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gr8 and his play

Started by Tomla, June 09, 2015, 05:18:55 PM

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Quote from: Jimske on June 13, 2015, 07:07:29 PM
I, for one don't like playing with other gamblers unless I am playing partners.  Makes me nervous to ahve someone watching my play.  I guess I feel pressured somehow.  Maybe Gr8 feels the same way.

Jimske, you could have, and should have, ended your post right there.

Look, I enjoy these Bac forums, and always have, in spite of certain obviously "unsavory company".  But I feel that it's only a part of the "price of admission" in joining these public forums, and so I choose to deal with it.

But what I simply will not EVER choose to deal with is to meet up with ANYONE from any public internet forum.  I have a number of very valid reasons for maintaining my anonymity at the Baccarat tables, most especially from complete strangers.

That said, I generally frequent the same casinos continuously, and I do engage a myriad of other players THAT I KNOW and have FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE of.

But meet someone that I know only from the other side of an anonymous keyboard?  An absolute non-starter for me.

I should think that you're an intelligent enough man to respect those feelings.

Stay well.


Quote from: gr8player on June 13, 2015, 04:02:57 PM
Wait....oh, my gosh....are you saying that I'm not allowed to join your forum, Johno?  Oh my gosh....how am I going to learn how to bet BBPP (double ZZ) over and over again until I'm getting so buried with it that I must go on tilt and lose my entire bankroll; or how am I going to learn the 3-column, 4-column, 75-column bet selection to bet over and over again until I'm getting so buried with it that I must go on tilt and lose my entire bankroll; or how am I ever going to learn how to bet for a set template over and over again until I'm getting so buried with it that I must go on tilt and lose my entire bankroll; or how am I going to learn how to form 37 labby lines so that I can try to recoup my vast losses until I'm getting so buried with it that I must go on tilt and lose my entire bankroll???!!!  How will I ever sleep tonight knowing that I cannot gain access to some psychopath's web-site?
You might learn how not to gift $250000 to the casino's.  Defo worth the admission price. 
The thing is Roberta, you have no idea what is on the board, what concepts, what chit-chat is taking place.  We could be discussing mechanical trending all forms of MM, trip reports galore, including scans of actually played cards.  "You don't know what you don't know", but it really appears it is eating you up, cos' you keep on mentioning it .

You don't want me to leave here, otherwise you wouldn't keep slagging mechanical modes of play at every opportunity, when the smart ones realize, there is no difference. If that doesn't work, then you start stealing my quotes to get a reaction "pay the cost of time rather than the cost of your bankroll", is one recent example.

The IQ of members at the WoV site is higher than most other boards, they sussed you out fairly quickly, just like I did back on GG, it doesn't really say a lot for those members who still can't see though the endless cr@p you spew over the years.  One of which whom is no stranger, actually attends WoV annual dinners, could get other members to vouch for him, offered you a chance to make $10k inside 3 shoes.  10 large but you ran scared, we all figured why you turned him down, it was for no other reason other than you HAVE NOTHING, but bluster, you know it, the board knew it. 

Then there are more attention seeking quotes;

QuoteTotals for Trip: Plus 2.5 Units (enough for your bus fare perhaps)

Frankly speaking, I have been approached to write a book on my Baccarat play. (That was one of the reasons that I had stopped posting my "trip reports".) But, I've decided against it. Why? Because I DID NOT INVENT THIS GAME!

For the last time, I do NOT bet $400 per hand. IF you must know, my initial unit size is $100, and I employ parlays (or partial parlays) that will see me bet to $200 or even $250. Now, occassionally, when my variance is showing stats that deem it necessary, I will raise my intial unit size to $200, and then my parlays will have me betting as high as $400, or even $500. But those occassions, Thank Goodness, are rare, indeed.

Hmmmm, yesterday's session saw me net 9 units after commissions and tips. That $1800 kicks your $975 right in the behind, don't it?

That said, however, please understand this:

I will not enumerate my plays in this forum, not now and not ever.

I paid for my plays. Dearly. Money-wise. Time-wise. Blood, sweat, and tears-wise.

Do you think, for one second, that I'd just "give away" all I've worked so hard for lo these 20 years?

Do you think I would enumerate my plays for the casinos to see?

Do you think I'd enumerate my plays for ANYONE to see?

A "suit" came down to watch us (my playing partner and myself) play. He was just observing, but made sure we knew that he was observing US. After the session was over, I walked over the CCC booth, and asked them one simple question: Can I, if I'm a consistent winner, be asked to leave by casino personnel? Their answer: No, sir, unless you are using a device or cheating. I said I was doing neither, and they told me not to worry about it. That's the last time I saw that "suit".

Another time, when I had asked a casino boss to "check my rating" because I was given unquestionably "short" comp dollars, I was told by him that it actually reads in their computer my EXPECTED WIN, not my EXPECTED LOSS. (Somehow, apparently, they calculate what you're generally expected to lose on a per session basis.) What I felt was amazing was that they actually had an "expected win" percentage for me in their computer.


Sidenote #2: I'm leaving the parking lot at the AC hotel when the "attendant" says to me: "Wow, sir. Very nice. You are a very good player. I see you don't bet every hand and are very patient. Very nice." This from the freakin' parking lot attendant! When the heck did she see me play? Isn't she working? You could've knocked me over with a feather. Still, to speak honestly......it felt good.

Nope. True story. I was in disbelief myself, but my playing partner heard it as well. She did look a bit familiar to me, and is Asian. She might be what I call a "hanger". If you frequent the bac sections of the casinos in AC, you'll get to know the "hangers", a term I use to describe the people who are there just to watch the play, as if it were a movie. Maybe it's because of the larger bets made at the bac tables, or they just want to get close enough to the action that they can "smell it", or, maybe, as I suspect this woman, trying to "observe and learn". Who knows. But, yeah SF, it surely was "weird".

You see, I have certain trend plays that, frankly, will never see the light of day on this or any public board. That's why I laugh when I read certain comments about "my plays", "my signals", or "my triggers". Suffice it to say (and listen up good here): My signals/triggers VARY from shoe-to-shoe, always CONFORMING TO the results that THIS SHOE is DISPOSED TO GIVING. Does it work all the time? Of course, not. Just look at the first shoe of my second session. I lost 6 units. And the begining of the next shoe was difficult for me, as well. BUUUUT, the way I trend, I will catch certain trends that most of you out there would be left scratching their heads over. I trend EACH SHOE SEPARATELY. I look for things that most bac players haven't yet dreamed about.

None of "my shields" injured? Are you kidding me? Oh, how I wish that were true. I've LOST more money at this game than I'd ever care to count, especially in my "early years", when I ONLY THOUGHT I has it "all figured out". Ever hear that expression: "A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing?" Well, it's true. It can be.

I do realize that I might sound a bit "too cocky" in many of my posts, but I trust that people realize that I don't mean it as an "ego" thing as much as a "pride" thing. I spent a lot of money and many hours of my time to get my game to where it is at today, and I take pride in my competitiveness and perserverance. If it comes across as cocky, well, while I can totally understand that, I should hope that most of you guys can tell the difference.

This game is "changing" for me, my friends, right in front of my eyes. I see it, and "they" know I see it, but they don't care. Furthermore, by continuing to "crow about" and "elaborate on it" here in a public forum, it could "change the game" for us all, and that's not a good thing for any of us.
http://www.gamblersglen.com/cgi-bin/teemz/teemz.cgi?board=_master&action=opentopic&topic=957&forum=Baccarat_Message_Board  so gr8's play is going to change the game of Baccarat

I must tell you; yesterday morning I was going over my Baccarat cards (as per usual on Sunday mornings) and I took notice of a "lagging play" that I'm currently utilizing. I will keep a keen eye on it, and it may warrant substitution. I don't know yet. I should say also that it is difficult to warrant any changes while I'm winning; the "why fix it if it ain't broken" theory. But, I'm a realist, and will not fool myself into thinking that an under-performing play will suffice. It won't, especially not long term.

Sorry, guestposter, but I decided a while ago to discontinue saving my scorecards. I'd need to build another room in my house if I kept bringing them home. Now, what I do is take them with me and evaluate them immediately either in the hotel room or at dinner. Then, I'll transpose my findings on a separate piece of paper. In this manner, I am able to consolidate an entire "trip's worth" of scorecards onto one sheet of paper, simply using my "summarizations".

Sure we all understand and can feel your pain, a case of Wende~itist is prevalent here.
[smiley]giga/lotf.gif[/smiley] [smiley]giga/lotf.gif[/smiley]

Quote from: gr8player on June 13, 2015, 04:02:57 PM
I'm giving you a choice, Johno:  Either contribute something of value here....I mean, put something in, make an addition, rather than keep on taking and just making yourself a distraction....or high-tail back to your own site, where you can talk to yourself all day.  Your choice....choose wisely.  You want to remain here, then get on board and do the right thing for once in your life.
[smiley]giga/lotf.gif[/smiley] You are definitely hurting/struggling no doubt about that [smiley]giga/lotf.gif[/smiley].

Okay I will now post something of value.  Recently you preached to HBS about the Labby needing to win 50% of one's bets.  Get it right Mr Teacher, it is in fact 33% plus the number of elements in the starting string.You also corrected HBS that he was not using a Labby just because he wrote down figures.  Well  also do the same, but you accused me of using a Labby LOL.

Hey come fly over to East Asia, Singapore, NZ or OZ, I will get you into the VIP rooms so you can eat and drink for FREE.    [smiley]giga/tnul.gif[/smiley]

BTW you don't meet up with anybody, because you have plenty to hide, I know that and you simply are afraid to admit it, because without this Baccarat waffle, you have nothing, no ego, no life, zada zilch.  Now your job has gone puff, this is the last thing you have left to cling too.  Take solace from the fact, you join a few likewise souls on this forum. 

On a serious note, it's obvious you are begging for morsels (did you lose?, if you're playing DBL as recently mentioned on this forum, then you will getting your a$$ handed on a plate most shoes), trip reports, how I'm doing and the like.  All is revealed, "too bad, so sad" you can't access such info. 

It's not 37 Labby strings BTW, it's actually 36 with a 3.75 Col template deploying virtual regressing symmetrical racket techniques that makes one unbeatable and the game there for the taking.  But don't you worry about all that, keep bamboozling the good folk here with your sermons, you have many friends here. 

Don't dwell too much on you know what, eh!!


lol Johno we gotta hang out sometime. Let me know if ever in the States m8.
"will all the mathematicians, now piss off to some mathematicians forum, and leave the gambling forums to the gamblers." -Johno


If I come stateside it would only be Sarasota Fl in a few months. That puts me in ADulay terrority (Seminole casino), so I'll be quiet as he is a Glock expert and I don't wanna be a fackin statistical accident


Sarasota is BEAU-TI-FUL. Went there twice to tennis camp as a teenager and went twice more recently. You may not want to leave there. Check out Casey Key, Longboat Key, Siesta Key.
"will all the mathematicians, now piss off to some mathematicians forum, and leave the gambling forums to the gamblers." -Johno


Quote from: Jimske on June 13, 2015, 07:07:29 PM
I, for one don't like playing with other gamblers unless I am playing partners.  Makes me nervous to ahve someone watching my play.  I guess I feel pressured somehow.  Maybe Gr8 feels the same way.
I met a board member recently, everything worked out fine.  He left me to do my thing, I had somebody to chat to if I wanted break or at the end of my session, then we had a great old natter taking shop and casinos in general.  He knew the score, perhaps other don't. 

If somebody is sharing a table with me, we can chat away, cool with that, been in that situation many times.  $10k is not a sum to be sneezed at and if a respected member of the Wizard site, whom many can vouch for as being above board beyond repute, slaps down a $10k a 3 shoe duration challenge and you decline after you have spouted on about some mystical 54% strike rate while claiming to be an above average experienced 50-50 guesser. 

If somebody bets $100 per hand, making 12 units on a good trip, yet turns down the opportunity to make 100 units due to a side bet.  Well there really is one one conclusion isn't there, it has nothing to do with personal safety, more to do with the said person not being able to do what they claim on some anonymous internet gambling forum (read = rabbit + headlight).


Quote from: gr8player on June 13, 2015, 10:30:42 PM
Jimske, you could have, and should have, ended your post right there.

Look, I enjoy these Bac forums, and always have, in spite of certain obviously "unsavory company".  But I feel that it's only a part of the "price of admission" in joining these public forums, and so I choose to deal with it.

But what I simply will not EVER choose to deal with is to meet up with ANYONE from any public internet forum.  I have a number of very valid reasons for maintaining my anonymity at the Baccarat tables, most especially from complete strangers.

That said, I generally frequent the same casinos continuously, and I do engage a myriad of other players THAT I KNOW and have FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE of.

But meet someone that I know only from the other side of an anonymous keyboard?  An absolute non-starter for me.

I should think that you're an intelligent enough man to respect those feelings.

Stay well.
I didn't say I didn't respect those feelings.  I just think it a little strange.  One would think that after all this time you would at least have more "first hand" knowledge of me than some persons you might meet in the casino from time to time.  After all you continually refer to me as your "friend."  Now you've hurt my feelings.

Like Johno, I'd be happy to say hello to any fellow gambler - even Johno as long as he wasn't packing! ;-)  So it's obvious it has got nothing to do with this "anonymous keyboard" stuff.  Heck, I'd buy you a Guiness and some cashews! hey hey!


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on June 14, 2015, 01:47:53 AM
If I come stateside it would only be Sarasota Fl in a few months. That puts me in ADulay terrority (Seminole casino), so I'll be quiet as he is a Glock expert and I don't wanna be a fackin statistical accident

Not to worry.  I'll be the perfect gentleman. 

Sarasota is north of me but I could find my way to make a special trip up there for a quick meet and greet over a beer.

I'll still be packing, but in your case I'll at least hide it for the day.

If worse comes to worse, I'll drag you over to my range and you can blast away all afternoon.  [smiley]giga/OK.gif[/smiley]



this is more for gr8 ---Jimske is a crumudgean but also a good player--mostly a grinder . I have played with him in mo-sun and foxwoods several times.....lots of fun playing with him and then sharing bacc stories ----- 


Years back I invited a cat from the gamblingglen to come eyeball my baccarats play. Sadly, the cat turned coconut so I won't be doing that again. But, I would be happy to talk baccarats with serious cats over a coupla few pints, hey hey.


Quote from: ADulay on June 14, 2015, 08:50:00 PM
Not to worry.  I'll be the perfect gentleman. 

Sarasota is north of me but I could find my way to make a special trip up there for a quick meet and greet over a beer.

I'll still be packing, but in your case I'll at least hide it for the day.

If worse comes to worse, I'll drag you over to my range and you can blast away all afternoon.  [smiley]giga/OK.gif[/smiley]

Blasting away at a range is about all it's good for.  Glock?  From your pic I would have thought you were a Colt man.  Anyway "45 ACP" hasn't been around for 150 years!


Quote from: Tomla on June 14, 2015, 09:59:15 PM
this is more for gr8 ---Jimske is a crumudgean but also a good player--mostly a grinder . I have played with him in mo-sun and foxwoods several times.....lots of fun playing with him and then sharing bacc stories -----
Tomla scolded me for being mean to Gr8.  Curmudgeon?  I had to look that up to see exactly what it meant.  I'm offended. I don't think I'm quite that far gone.  A bit cantankerous maybe.  Old?  Ill tempered?  Nah.  Harsh? - ok, yeah, even my friends say I am a little too harsh.  But I'm funny!  Don't believe me?  Ask my ex-wife.  She says, "Yeah, he's a regular riot!"   ;D

Sorry Gr8, it's really not personal.  Anyway I would spot you a mile away at MoSun IF you go there.  If you do then it's just because you don't go on weekdays so maybe we just never cross paths.  I've played well over a thousand shoes at MoSun and pretty much recognize any new  non-Asian face.



Jimske, no  worries, it's all good....

In fact, I was in Mohegan yesterday (Monday).  I took my wife for the day so she could spend my mounting comp dollars in the shops there.....she met me at the Bac tables carrying 5, 6 bags from Sephora and Brookstone. 

So I had the time to play only a couple of shoes:  First shoe I was plus 4 units (was a plus 6, but lost my last two bets and quit the shoe); second shoe wasn't as good for my preferred plays and I finished it at a minus 1 unit; that's about when my wife arrived, so I didn't play another shoe, finishing the trip at a plus 3 units (2 3/4 after comm & tip).  Not a bad day's pay in anyone's book.

I don't go to Mohegan as often as I frequent AC, but I have been going there for a few years....so, yeah, there's a good possibility that we've already chatted up at the tables at some time or another.  But it so happens that I get along with the Asian players as well, and I'm conversive with many of them as well.

Take care.


Quote from: gr8player on June 16, 2015, 10:01:07 AM
Jimske, no  worries, it's all good....

In fact, I was in Mohegan yesterday (Monday).  I took my wife for the day so she could spend my mounting comp dollars in the shops there.....she met me at the Bac tables carrying 5, 6 bags from Sephora and Brookstone. 

So I had the time to play only a couple of shoes:  First shoe I was plus 4 units (was a plus 6, but lost my last two bets and quit the shoe); second shoe wasn't as good for my preferred plays and I finished it at a minus 1 unit; that's about when my wife arrived, so I didn't play another shoe, finishing the trip at a plus 3 units (2 3/4 after comm & tip).  Not a bad day's pay in anyone's book.

I don't go to Mohegan as often as I frequent AC, but I have been going there for a few years....so, yeah, there's a good possibility that we've already chatted up at the tables at some time or another.  But it so happens that I get along with the Asian players as well, and I'm conversive with many of them as well.

Take care.
I guess the implication is that you play really big units for 2 3/4 units win to not be a "bad day's pay in anyone's book."  I guess it's all relative.  One man's ceiling is another man's floor.  My base bet is either $15 or $25 so $41.55 or $68.75 wouldn't be a great day in my book.  Frankly even at black $275.00 wouldn't be a really good day's pay for me.  Wouldn't be a bad day's pay as you say but ANY win is not "bad."  What's good is another story.

I don't get the points at Bacc I used to get at BJ (thousands).  Since the lay offs a few years ago MoSun really cracking down on points.  I'm happy to get lunch and my gas paid for!  A person really has to put in the time, not just the average bet size to get a lot of points at Bacc.  So even with my average bet size around $40 or $50 and all the time I put in I still don't buy my wife David Yurman anymore. I guess you must be flat betting $500 at least to accumulate lots of points?  Great!  No reason why you should keep your job!

Unlikely we've ever crossed paths, Gr8.  You know these places get the "regulars."  I know all of the non-Asian regulars (most of the Asian ones, too) either by site or acquaintance since I've played well over 1000 shoes there.  Guarantee we've never "chatted up" at the tables.  I basically play my game and go home.  I'd spot a non-regular a mile away and if I chat I usually ask people where they're from etc.  Only natural when you meet someone.

Take care.



Quote from: Jimske on June 16, 2015, 02:01:43 PM
I guess the implication is that you play really big units for 2 3/4 units win to not be a "bad day's pay in anyone's book."  I guess it's all relative.  One man's ceiling is another man's floor. I guess you must be flat betting $500 at least to accumulate lots of points?  Great!  No reason why you should keep your job!

A.)  I couldn't care less about any of the "points".  I accumulate them over time (Mohegan has no expiration date, unlike the Borgata....6 months shelf life) and then have my wife and/or children use them as they please.

B.)  "$500 units"....no way.  More like 100 - 200.  (It wouldn't pay for me to play anything less; especially given my relatively conservative playing style.)