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When you see an opportunity - Attack It

Started by Gizmotron, January 24, 2016, 04:27:21 PM

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This is the first time I've started a thread in the Baccarat forum. You might wonder why?

I have recently decided to move away from 24 to 26 numbers per bet and dropped back to 16 to 18 numbers per bet. I'm now a 50/50 player and MM issues on this forum apply to my new adventures. Instead of one stream of data B/P, I have many more streams of sets that equate to 50/50 bets. All that means is that I see more opportunities from trends. Still, it's what you do with that data that matters.

That only creates a reality check where the three states, phases, occurs. So the only way to deal with this information is to attack and retreat. That's where I'm at now.

I'm shifting my focus to 90% MM. I believe this is where the focus needs to be. I have boldness issues. I've cut my teeth on flat betting. So my big bets are never more than three times my flat bets. I've discovered that that is not enough. I could be wrong though. I had two bet levels, low and a little higher than low. Now I'm checking to see if 5 times or 10 times my flat bet amount works better. Any advice would be welcome. It's back to school time for me.


Quote from: Xcaliforniadealer on January 24, 2016, 04:46:06 PM
It is truly a combination of MM/Progression and that all mighty one-third going back into your pocket at various times.

You weren't around here back when I proposed the concept of the most unlikely exact pattern to occur at an exact moment in time. That unlikely pattern would be the only thing that could take out a negative progression. If you had twenty different exact patterns, you could use them only once in a session for instance. So the sequence would have to match in order for it to fail. We all know that progressions eventually fail at a rate that makes them worthless.

Perhaps your "MM/progression" is a positive progression. Now that would be a different story.


I always liked your idea of parleying your wins for more profit.
You could continue that concept with EC betting.

I like to bet on single dozens and after each win I check the marque for an existing EC trigger. If there is a trigger I parley the dozen win onto the EC. If there is no trigger I put the win to one side and move on to the next dozen bet. After the next dozen win I check again for an EC trigger to parley both dozen wins.

Sometimes I'll win 6 or 7 dozen bets before an EC trigger appears but I'll only parley winnings from the first 2 dozen wins. That way I pocket some money even if the EC bet fails.


Quote from: greenguy on January 24, 2016, 09:14:17 PM
I always liked your idea of parleying your wins for more profit.
You could continue that concept with EC betting.

I like to bet on single dozens and after each win I check the marque for an existing EC trigger. If there is a trigger I parley the dozen win onto the EC. If there is no trigger I put the win to one side and move on to the next dozen bet. After the next dozen win I check again for an EC trigger to parley both dozen wins.

Sometimes I'll win 6 or 7 dozen bets before an EC trigger appears but I'll only parley winnings from the first 2 dozen wins. That way I pocket some money even if the EC bet fails.

That's a coincidence. My plan to find the perfect sequence of death, a negative progression killer, was based on using 2 dozens from any of my 12 dozens I was tracking. That was also used at optimum times too. But now I'm wondering if optimum opportunities could be used against a perfect sequence of death for a single dozen. The trigger being the global effect for single dozens. Imagine using that negative progression to produce one 12 then 18 numbered parlay win. Most negative progressions live on earning one unit as the goal. A win on a single dozen would earn two units
So when you parlayed the win, did you bet 2 units or 3 units on the EC for the second bet of the positive progression?

What's a great negative progression for a single dozen using 1 unit as the starting point?

I found a good NP: 1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14 this produces 1 or 2 units when it wins. Now I'll check the odds against double four step. They should be close.



I found one of my negative progressions involving an unlikely sequence:

Quote from: Atlantis on July 20, 2014, 11:07:26 AM
Here is my Very Rare to Kill Progression
It was inspired by reverse engineering the crackpot Charles Scammer Hampshire's spoof of an idea he called the Zone.  His only problem was he actually had something a real player could make use of.  He didn't even know it.  So I thought about it for fifteen minutes and turned his lame idea upside down and inside out.  Guess what? It really works.  After thousands of spin tests it has held up as a winner.  It does this because the pattern or sequence it takes to kill it is so very rare that it tends to work.  Charles Scammer never noticed that feature even in his own spoof of a Holy Grail he has been harassing forums with.

It uses 4 steps.  It avoids the zeros.  It's completely rule based.  It has a few wait points that usually resolve in just a few spins.

The point is to bet on the two dozens or columns that did not hit last.  It's almost that simple.  The other point is to wait for the next single to occur in the dozens after the last repeat.
So if d1 (dozen 1, 1 to 12) hits you bet on d2 and d3 for the next spin.

If d1 hits again then you lose.  You now wait for d1 to stop hitting.  As soon as d2 or d3 hits you have a single in series.  So then you start step two of the four step progression.  It takes a perfect set of repeats and singles to kill this progression.
The progression is 1,1 - 3,3 - 9,9 - 27,27.
You place a bet on each of the dozens that did not hit last.

The cost is 80 units if you lose.  You win everything back plus 1 unit on any win inside the four steps.

The thing that makes it work is that you never place bets on any repeats after the first repeat is discovered.  So runs of repeats don't take out your progressions.  Only the exact sequence of repeats after singles, four directly in a row has the power to break this progression.

For the sake of clarity here are step by step instructions.

d1 hits on spin 1.  Bet 1 on d2 and 1 on d3 for spin 2.
d1 hits on spin 2.  Don't bet on spin 3.
d1 hits on spin 3  Don't bet on spin 4.
d3 hits on spin 4  Bet 3 on d2 and 3 on d1 for spin 5.
d1 hits on spin 5  Bet 1 on d2 and 1 on d3 for spin 6.
d2 hits on spin 6  Bet 1 on d1 and 1 on d3 for spin 7. 
d3 hits on spin 7  Bet 1 on d1 and 1 on d2 for spin 8.

I generally lose one time in 300 spins betting both dozens and columns independently for each spin.  That's typical too.  Once in a while you get two losses.  And once in a while you get no losses.  With both progressions going on at the same time you tend to win about 20 units for every 30 spins.

If this is a holy grail system then three or more losses must take place most of the time for it not to be, in 300 spins that is.

On a five dollar minimum table this should cost $400 for each loss.  So a $1200 bankroll would be considered minimal to try it.
There are some refinements not mentioned regarding the zeros.  I just did not want to cloud the explanation at this time.  I'd hate to be blamed for changing this after the fact.  That's what Charles Scammer does.  He's a liar.  Some how he gets his jollies for leading people on.  I just don't want to be in his low class.  So there it is, now go change the world forever.  Just remember I thought this up.  To all those that think it won't change things just watch this gold rush.

It's not a single dozen attack but it was interesting what could be done to it. This was based on the likelihood of singles being more prevalent. I could flip it based on the global effect of series occurring consistently


"There are some refinements not mentioned regarding the zeros."

Does anyone know what the refinements are regarding zero?


Quote from: shuttle on January 24, 2016, 10:52:05 PM
"There are some refinements not mentioned regarding the zeros."

Does anyone know what the refinements are regarding zero?

There are some interested in a tactic of substitution. Leave two cold numbers from your sets that you bet on off and add the two zeros if they are running hot. The other option is to not bet while the zeros are hot.


I just had an epiphany, thanks to Lung Yeh.

This thread is dead!


Let's hope you didn't just kill the goose..


Quote from: greenguy on January 25, 2016, 09:15:28 AM
Let's hope you didn't just kill the goose..

What? My lips are sealed. I was ready for this. The almost impossible killer sequence doesn't work. It won't work inverted either. I ran the numbers. Forget progressions.


Quote from: Xcaliforniadealer on January 25, 2016, 02:57:57 PM
It is a combination of 3 different things.  1) MM; 2) Progression 9both positive and negative, and 3) Buy in replenishment and reserves. 

The goal is not to keep playing, the goal is to capitalize.

Thanks for responding.


Quote from: Xcaliforniadealer on January 25, 2016, 03:41:21 PM
Spruced it up a bit,  the '9' wasn't supposed to be there, etc., the board lock ups make it tuff to type stuff.

I found  a quick fix. Just copy your quoted text from the posting box and paste it into notepad or some simple to use text editor. When done bring it all back to here and paste it in. Bingo, no lock ups.