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Passive Income Discussion

Started by VLS, March 31, 2014, 12:11:34 PM

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Making an effort once and getting benefits forever definitely looks like a great way to conduct your long-term plans.

If you have knowledge about it, with something concrete feel free to use this thread.

Non-gambling propositions only please!

Let's focus in things onto the positive side of the balance.
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-- Victor


➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor



Here are two streams and with one I have considerable personal experience and the other is still at various idea(s) level(s) but can still give some interesting thoughts....

Part A

a. rental income

Principal family home is in New Zealand which unfortunately has become one of the more expensive* world locations in relation to local income. I think Australia is similar and also, for some ( bureaucratic?) reason so is Belgium. All those Government officials have to live somewhere.

5 years ago I decided to design and build an apartment as an addition to our existing family home for several reasons. That home is located 600 km north of Christchurch where I live and work now mainly.
Purpose for the building was to design a flexible unit that could be inter-linked to the main house at some future date, ie for a growing family or an elderly relative or teenager needing some private space.

Also the unit could be private and had an interconnecting sliding door and silent lobby. The door is fireproof and sound proof. The lobby also is further insulation and is used also as a storage space when not used for thoroughfare.

I am mainly away on business and the main house has an elderly relative. The apartment has had the same tenant living there for four years and sees the place as his 'home'. He has an annual lease. The unit is furnished and he pays a weekly rental and also keeps an eye on the main house for me. A great arrangement. I call it a win-win-win because it works on many levels and should in principle be applied here much more frequently to assist all levels of society.

The business side of it is that the cost of the apartment to build has added to the total value of the original home by the cost of building + a further 50% premium. That is because the weekly income can be capitalised annually and then as a rule of thumb is multiplied by ten to give the value added of the apartment. This is where an Architect can be helpful to organise and plan all this for the owner.

It is what we term a home + income ( it could be an adjacent business and/ or living space).

I believe many properties in NZ should have such an arrangement because this helps affordability * the apartment can help mortgage costs and the passive income can be very useful as well as helping others find a place to live as rental accommodation.

In Australia such arrangements are more common with a 'duplex' title. Mine is all at ground level but planning could be multi level ( strata title) but this can be more expensive and problematic. I keep it simple, with the size of the apartment about 40% the size of the house and completely self contained with one bedroom and en suite bathroom and an open plan living, dining and generous kitchen/ services gallery and entry lobby adjacent. The exterior living is from a private terrace screen fenced and planted and the apartment has its own parking and entry gate and front door.

So add to your existing home and generate passive income. The tax is organised so the apartment always runs at a slight book net loss allowing for depreciation and other reasonable taxation allowance. That is the passive income is tax free.

b. commercial property ownership - commercial rental income

can be simple industrial, retail or commercial space - helpful if the owner can keep a close eye on things but simple industrial properties are good because they are easy to maintain and tenants will often be capable and motivated to do that work themselves. thus saving time and money.

Part B

a. ownership of a franchise such as a fitness centre or bar or restaurant

b. shares in nu-skin ( NSE on NY Stock Exchange) or similar for marketing of health products with phenomenal health record and research and development in genetics and well being.

c. share investors for dividend growth and capital gain ( excellent earnings here)

NZ is one of the strongest growing economies ( although small) in the world and its currency value is high at present ( over valued but considered a safe conservative haven). Hence shares in infrastructure - ports and airports here and agriculture ( dairy ) and building are excellent earners with a great 3 -7 year window of opportunity ahead. But we must all factor in climate change over next 20-30 years. NZ is a temperate climate so is well cooled and surrounded by ocean. There are risks everywhere and due diligence is always essential.

NZD continues to grow in relation to USD and EURO.

Hope this assists. I am always available for further comment or research direction and referral.



If you have a extra room to rent for student - do it ...
In my country you can take around 350 to 400 Euro for a room.
Is a big and easy market as there is more students then apartments.
Tax free.

Take care of other people dogs when they work, easy and almost passive.
Good if you are a programmer and can work from home with computer and internet.

You can take around 200 to 300 Euro for each dog each month.
3 to 4 dogs is ok and you take one big walk for 1 hour each day and later one short one for 10 minutes.
Good for healt and is all you do and give them food that owner give you.

Lets say you work from home and rent out a room and have 3 dogs - then you make 1100 Euro.
And plus your salary and as you understand you only need to work part time :-)


This idea is not totally passive but is close....

Identify a niche where a piece of equipment

  • is only needed at certain times
  • is reasonably expensive yet necessary during those times
  • that is relatively small, robust and easy to maintain
Buy one or two initially to test the market, and then offer them for hire.

Certain toys...certain baby equipment (chairs, prams, capsules and the like)... immediately come to mind.

I'm sure others will occur to you after some thought.  :nod:

[No? Can't think of any? 

Well, what about specialist tools needed for an important specialist job that has to be done -- perhaps around the home --  so infrequently that it doesn't justify buying the tools yourself...]


Love rental income here....also have some other small repeat businesses



Better still. Invest in Young Artists. Young Picasso. With an attitude like his mother's how could you go wrong. (To paraphrase) ' Dear Pablo, Whatever you do you be tops!' Positive reinforcement from at least the female side is helpful.

it's a bit like 'Angel Investing'. 1 in 100 turns out but the dividends and rewards ( they say) more than make up for it.

Key is finding the 'added value' ingredient X ( so to speak).

Seriously searching for young talent is a lot of fun and enjoy the Gallery Openings.


Thanks for the input! Many timeless passive income ways. Much appreciated.

The thread remains open for new submissions  :cheer:
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Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Let's not overlook the creative dimension.

Writing software:  repeat, passive sales are possible [Don't make it ALL open source, Victor!]

Writing information ebooks (How To...The 20 Best...and so on):
  once the work is written and marketed repeat, passive sales are possible

Writing articles for PLR packs:  once again, repeat, passive sales are possible

Photography:   repeat, passive sales are possible

And more...

Of course, a major component is marketing.

And that's precisely where so many products wither on the vine when the creators try DIY marketing. Plenty of 3rd party marketers around, though.

And finally:   