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my bac pattern play can you please test

Started by texas117, July 25, 2017, 04:01:46 PM

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if  your an action Junkie this is not for you! you have to be patience and wait for the pattern to develop I am going to explain the way I play it and maybe someone will have a better way I am all ears. 

for the first pattern my bankroll is 5000.00 and my standard bet is 50.00.   on a win you increase 1.75 the  pattern you are looking for is a streak of banker or player of 6 or more to break and you bet back to the streak side.

bbbbbbbbbp you would bet banker here if you lose this bet you increase your bet 2.5 and bet banker again  bbbbbbbbpp you would bet banker here if you lose you go back to standard bet. 

the second pattern is similar but you are looking only for a streak of 6 player or banker and break ppppppb you would bet player same bet progression if you win and same if you lose.  I find this pattern to have a higher win percentage  so my bankroll is 5000.00 but my standard bet is 200.00 in all my testing my draw down has only been if i lost the first bet 200.00

I walk around and look for this pattern it doesn't matter what table it comes in the percentage of winning is the same i wong in and out. 

i find that I get about 12 to 14 plays an hour depending on where i am at and if there are a lot of table if there are not a lot of table the plays will be fewer.

i the group can test and maybe find a better way to play i would appreciate any input

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stephen tabone

problem is you often see a streak followed by a streak, so

B  B

and so on, so if you were to bet say for B because you see one P this is not safe to bet now and if you do and double up in the long run you'll lose a lot.


i pmed you

Quote from: texas117 on July 25, 2017, 04:01:46 PM
if  your an action Junkie this is not for you! you have to be patience and wait for the pattern to develop I am going to explain the way I play it and maybe someone will have a better way I am all ears. 

for the first pattern my bankroll is 5000.00 and my standard bet is 50.00.   on a win you increase 1.75 the  pattern you are looking for is a streak of banker or player of 6 or more to break and you bet back to the streak side.

bbbbbbbbbp you would bet banker here if you lose this bet you increase your bet 2.5 and bet banker again  bbbbbbbbpp you would bet banker here if you lose you go back to standard bet. 

the second pattern is similar but you are looking only for a streak of 6 player or banker and break ppppppb you would bet player same bet progression if you win and same if you lose.  I find this pattern to have a higher win percentage  so my bankroll is 5000.00 but my standard bet is 200.00 in all my testing my draw down has only been if i lost the first bet 200.00

I walk around and look for this pattern it doesn't matter what table it comes in the percentage of winning is the same i wong in and out. 

i find that I get about 12 to 14 plays an hour depending on where i am at and if there are a lot of table if there are not a lot of table the plays will be fewer.

i the group can test and maybe find a better way to play i would appreciate any input

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Texas 117,I generally  bet similar in these situations.I also do the same for streaks of 5(pppppb bet p to return),but if it doesn't go p I bet B next bet(pppppbb bet B next). Can you give an example as to when your increasing your bet? Is it ppppppbp you win,increase here or wait for the next sequence of 6?



if i win the first bet which looks like this ppppppbp when the next betting situation comes about i increase 1.75 so if my standard bet is 200.00 my next bet on a win will be 350.00.

if i lose the first bet i increase my bet by 2.5 at 200.00 next bet would be 500.00 if the first bet doesn't return to streak side i bet it again to return which will look like this ppppppbbp if it does not return on I wait for next betting opportunity and it may be at another table



in my testing  you have a lot more plays at streak of 5 but at 5 it doesn't seem to return to the streak side as much as it going 6 or more for some reason and I'm not sure why .


Texas,thanks for your explanation,if you lost your first bet and won on the increased bet would you increase your bet on the next sequence? Are you using this on a daily basis if so how successful have you been? Wishing you good returns.



yes i will always increase on a win when and if you lose in your session you would go back to the standard bet.  dutch I play this on a regular basis. I have never gone below my original bankroll I have tested it in simulation and in live casino and I have always made money when I play the 6 only streak my drawn down has only been whatever my first standard bet was and if it was my first loss if i start out winning it will never draw down.  a lot of baccarat players including myself are action junkies so its not a very popular way of playing but I will put up against any system and it will win.  i usually play and make an few thousand dollars and then I will sit down and get my fix with action.  I wanted someone else to test it because I have never lost money with it and I wanted to see if other people had the same experience  like i said its not a popular way too play but it makes money and if you have a large bankroll you can make a stuff LOAD OF MONEY I have done it before.  i will pm you my number if you want so we can go over if you want




dutch ,

I miss spoke on my last entry when I said it had never drawn down . i meant past my original bankroll you will have drawn down, but it will be on their money



what I saw if I applied your pattern, if I just have 6 pppppp then it doesn't work... If I have 7 ppppppp or more then I it was successful vice versa the bank pattern.


If you all took the time to study EC you would discover many things and understand the nature behind variance, balance, imbalance and erratic results.
Search for Marigny De Grilleau.

Now black has the value of 1 and red and the value of 1.
If you search you will find example how to calculate the STDV

Now to show a simple example with a benchmark - what i mean by that is after certain event there is two things that can happen within a given window of events or trails.
For example lets take six reds in a row.


Assume we know there is six reds in a row because they ended with one black.


Now lets assume you know that 12 reds and 2 blacks is 2.5 STD and a very strong imbalance, so after six reds and one black you might want to bet red again, as example above in this topic.
Then you play for the imbalance to grow stronger towards 2.5 STD.

The one question is what happens if we don't get 2.5 STD or that the variance don't grove stronger - imbalance.
Then you need to get three blacks then you have correction and regression toward the mean.

So each time you see six reds and one black or six blacks and one red - if you then get two more results of the underrepresented event you will have regression towards the mean - balance.
And each time you don't get three events of the underrepresented event you get stronger STDV towards 2.5 - with other words imbalance.

Same with seven reds and one black or seven blacks and one red - but then is about 3.0 STDV window.
