The Bin => The graveyard => Recycle bin => Archive => BetSoftware Discussion => Topic started by: VLS on September 03, 2014, 11:36:44 PM

Title: Understanding BetSoftware
Post by: VLS on September 03, 2014, 11:36:44 PM
BetSoftware is engineered software. It is the sum of many parts working together to bring-in an advanced development platform for the gambling community to enjoy.

BetSoftware as a whole is comprised of:

Each of them with defined functionality:

BetSoftware Loader:

Checks the Internet for updates, sets the game and loads the framework.

BetSoftware Framework:

The operation's foreman. Provides the main user interface, manages the correct order of execution of modules and handles global settings.


Specific workers bringing life to the operation. Each module has a defined function. Each executes its functionality then returns control to the framework.


Serve as "glue code" between the internal protocols of BetSoftware and other programs. They close the gap between the way others approach gambling programming and how BetSoftware does it.

External programs:

External programs are first-class citizens in BetSoftware. We acknowledge we are part of an ecosystem and do our best to interact in the most seamless manner with the fellow programmers around.

We are a "your way plus our way” bunch.

...Diversity is the spice of life, in BetSoftware too.
Title: Re: Understanding BetSoftware
Post by: esoito on September 03, 2014, 11:41:36 PM
A very good explanation!  :thumbsup: (At last...LOL)

And it's a very useful concept that deserves to do well.
Title: Re: Understanding BetSoftware
Post by: VLS on September 03, 2014, 11:46:58 PM
Is BetSoftware free of charge? Is it a paid subscription?

BetSoftware -the program- is 100% free and open-source software. Anybody can download, reuse and redistribute it at will.

BetSoftware's extended services -on the other hand- are comprised of subscription-based "goodies" offered to BetSelection subscribers as part of their membership.

You don't need those extended services to enjoy the software's main functions, at all, but having a subscription provides extended goodies which can be valuable for getting a better experience, yet are never mandatory.
Title: Re: Understanding BetSoftware
Post by: esoito on September 03, 2014, 11:52:37 PM
"BetSoftware's extended services -on the other hand- are comprised of subscription-based "goodies" offered to BetSelection subscribers as part of their membership."

And those extended services/goodies would largely consist of different 'clip-on' modules offering various selection methods and betting strategies, written by you or written by others.

Yes? No? Or...?
Title: Re: Understanding BetSoftware
Post by: VLS on September 07, 2014, 02:28:42 PM
Quote from: esoito on September 03, 2014, 11:52:37 PM
[...]written by you or written by others.

Yes? No? Or...?


But I reckon they would be mostly written by me, since other fellow coders would better contribute to the open version instead; it is the most productive thing to do in order to reach a wider audience and getting as much feedback from day one as possible for their modules :nod: