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That commercial system that was promoted on the board

Started by Rolex-Watch, November 06, 2014, 10:38:35 PM

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I can't find the original thread (maybe it's gone), I think the author was Alvin (Iplayforaliving), is this now being passed around behind the scenes?

The reason I ask, is I've just been offered to buy a copy by somebody who I will guarantee didn't pay a single cent for it, for $400, no loenghts to what some will sink too.

I've heard it is and lately isn't template based, if it is template based, nobody knows more than me when it comes to templates, I've been using them for well over 7 years and I have the ultimate staking scheme for any template method. So if you have a copy, seek advice, wish to fine-tune, then PM me.


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on November 06, 2014, 10:38:35 PMSo if you have a copy, seek advice, wish to fine-tune, then PM me.

:)) :zzz:

If you give it to johno, it will be all over the net.



This system never have been on a forum.
I own it because I joined the baccarat mentoring program.
Anyway you cannot play it with no mentoring from Alvin.


Quote from: andrebac on November 07, 2014, 03:12:54 PM
This system never have been on a forum.
I own it because I joined the baccarat mentoring program.
Anyway you cannot play it with no mentoring from Alvin.

How  much did that mentored system bring you in winnings?  No fiction or evasion  please.


P.S. Strictly my personal opinion. If a person has devised such a winning  and profitable  system why not  just play  it in casinos?

To that I say this  " mentor:" is FLAT BROKE.


The more people you help, the more they can help others to make this a better world?


Quote from: SamNL on November 07, 2014, 02:36:49 PM

Wow, that's quite a site.

I wonder how he pays for it?

I guess that all of that giving has its divine rewards.

Rolex must have his wings by now!


Amazing really, go to a casino with $2k, place a $100 bet on the last hand which was Player, low and behold on your very first visit, (first bet) it is followed by 20 more players (actually it must be have been 21 if you include the first).  It happens to us all (wonder why he stopped betting?). 

A Professional player of 5 years standing, who is only asking you for $45 per month.  Earlier this year I was making $1k minimum (sometimes twice that) per day 7 days per week.  Why would I let anybody impinge my time for less than a months worth of waitress tips?  You just gotta love a trier, either that or there are people about who are absolutely ripe, so anything and everything is an revelation to them. 

Natural 9

Quote from: Rolex-Watch on November 06, 2014, 10:38:35 PM
So if you have a copy, seek advice, wish to fine-tune, then PM me.

Yes, I joined the baccarat mentoring program of I Play For A Living and I got the complete materials of his system.  :thumbsup:  :nod:  :applause:

So, why will I seek advice from you?   :nope: All you do on this forum is continuously hit iplayforaliving since you registered. You're just good at bashing people especially people who no longer posts here. Why? Because he could no longer defend himself? What a cheap shot to do!  :no:

Fine-tune?   :nope: You cannot even write a post without dragging the name of iplayforaliving and writing some cheap shots to him so, what makes you believe you can fine-tune his Precision Baccarat? The best you do is to write negative things about people.  :nod:

PM you?   :nope: Then what? For you to offer a baccarat system.  :zzz: No thanks! I already got the best bac system and baccarat mentor-friend .  :thumbsup:  :nod:  :applause: Thanks to your cheap shots to iplayforaliving. It got me more curious to what he offers.  :nod:

Quote from: Rolex-Watch on November 08, 2014, 02:48:05 AM
Earlier this year I was making $1k minimum (sometimes twice that) per day 7 days per week.     

Then, what happened mid-year? Today? Your system did not hold up?  :zzz:

Quote from: Rolex-Watch on November 08, 2014, 02:48:05 AMWhy would I let anybody impinge my time for less than a months worth of waitress tips?

I was gonna ask the same thing with you. Why are you keep on hitting iplayforaliving? What do you gain from your negative comments to the guy? People will join iplayforaliving no matter what you say. Your negative publicity is still publicity. People have their own mind to decide and have their own money to invest. And who are you to stop these people from joining?  :nod:  :applause:  :bye:

Natural 9  C:-)
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney


Quote from: Natural 9 on November 09, 2014, 02:18:17 AMWhy? Because he could no longer defend himself? What a cheap shot to do!  :no:
No, only because I was recently offered it by a cheeky board member for $400, if people are daft enough to pay for a Baccarat system,  more fool them, it's been going on for decades, despite my, Teo's, ImSpirits and others efforts to educate otherwise.  Gullible and desperate will forever exist when it comes to gambling. Besides everything is now sorted  :cheer:
