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Studying Kimo Li's work!

Started by horus, May 31, 2015, 12:01:11 PM

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Quote from: BEAT-THE-WHEEL on December 16, 2015, 06:27:50 AM

Just found out,
Kimo Li Way turn the probability UPSIDE DOWN!!!

and that truly HG!!!

No, I am not telling

If that doesn't sound like a 7 year old hiding a secret from some friends then I don't know what does.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
QuoteBecause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.

The Crow

When it comes to roulette business, there are no friends, just business alliances for the privileged few.

The Crow


Quote from: RouletteGhost on December 19, 2015, 05:49:21 PM
If that doesn't sound like a 7 year old hiding a secret from some friends then I don't know what does.

Quote from: The Crow on December 19, 2015, 07:10:57 PM
When it comes to roulette business, there are no friends, just business alliances for the privileged few.

The Crow

Kimo use marthy, sort of marthy..
can't believe ?
Believe it...


Quote from: RouletteGhost on December 19, 2015, 05:49:21 PM
If that doesn't sound like a 7 year old hiding a secret from some friends then I don't know what does.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Your 'new-found', sort of dozens bet, alteady exploit to hilt by Kimo, and others,

I , the first person to published them, the basic, in detail, you already read them somewhere...

but get ready to lose your underwear....if you too naive


if you study the so called "sheet'
If you look at them close, and long enough,

If the wheel not heavily bias, or tilt.

you will notice some distintive pattern,
sort like uneven 'heart-beat' chart...
it always repeated, but uneven,
and conform to probability in long run.

then you can exploit them to hilt.

There nothing special about them,
only that they will not swing far.
They always within expectation.
Thus then, we exploit them.

If the dozen always come in three,
then you turn the probability upside down.
and exploit them...


One of very simple method.
In the next four spins,
you see only four pies, or stars hit.

Do this for many spins.
wait for four unique pies, or stars,
the see how many spins for the other two unhit to hit,
and now what you going to do to win.

wait for six spins,
wait for two unhit pies or stars,
then see what happen.

The Crow


I know you are not a student of Kimo Li because a student would not be posting.
And, no, I am not a student of Kimo Li

The Crow


Hi Crow,
I doubt, if anyone want to 'pawn" their grail???
Thus I doubt, if there any "student"???

When I share my , so called 'Grail", with some friends,
soon, it all over the net, with some, smart,
'tweaked" ,,,hahahahahaaw

Kimo is a shrewd businessman, and sales&marketing strategist...

I try to understand Kimo's, by scrutinize, every single wording in his blog.

The basic , I understand ,

The bet based on the wheel's sections, and group, of so called, "stars".

If the wheel is well balanced, then, every pie, will hit, almost equilibrium, in long run,
but in short spins, they will most probably not.

Say, there six pies,
if the wheel well-balanced.
probability, dictates, 1/6,
but in next six spins,
all six pies hit, will only 1%.
The most hit, is 4pies/6spins.

If the wheel is tilted,
then 2,3,or 4 of the pies will constantly hit.
thus in next six spins, 2, or 3 pies, will hit less.

and then, the "way'', will caused, the  pies,
to always hit within 'expectation',
thus we exploit them to win.
albeit a  grind.

That just that simple,
but hard for the "rush", to understand.

The 'way' also, turn the probability, to turn upside-down.

But the payout also hit the 'upside-down',
thus , if we exploit the , hit-rate, with "HIT&RUN"
Then the chances of win, will overcome the losses,

Thus, we will lose, but recoup the losses, in few more win.