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Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll

Started by Chrisbis, July 05, 2013, 05:33:13 PM

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Who would like to join me in New Topic based on making +5% net gain on their
Bank Roll, each and every day?

"The power of compound interest."

Make just +5% of your bank roll per day.

Lets say U start with BR =£100.00

In 5 days your BR would have risen to :-

£100x 1.055= £127.63

Like that?
How about a working month, with weekend off?

£100x 1.0522=292.52
(22 working days average in a calendar month)

Or, what about a full month of 30 days?

£100x 1.0530= £432.19               That's a whopping +£332 profit in just 30 days!

How about 6 months "work"?

£100x 1.05182= £718542.45                       That's £700k+ folks!!...nice work if we get it eh.

(182= 6 months, giving U Christmas day off!)

So, what we need now, is a team of ppl, who would like to join me, with their £$E100
and we will find ways of just making that magic +5% per day, that then we stop!

(Bet U can not get these rates in the bank at the moment! lol)

Will someone please check out my "Compound Interest" figures please...........I don't believe them myself!


Be nice if someone could knock up an quick Excel sheet,
with +5% targets each day, and the numbers for this pls!  :-[

(and one for the +1% too if not too much trouble!)

(note.............I did not use reveal in the making of this post!)


Quote from: Chrisbis on July 05, 2013, 05:33:13 PM

So, what we need now, is a team of ppl, who would like to join me, with their £$E100
and we will find ways of just making that magic +5% per day, that then we stop!

Why only 5% or even less?

Why not more?

You think that aiming small profit per session corresponds to a lesser possibility of losing or maybe lower DD-s or something third?

Common sense has become so rare it should be classified as a superpower.



Thank you for the question.
Its more about the journey, and dedication to ONE specific cause.

The cause being, to make, and only make a certain % per play session.
To max it up a little, I am suggesting to play each and every day (personal time permitting), and
make that target.

If others want, (and prob do), make larger profits or percentages, then that is wonderful, and I applaud them.  :applause:

My focus, is a public following of how just 5% (or lower) can compound into something meaningful.

But............(there's always a but), we all know, that as the BR grows, so does the risk, and the possible level
our progression (if using one), will sink to in order to make the grade.

Of course, everyone would love to make 10% each time they play, the problem for me, is, they hit that target, but then give it back to the casino, all to easily, in an effort to chase more session profit.

So I want to see, given a range of play methods, if we can between now and Christmas 2013, just make +5% on a small BR of say £100...............and see what it gives us.

I am looking for lots of new methods to test tho, and then be used in the daily play.
Strategy will be key, good close use of the MM, and make the play when at most advantageous moment.
So, not necessarily bet every spin!!  ;)

Please continue your thoughts.


But............(there's always a but), we all know, that as the BR grows, so does the risk, and the possible level
our progression (if using one), will sink to in order to make the grade.

I totally disagree.  The risk betting .01 and 10.00 is exactly the same.  I'm talking about the risk of losing the bet.

Now, your mind may be different.  I know mine is.  It gets lost somewhere!!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Well......................err.........................sort of........

What I said was that risk grows!............but really its the amount to risk that grows.....
I think our minds are on a common collective Sam, thanx for the correction! lol

At 100, the risk will be to win 1 for 1% or 5 for 5% per day.
at 1000 it's a dif ball game, I still would not like to lose £10 on that basis, nor 50 for that matter at 5%!!


how about this way ..deposit 100 at any point you are over withdraw what you won plus 10 of BR..WNEN  you come to point you have last 10 of your  BR  then deposit everything and do it again..
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
rolling stones


Hi Chrisbis and everyone

I think there is already a fair bit of high quality/ low risk methods from experienced /
veteran members sacttered on the site and the sister's site which produces consistently
great results. May be if we can consolidate these methods in say for example the top
eight or ten for 2013 this may be a good way to go instead to reinvent the Wheel.......

I think if everyone can list their say top 3 safest methods may be the first step in the right
direction. What do u think.....??




Quote from: maestro on July 05, 2013, 07:41:53 PM
how about this way ..deposit 100 at any point you are over withdraw what you won plus 10 of BR..WNEN  you come to point you have last 10 of your  BR  then deposit everything and do it again..

Did U mean to say "WHEN you come to point you have last....or lost 10 of your BR"?

Anyways..................I wouldn't do that, cause U will not be able to play every day,
whilst U wait for withdrawal of cash to occur.  :whistle:


last 10...    10x10=100   from 100 BR  you do 9 x 10 + any winings....say you got 100   play
and got to 103  then you take out  13   then you play with 90BR    DO to 92 and take out 12...
and so on...when you come to point that you don't feel safe with BR to play bring all IN and start same way..point is that the lower you BR gets makes you play wiser... :thumbsup:
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colors anymore I want them to turn black
rolling stones


@maestro.............got ya!  :thumbsup:


yep.............sounds like a good place to start.
Top three play methods listed is a way to start off each persons findings.

Of course, the top three will be very different from each member!  ;)


Hi Chrisbis

Yes of course it will be different from each member.....; However, we are talking about winning only 5%
of the BR and I'm referring to the safest top 3 method........ Therefore,  there should not be huge difference
between experienced members...... as we all know which methods provide us the best probability and the most
consistent winnings......
Methods which provides huge DD are to be excluded.