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The Progression Myth

Started by gr8player, June 24, 2016, 10:42:10 PM

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C'mon, we've all seen or heard it hundreds of times:  "There is no progression that will turn a negative expectancy game into a positive one."

This, my friends, in my humble opinion, is pure baloney.  At least, when looking upon it in its correct light.

You see, I do agree that there exists no linear or static progression to beat the negative odds; of that I am certain, for had it existed, the game would have ceased to be offered.

BUUUT, make no mistake of it, my friends, Baccarat is now and will forever be a BETTING GAME.  The astute and savvy player certainly DOES adjust his bet sizes (and yes, call it what you will, but be sure you include the term "progression" when doing so), but he does so in a manner conducive to many underlying factors, not just the fact that he lost his latest bet.

That astute player is familiar with his variance statistics, both "laws of series"-wise and personal.  And he knows his way around a shoe, so much so that he is aware of certain "occurrences" and the frequencies of same.  He knows when he's "on" and he knows just as well knows when he isn't (and, when he isn't on, nor should his bets be placed).  Finally, he knows that THIS BET or even THIS SHOE does NOT define him as a Baccarat player, and so his patience and discipline are both proven allies.

And then, with that all said and all taken into consideration, he ADJUSTS his bet sizes.  Yes, he utilizes some form of "progressive betting".  He progresses his bets either in the name of recoup, or even so in the name of maximizing profit; but make no mistake of it, he progresses his bets. 

The important thing to take note of, however, is that the astute and savvy will, at first opportunity or first "signal" (read: rate of current strike rates), seek to reduce his bets back to base level.  This sort of progressive bettor is not there to bet big; rather, they're there to bet SMART.  "Hit it and quit it", especially as it pertains to progressive betting, is forever etched into that savvy player's brain.

Bet size adjustments, I believe, are necessary in this "betting" game, but they are, lest anyone think otherwise, only a "necessary evil".  No one likes to bet higher.  We'd all like to beat this game with flat-betting.  But the realization must be faced that there will exist those times when both our plays and our bets are not working well, and so we simply must have a plan for such downturns.  And that plan must be a measured one, lest we simply try to "over-bet" our way out of trouble, which, inevitably, leads only to our inevitable destruction.

Progressions fail when they are designed as most usually are....loss avoidance.  Wait, let me restate that:  loss avoidance AT ALL COSTS.  This is where all progression fail, and, frankly, where most players fail.  Ever hear the statement:  "Win a little, lose a lot"?...sure you have.  That's the bane of every progressive bettor.  Frankly, players such as those shouldn't go anywhere near a progression.

Rather, the astute player adjusts his bets BASED UPON CURRENT STATISTICS.  Now, one moment here...lest anyone think otherwise, even that condition carries no guarantees.  The game still will be a turn-of-a-card event, where, well, anything can (and will) happen.  BUUUT, this game is not supposed to be about your next bet, or, for that matter, this particular shoe.  That is no way to play, and certainly no way to play any progression.

it is much more about bet management.  Bet control.  It doesn't mean you cannot ever raise your bet, it simply means that there is an immediate purpose to be fulfilled.  If it does so, fine.  If it does not, it is abandoned for the time being, and to be brought back out when both your plays and your bets are hitting at a much-improved rate.  Patience and discipline are the order of the day, especially so in those difficult times, and ESPECIALLY SO when utilizing progressive betting.


Most cats ain't never gonna have the balls/bankroll to run a serious progression style. Heck, I personally know of two cats that got backed off from dices tables just for using progression and winning well and regular. It is possible for any old cat to learn how to count card at the bj and play with an edge but casino still gladly offer up the 21 game, hey hey.