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Playing Daily for +1% of Bank Roll

Started by Chrisbis, July 05, 2013, 05:43:50 PM

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For those of lighter dispersion...............like my goodself, I thought I would run a parallel
thread with just +1% per day too.

Especially if your method might not stand up to the rigour of making +1% per day.

Who would like to join me in New Topic based on making +1% net gain on theirBank Roll, each and every day?"The power of compound interest." (at 1%)Make just +1% of your bank roll per day.Lets say U start with BR =£100.00In 5 days your BR would have risen to :-£100x 1.015= £105.10Like that?How about a working month, with weekend off?£100x 1.0122= £124.47(22 working days average in a calendar month)Or, what about a full month of 30 days?£100x 1.0130= £134.78              That's a tasty +£34+ profit in just 30 days!How about 6 months "work"?£100x 1.01182= £611.63                      That's £600+ !!...not bad for 6 months little work!(182= 6 months, giving U Christmas day off, still!!)So, what we need now, is a team of people, who would like to join me, with their £$E100and we will find ways of just making that magic +1% per day, that then we stop!(Bet U can not get these rates in the bank at the moment! lol)Will someone please check out my "Compound Interest" figures please...........I don't believe them myself!


The intention is good but who can guarantee me that at no time, in one day I will not never lose all my bankroll? ??? ??? ???
Uno de Badajoz que pasaba por aquí.


There is nothing guaranteed in roulette otherwise we would call it money harvesting
and not gambling.....


Dear Chrisbis,
        My question is, how much you are planning to risk before you use "stop loss" of your bankroll to earn 1% profit?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


I will be using standard "Trailing Stop Loss" techniques to assist with the protection of

And Jarabo is right............no guarantee of absolute success in  the game we know as Roulette.

The premise, (+5% daily), is the subject, I think, money back, cast-iron clad guarantees, went out
when the dinosaurs disappeared!


Do U have one of your many famous techniques we could throw into the
melting pot for this endeavour Sumit?

It would be good to see you post a method down, its been awhile!  :nod:


Hi Chris

Just updating my emails and I noticed one from you relating to an early Ebay listing
Well I think its you from Staffordshire

Anyway you mentioned BetVoyager have a look at http://roulettekeygold.com/latest.html

There are links to 17 videos of me increasing my capital by 4% a day or more!

Peter Preston


Quote from: Mathemagician on September 18, 2014, 11:48:01 AM
Hi Chris

Just updating my emails and I noticed one from you relating to an early Ebay listing
Well I think its you from Staffordshire

Anyway you mentioned BetVoyager have a look at http://roulettekeygold.com/latest.html

There are links to 17 videos of me increasing my capital by 4% a day or more!

Peter Preston

That is the 20/100 flaw and you need to change the money management ...


Quote from: Chrisbis on July 05, 2013, 05:43:50 PM
For those of lighter dispersion...............like my goodself, I thought I would run a parallel
thread with just +1% per day too.

Especially if your method might not stand up to the rigour of making +1% per day.

Who would like to join me in New Topic based on making +1% net gain on theirBank Roll, each and every day?"The power of compound interest." (at 1%)Make just +1% of your bank roll per day.Lets say U start with BR =£100.00In 5 days your BR would have risen to :-£100x 1.015= £105.10Like that?How about a working month, with weekend off?£100x 1.0122= £124.47(22 working days average in a calendar month)Or, what about a full month of 30 days?£100x 1.0130= £134.78              That's a tasty +£34+ profit in just 30 days!How about 6 months "work"?£100x 1.01182= £611.63                      That's £600+ !!...not bad for 6 months little work!(182= 6 months, giving U Christmas day off, still!!)So, what we need now, is a team of people, who would like to join me, with their £$E100and we will find ways of just making that magic +1% per day, that then we stop!(Bet U can not get these rates in the bank at the moment! lol)Will someone please check out my "Compound Interest" figures please...........I don't believe them myself!

Chrisbis i test something similiar.
Winning +1 unit each day or break even.
66% of the times i win +1 unit or break even.
The other 33% i hit the hole being -2 units and have to recover them.
It can be a long and very difficult fight.
Still testing.



@ Sputnik

CB has long since left the forum for family reasons.

So he's very unlikely to reply to your post(s).  Just so you know.