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Sputnik's March

Started by Sputnik, January 07, 2016, 10:36:02 AM

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Quote from: Garfield on February 09, 2016, 04:21:51 PM
Good point there Jim.

There's another aspect of my play I would like to share. Because now I don't use "customize" card as I used to be, I have more time to observe the shoe, the bias, the pattern (not only in the main road but also on the other 3 roads).

I have more time to think about what would I do next, whether winning or losing. Because no "mechanical" system to dictate me, I could stop my betting anytime I like, or keep on riding streaks/chops.

Have anyone notice this march is basically "trending" march? XcD once said he won often when "following" what the shoe is showing, rather than against it.

But this march really made me think "outside" the box. Being a "mechanical" player for a while, now I could recall  the first time I played this game, not knowing anything, and make more money than when I have a "system"

Really, sometimes know too much could kill you.

You made a very good point about thinking outside the box, I think learning to read what is going on at the table is the key, I know that is easier said than done.




 I Close this topic now and hope that does who wanted to understand the march did that ...
My opinion is that 3.0 SD is not making this method a losing method as he would have recoup and break even with the right MM.

My biggest drawdown was six in a row 123123 and i recoup and break even.
I use the following line ...

122 when at - 3 start flat betting again
233 after winning Three times move back to 122
344 after winning Three times move back to 233
455 after winning Three times move back to 344
And so on ...

The line looks like this 1111222333444555 very similiar to Antlantis mild progression with the very near perfect system - should also mention that i have never seen any public working betselection with that kind of MM or smooth mild progression - my march is better then FTL and DBL or any other existing march.
Personally so have i never seen any public march that is as stable as mine and that can strike from 1 time up to 32 times in a row.

3.0 SD don't make your system lose ... i have many times break even after 3.0 SD and higher.



Look at this dozen system with same odds 1 in 3 with even Money bets.
I will define the worst and extreme for you.

March 3

1. 111 W
2. 112 W
3. 113 W
4. 121 LW
5. 131 LW
6. 211 LLW
7. 311 LLW
8. 123 LLL
9. 132 LLL

1. 222 W
2. 221 W
3. 223 W
4. 212 LW
5. 232 LW
6. 122 LLW
7. 322 LLW
8. 231 LLL
9. 213 LLL

1. 333 W
2. 331 W
3. 332 W
4. 313 LW
5. 323 LW
6. 311 LLW
7. 322 LLW
8. 312 LLL
9. 321 LLL

Singles is dozen 1
Series of two is dozen 2
Series of Three and higher is dozen 3


B Now we bet that the serie will repeat so we get the beginning of the dozen formation 333 or 331 or 332

R We lose and now we bet we will get a single so we get the dozen formation 311
R We lose and now we bet we will get a serie or Three with the dozen formation 313

B We lose and now we got Three uniq events with the dozen formation 312

This means that the clustering with even Money and dozen formation give us the odds 5 contra 1.
We aim for two event to repeat out of Three possibilitys with the odds 1 in 3.

The entering Points and exit Points are clear.
Won 17 attack out of 18 with Three attempts.

+0.5 (one zero hit)
-2 (two zeros hit)

This is betting for domination and the worst and extreme would be one full cycle with nine alternating patterns.
That means you have to build mild progression or agressive progression with nine clustering steps with Three attempts.

I will make a video later ...



I really appreciate the fact that you share your discoveries and conclusions,it' so rare,but I'm afraid that you ignore some basics concerning probabilities.

- the three dozens have the same probability to hit,at ROULETTE
-your three dozens at BACCARAT(series of 1,of 2,of 3 and higher) have not the same probability to hit like at roulette
-any bet selection can't overcome the EV- and gives no advantage both at Roulette at Baccarat
-money management/progression can't overcome EV-,but it can make you win in the short term small amount of money,I agree,but not in long term.
-all systems,I confirm ALL systems about series and or patterns are losing systems.(Marigny,Spirkoff,Gardner,Duchaine,..and similar)
-SD 3 is rare,but if you spend four or five hours in a Casino with ten roulette/Baccarat tables you can see also 4 SD!
-the most famous systems about patterns(Marigny,that bets only after 3 SD) have been tested thousand times and it loses!

-i have listed these comments for not giving young and inexpert players illusions that can ruin them


I just want to add
I found two missing combinations
they need to become...
133 LLW   ;233 LLW
Are these their answers...

P.s. Keep on  working ...
There will always be people who do not like what you do


Experiment, all dozen methods work with even Money bets ...
The main idea is to take advantage of two hitting dozens/events with same strike ratio, which i have show is the case.
Clustering in the right way and you get the same distribution.

There is two ways, use red and black as they come or using Waves.











Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on February 12, 2016, 03:02:27 PM







Wow this one is good! Good job!

You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


I think,
Since the,

single1, will hit @50%,
compared to series2, and higher.

series2, will hit @50%,
compared to series3, and higher...

1=50%, than [series23456etc]
1=50%, than [series2=50% than s3456etc]

thus in 100figures.

single1=50 figures.
series3 and more=25


bet s1+s2,
or s1+s3...

then the best way to bet is , to,
wait for single to formed,
then follow the single to streaks,
if lose, bet series2, then stop,

But Sputnik insist that,
CLUSTERING will always occur,

[thus against the probability law,
but hey, who am I to dispute?]

thus we bet the last TWO events,
on rolling basis.

Thus ,
if marching of ..

then we make a killing.


I tested Dr.Tom's and Alvin's (iplayforaliving) method tonight, with real money and I got busted using these two. So damn stupid. Should've know better.

It's official. I will never try their's again. Better study this march and explore it.
You will never know. Not now, not in this life. You aren't that lucky.


Quote from: Garfield on February 12, 2016, 05:17:24 PM
I tested Dr.Tom's and Alvin's (iplayforaliving) method tonight, with real money and I got busted using these two. So damn stupid. Should've know better.

It's official. I will never try their's again. Better study this march and explore it.

We spoke about this and agreed they are stuff! Stay far away from them scammers.


I Think i crack it - i will test Van Keelen Test - 1000 placed bet and net gain 100 units flat betting.
See you all soon ...



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Quote from: roversi13 on February 12, 2016, 09:27:48 AM
I really appreciate the fact that you share your discoveries and conclusions,it' so rare,but I'm afraid that you ignore some basics concerning probabilities.

- the three dozens have the same probability to hit,at ROULETTE
-your three dozens at BACCARAT(series of 1,of 2,of 3 and higher) have not the same probability to hit like at roulette
-any bet selection can't overcome the EV- and gives no advantage both at Roulette at Baccarat
-money management/progression can't overcome EV-,but it can make you win in the short term small amount of money,I agree,but not in long term.
-all systems,I confirm ALL systems about series and or patterns are losing systems.(Marigny,Spirkoff,Gardner,Duchaine,..and similar)
-SD 3 is rare,but if you spend four or five hours in a Casino with ten roulette/Baccarat tables you can see also 4 SD!
-the most famous systems about patterns(Marigny,that bets only after 3 SD) have been tested thousand times and it loses!

-i have listed these comments for not giving young and inexpert players illusions that can ruin them

At last!

A voice of reason.


I can not wait to find out next clues. 
How the method works