is driving the bus on behalf of the board?

Jealousy is but a wasted emotion that will lead you nowhere, Johno.

It is a proven fact that while I've been a most esteemed member of every Bac forum in which I contributed, you, on the other hand, have been suspended and expelled from every single one.  And numerous times, at that, because you've employed countless aliases on all of these forums, each one more despised than the next.

Me?  I've been "gr8player" on each forum, as I've never needed to hide in shame or deceive anyone with aliases.  Can you, Mr Rolex Watch/ Johno/ Carlo/ Egalite/ the list goes on and on, just like your expulsions....can you say the same?  Of course not.

Why is that?  Why the need for dozens of forum aliases?  Who, exactly, are you trying to fool?  What sort of deception are you up to now?

You're so jealous of my status in these forums that you seek, at every twist and turn, to attack me as quickly and as often as you can.  It's grown old already.  Anyone whose been around these forums already knows that the TRUTH of gr8player will FOREVER overshadow the LIES of you and all your aliases combined.

So, for the sake of all members, give it up already.  Haven't you been beaten down enough already, or are you the same glutton for punishment here in these forums as you are at the Baccarat tables?  You should be ashamed of yourself....a grown man acting like a complete fool, who's really only fooling himself.

Go back to your own forum, where you can practice your double zigzag/template/multi-line labbys to your hearts content.  Nobody can bother you there, all you need do is remove them.  Presto!  You're the king, queen, and the joker over there.

You don't need any more humiliation, Johno, you really don't.  You are, truly, the laughing stock of every forum that you've ever been associated with.  And, lastly, know this:  You will never, ever be able to take me down with you.  I am head and shoulders above you, both in real Baccarat play and in LIFE.



WHAT you had to leave the WoV before Shackford was about to instigate a rule change to get rid of you, as you were a laughing stock.  Who cleaned up the GG site from the scammers, not you.  Esteemed?  Oh yeah on Bac-Labs, who accumulated me, likes, kudos etc on that stupid point system that was used? 

You are now more irrational than ever, my guess due to the stress of being unemployed.   While I may use multiple ID's as does most, at least I don't hide in real life, avoiding anybody who offers to meet up, what have you got to hide Roberta?  Somebody even offered you a quick 10K on the Wiz site, you acted like a rabbit caught in the headlights, fancy that GR8 turning down the offer to make a quick 10k in 3 shoes?   Yeah we all know why you ran scared, because when the push came to the shove, you would never be able to produce and the fantasy would have been exposed, the internet party well and truly over.

Jealous of your status?  Jesus, you're a half baked fruit cake, being polite and calling everybody "my friend" doesn't bring home he bacon, won't make people slicker players.  You have no "real world friends" Walter, which is why you post so much dribble over the years, your crave the recognition, need the attention because in the real world, you simply don't get any and still feel guilty about ruining your life by giving the casino's a quarter of a million dollars.  Just think how your life coulda/woulda/shoulda turned out had you never gambled!!!

Yeah Robert I'm seriously so jealous of somebody who perhaps has more cyber-friends, not that he'll ever offer to meet any of them at the tables.  There's a few Foxwood players on this forum, just like there were many AC players on the Wiz site, I recall they offered to meet you'.  moral support don't pay the bills as you will find out soon enough

The weasel excuses you invented was laughable as always, what are you scared of Walter, your plays, your bet amount??  One time it was $400 per hand, then that got downgraded to $100 (I have the posts), damn shame I don't have that email were you confessed you bet $10 per hand, you're turning into another spike.

You're too far gone, been regurgitating the same old basically nothing for the last 10 years, go do your thing, your yesterday's stale news.  Kinda obvious now you don't have a regular income, things are really eating away at you, that there exists a forum related to Baccarat and you can't even see it.  No amount of begging, badgering, silly offers of help (you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours) is ever going to gain you access, capish.  Now ain't that just a darn shame, maybe all the internet friends you have gathered over the years will help you out, when a push comes to a shove.   

My advice to you is this; as your money becomes tighter, don't dwell on the 250 large

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Quote from: Rolex-Watch on June 13, 2015, 01:20:44 PM
No amount of begging, badgering, silly offers of help (you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours) is ever going to gain you access, capish.

Wait....oh, my gosh....are you saying that I'm not allowed to join your forum, Johno?  Oh my gosh....how am I going to learn how to bet BBPP (double ZZ) over and over again until I'm getting so buried with it that I must go on tilt and lose my entire bankroll; or how am I going to learn the 3-column, 4-column, 75-column bet selection to bet over and over again until I'm getting so buried with it that I must go on tilt and lose my entire bankroll; or how am I ever going to learn how to bet for a set template over and over again until I'm getting so buried with it that I must go on tilt and lose my entire bankroll; or how am I going to learn how to form 37 labby lines so that I can try to recoup my vast losses until I'm getting so buried with it that I must go on tilt and lose my entire bankroll???!!!  How will I ever sleep tonight knowing that I cannot gain access to some psychopath's web-site?

You, my friend, bury yourself deeper and deeper each and every time that you even attempt to assail my character and my good name.  And you know why that is, Johno?:  It's because your a lying, deceitful, conniving, psychopathic L.O.S.E.R.!!!  And everyone knows it, and that's just killing you, because everyone saw straight through all those aliases you invented.

Stop trying to knock me down all in the vain attempt to stand on my shoulders in order rise in status.  It ain't never gonna happen for you matter how hard you try, because you lay your baloney out like dirty laundry every time you log on to this site.  You fool no one over here.

Go back to your web-site.  You're the king, the queen, and the joker all rolled up into one over there.

I'm giving you a choice, Johno:  Either contribute something of value here....I mean, put something in, make an addition, rather than keep on taking and just making yourself a distraction....or high-tail back to your own site, where you can talk to yourself all day.  Your choice....choose wisely.  You want to remain here, then get on board and do the right thing for once in your life.


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on June 13, 2015, 01:20:44 PMnot that he'll ever offer to meet any of them at the tables.  There's a few Foxwood players on this forum, just like there were many AC players on the Wiz site, I recall they offered to meet you'.
I, for one don't like playing with other gamblers unless I am playing partners.  Makes me nervous to ahve someone watching my play.  I guess I feel pressured somehow.  Maybe Gr8 feels the same way.

However, I am happy to meet other players to say hello and even share ideas.  I have suggested to Gr8 that we meet up sometime.  Apparently he frequents MoSun as well.

We likely play in a similar fashion and t would be fun to share ideas in general.  Also it would be a good to just have a meeting of the minds since we haven't always seen eye to eye.  He has never even responded to my PM.  I can understand guys wanting anonymity but generally those types are not posting on a website year after year. 

One would think a guy who was an internet "friend" for so many years wouldn't mind saying hello.



Yup, time for the Guinness and cashew again, hey hey.