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Strategy from other forum.

Started by ozon, June 11, 2015, 03:32:21 PM

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Hello. I have to share with you the strategy from another forum, from topic Tomla, I play it with stoploss 8 units and 7 units target, as far 8 sessions and win and 1 lost.



I like to bet a choppy biased shoe (1's and 2's) as well as the (2's and 3's). I bet opposite the last decision with a 12 down loss progression on the (1's and 2's). With (2's and 3's I bet opposite the time before the last decision with the same progression.

If the shoe jumps off into streaky runs, I either ride it flat betting until a loss or just pass altogether until the run stops.

No rocket science. It works for me more often than not. If I choose my shoes with careful selection after 10-15 hands or so, I average +7 to +12 units in roughly 30 hands, plus or minus.

If the shoe bias changes...I'm OUT of there! Next shoe please!


could you kindly explain "12 down loss progression "?


Quote from: ozon on June 11, 2015, 03:56:42 PM
I like to bet a choppy biased shoe (1's and 2's) as well as the (2's and 3's). I bet opposite the last decision with a 12 down loss progression on the (1's and 2's). With (2's and 3's I bet opposite the time before the last decision with the same progression.

If the shoe jumps off into streaky runs, I either ride it flat betting until a loss or just pass altogether until the run stops.

No rocket science. It works for me more often than not. If I choose my shoes with careful selection after 10-15 hands or so, I average +7 to +12 units in roughly 30 hands, plus or minus.

If the shoe bias changes...I'm OUT of there! Next shoe please!

Thank you for a wonderful post, Ozon; definitely a welcome change of pace, especially given the absolute drivel that this board has been subjected to lately.

Please pardon my indulgence as I choose to expound a bit further on your style of play:

1.)  First and foremost is your decision to "bet into a choppy biased shoe".  I love it.  Nail....meet Hammer.  Perfection.  Why?  Because you're playing directly into the tightest statistical variance that this game offers.  And so I repeat:  Perfection.

2.)  As to your money-management, the "12 down loss progression"; of this I am not sure.  Twelve seems a steep number to me, and could be hazardous to any relatively simple recoup procedure.  That said, that's just me. While I might prefer a more conservative approach, if this MM plan works well for you and your variances, more power to you, my friend.  And as I've always maintained, if your MM plan remains within the realms of your own personal "comfort zone", well, in that case, it's all good.

3.)  You've stated that you're betting "opposites into the 1's and 2's" and that you're betting "opposite time before last (read: OTBL) into the 2's and 3's".  Fine.  Nothing wrong there.  I might only suggest to stick mostly with your "opposites play", and limit your "OTBL play" to those periods where the "2-hole" (read: second line on your horizontal scorecard) appears to be filling on a consistent (read: connecting) basis.  Again, however, Ozon, do your thing if that's what's working well for you, as my suggestions are not meant to knock your play (I'd never do that, as I stated above, I'm lovin' it), rather simply as suggestions that might get you thinking about sharpening those OTBL plays.

4.)  Regarding the "shoe jumping off into runs"....here I'd bet 1/2 unit (just a "tester bet") at any "new top" (read: one more than last previous high) and, should that bet win, I'd parlay that bet into a full unit for your next OTR (read: on-the-run) bet.  In this manner, you're on any potentially long streak, all accomplished at the risk of only half a unit.

5.)  "No rocket science".  Yep, spot-on, my friend.  Simple serves us best.  We've enough to think about at the tables; our bet selection process should come to us as a "second nature" and, therefore, kept as simple as possible.  The real "rocket science" of this game comes from our own personal battles, i.e. bet or don't bet, money management, and strict/reliable/consistent exit strategies. Therein will always serve to tell the real truth of us as Baccarat players.  We must write the script, if you will, otherwise the casino will write the ending for you.

6.)  And, last but certainly not least, Ozon, you stated, "if the bias changes, I'm outta there...next shoe please".  Again, perfection.  If you know anything at all of me, then you must know about the importance that I place on both one's Patience and one's Discipline.  This game cannot ever be bested by the player lacking either of those traits.  Please know that the ability to await the correct betting conditions BEFORE placing your bets are ALL that separates the winners from the wannabes.

Again, Ozon, thank you for a remarkable post.  Gets my Bac juices flowing, my friend, to read a winner. 

Great job, and stay well.


Unfortunately, this  strategy and post is taken from another forum from member Michael, and play this for about 2 days, trying to be selective in the choice of shoe, and tries to adapt to his advice.
By progressions 12, he understands  using 1 and then 2 when lose reset to 1, with stoploss 8 units
For now've won 10 sessions and 3 lost, we'll see, Mayby its  Begginers luck
GR8, thanks for the great words and advices.
I think this forum need more post about game.



Does his progression mean that if he loses the first bet of 1 unit, he then bets 2 units?

And if he loses the 2 unit bet, he bets 1 unit ?

If that is the way he bets, then all it takes is a few runs of 4 or more in a row and you lost the 8 or 9 units


Usually how many hands you need to see at the start to determine that it is a choppy or otbl shoe?


Anyone can explain  "progressions 12"?


the trend can shift so quickly as when u think its repeat then it becomes opposite. when it seems like 2 by 2 it becomes 4,3,2,1.