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Lets talk about Ellis's 2HI

Started by WorldBaccaratKing, March 19, 2015, 02:40:47 AM

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His MDB is no good. Two members have used this in their casinos and it does not work. We all know systems work some of the time. I also spoke to a guy who has bought almost every single one of ellis's systems and REFUSES to give him one more penney.

Based upon that, I would have to guess that this 2HI is going to be crappola, the same ole' crappola he has been spewing for 20+ years now. I won't reveal the members name but lets just say he knows ellis personally for a longggg time and has watched and played with him MANY times and he has admitted that he is a "systems seller". Now, I know this isn't a revelation to most, but I hope that to the naive, unsuspecting person who googles baccarat and finds his site, they don't max out their credit card on buying his ridiculous stuff.

Heck, I been offered 2HI a few times for a split of a measly 200 bucks. For what? It's already a loser! 


For anybody capping a progression at 2u, it is already a loser.  I've seen a regular where I play do this and got thinking about why he went from a big stack to no stack fairly quickly.  For every LL 2 losses in a row, the required win ratio just tripled.   A few LL's and your goosed, meanwhile Ellis is able to pay for a few more nurses for a little longer..   Ellis the scourge of the gambling community.   


Quote from: Jimske on March 19, 2015, 09:35:57 PM
From RW   If one can win more hands than lose then any prog you use will come out winner itlr by the ABS. 

Not really.  All depends how the wins and losses fall, if your capping a negative progression at 2u and get too many LL's and many WW's hen you could lose against such a shoe. 

Sorry didn't read all the blue stuff, read the first paragraph, kinda obvious where it's come from and really is just gobbledygook for OLD and 'AS'.  Whatever the author is getting at, I don't need it, I have my winning formula <wink>..


Ellis 2hi is in fact a bust. It does not work. But now he's asking his members to help him fix it , what a joke....


Rolex and all, so a 1-2 progression capped at 2 does take 3 winning bets to break even. But the goal of the 1-2 is to keep your bets low. So if you are doing a 3 step progression you are then at 1-2-2 or 1-2-3 which is even harder.....is there a better progression than the 1-2?


Quote from: Whiskeypete on March 20, 2015, 01:47:35 AM
Rolex and all, so a 1-2 progression capped at 2 does take 3 winning bets to break even. But the goal of the 1-2 is to keep your bets low. So if you are doing a 3 step progression you are then at 1-2-2 or 1-2-3 which is even harder.....is there a better progression than the 1-2?
For every LL you drop 3 units, for every W, LW, WW you don't make 3u which is why it is a losing proposition, as double losses aren't exactly rare.   You would be better off flat betting than capping your bets at 2u, alternatively use a much deeper progression beyond 3u. 

I don't have these kind of issues, having been around the block many times.  I realised the issues with progression present the players with, 'not enough bankroll', 'not willing to place the big bets', 'table limits', 'simply not worth the risk', so constructed my own concept to address the issues that you find with the progressions you can find on the internet.

Of course you still need to snare wins in a decent quantity.   

QuoteIs there a mechanical bet selection that wins more hands than another? 
Not really, but if you were to ask, if there a mechanical bet selection that loses less 'LIAR's' than other options including competing mechanical options, then I would definitely say yes. 

Natural 9

Quote from: Jimske on March 19, 2015, 09:35:57 PM
First of all WBK - ALL systems work.  Unless of course no system works, in which case then nobody wins.  What?   But if somebody wins than there MUSt be a system that works.  Better keep on looking for that system.

I found one last year. And I'm doing very well with it!  ;)  :thumbsup:  :nod:  :applause:

Natural 9  ;)
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney


Ellis has put a lot of time into his Thing.  Searching for a bias I assume.  In every shoe you can have a bias of one way  or another, IMO.

I once read that there are 250 known Holy Grails found across Europe.  I thought that to be a very interesting statistic.

I would of never thought of looking there !


Quote from: Natural 9 on March 21, 2015, 04:55:26 PM
I found one last year. And I'm doing very well with it!  ;)  :thumbsup:  :nod:  :applause:

Natural 9  ;)

Doing so well Alvin that you need another system or approach heh? Lmao, this is classic. Alvin, adulay or whatever your name is, take a hike will ya?

Go back to the burger joint and start flipping for an honest living. Everyone knows you don't make it in baccarat. You certainly have provided 0 proof.


Has anyone played the U2hi system and if so, what are the rules and how do you play?


The problem with progressions is the difficulty of overcoming what I call the shoe distribution bias.
On average, the distribution in the long run will be something similar to the following.  If you can beat the distribution in the long run you will have a good system.
Betting large on a few hands over several shoes when you feel the distribution is in your favor may work for some,  but for the small bettor with multiple bets, the distribution will be difficult to overcome.

1's    50    %
2's    25    %
3'S   12.5  %
4's    6.25  %
5's    3.125 %
6's    1.562 %
7's    .78    %
8's    .39    %


 from what I know high 3's are the culprit I see a lot of 3's in a shoe yesterday ellis was rambeling on about forget net betting and betting 112 after 3 or 112 after 3 chop he posted it in the public forum than erased the post claiming he was rushed into releasing it and that mdb was his best work well how about the people that paid a 1000 for 2hi



Progressions such as 112 will be victim of the shoe distribution bias. This is why some say Ellis's this or that system doesn't work.
Progressions such as 12, 112, 123, 1234, 1248, 124124, 121248  on any combination of PB falls victim to the same distribution bias.


As a follow up note, I will add that the normal shoe distribution bias results mentioned above,  is as if,   a person bet every hand on every shoe.
Nothing new here.
Get in , Get out  is good advice.
Tracking a bias is simple and good advice to find a favorable bet.  IMO This is what Ellis promotes with his NOR, etc. tracking methods.
That's what it's all about.  Find a chopping shoe,  if you like to bet the chop, with a 1, 2  progression etc.
I've played shoes that never went over 3 iar.
I've played shoes with multiple runs.
And, of course, there are the mixed shoes.
I guess the trick is to match the method with the shoe, stop if you are losing, wait for another shoe with your favorite bias.


Quote from: ezmark on March 23, 2015, 05:54:47 PM
As a follow up note, I will add that the normal shoe distribution bias results mentioned above,  is as if,   a person bet every hand on every shoe.
Nothing new here.
Get in , Get out  is good advice.
Tracking a bias is simple and good advice to find a favorable bet.  IMO This is what Ellis promotes with his NOR, etc. tracking methods.
That's what it's all about.  Find a chopping shoe,  if you like to bet the chop, with a 1, 2  progression etc.
I've played shoes that never went over 3 iar.
I've played shoes with multiple runs.
And, of course, there are the mixed shoes.
I guess the trick is to match the method with the shoe, stop if you are losing, wait for another shoe with your favorite bias.

How does one "find the right shoe"? Seriously? When you play live and you see chops, you bet and it starts to double up, you bet for it to "streak", and it chops on you, now what? Back to the chop, will it double up, who knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love it when people say this, find the right shoe. It's incredible, sure, after 50 hands you can look back and say I would of did this there and this over there, etc. Hindsight won't work when you're playing live.....

I have also played many shoes where it never goes past 3IAR. I have seen it all just like most have.

You say the trick to find the right shoe that fits your method? Well GOODLUCK with that!! Aren't we all doing that when we sit down?

NOR= neutral, opposite, repeat. he uses a count to tell you what the shoe is doing. WTF do you need to do that for, look at your scorecard. Do what the shoe is doing!!!! If it's chopping, bet it will chop, if it's doubling or streaking (4 or more in a row), then bet that!!!! You can't force your method on the table, that is simply ludicrous!

Wow, it's the same old song and dance.............Seriously, it makes me wonder if anyone really plays the game. I know Jim plays (never played with), tomla does, played with him, but besides that, I honestly don't know....

I play 2-3x/week, live, with REAL money. Come watch me! You're all welcome and we can discuss what you will do LIVE, in REAL LIFE!!!! When I buy in for 2k or 5k, ITS REAL!!!! When I place a bet and it loses, THEY TAKE MY MONEY!!!! lol, wow! Off to bed, I do get a few chuckles reading this stuff. At least I can post this and smirk as I walk down the hall to take a pee before I rest my head for the night! Thanks for that! I bet I will wake up to a few good comments!!!
