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Your operative system

Started by VLS, October 28, 2012, 07:49:35 PM

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This is a most-relevant question for our software.

True; with the advancement of virtualization, the limits of "platform the software runs on" are getting "blurry"; but still, this is important to determine the native platform to program our software for.

If you use multiple platforms, you can tick the one you use the most.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


hey i would think most users here are windows users



Well i run Ubuntu stable version with long time support.

It is faster then Windows.
It is safer then Windows.
It is more stable then Windows.
It come with free software.
It does almost not exist virus for unix based systems.
It is better looking then Windows.

Wine fix and run most Windows softwares.


In 4 months only 24 bothered to vote.  How disappointing...   :nope:

Probably because it's too hidden here, Victor. 

Maybe move it to General Discussion?


Maybe flag it up each time your members login, until they have voted?
Be a ickle bit more proactive about it, and u will get bigger & better results.

Could it be a revolving banner, scrolling across the page, until they have voted?


Good idea Chris,

Yet by the sample you can really know where it's leaning eh!

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Well, as Max says, the stats show low numbers voting, but you the programmer, need accuracy, to know u are devoting your time wisely.
My guess is, given the mass appeal of Windows, it will always come out on top, prob in the order of 85-90% magnitude (maybe even higher), but which comes second, maybe that's the question  your after answering?
Do the banner, it could be a useful tool for announcing the arrival of the 'Betting Tool'.......and all other manners of in-house adverts.


I have an issue, i buy a new computer for 1,5K it's a gaming computer with windows 8 ...
I feel lost using windows 8 ...

Look at this simple issue.
I create three users account, me, daugter and my mom.
Now i can run all programs and skype among other things ...

But when my daughter login she can not use skype as the program won't start, that is strange ...
It seems that i have to activate some thing to get the other users to use all the programs i can use, but i have no clue how to do that with windows 8 ...
Hmm i hope one day i will solve this issue LOL  ^-^

Unix/linux is more simple and better looking ...


Windows 7. I do not think that I will install windows 8 soon.
say things directly to show respect for other people's time. Walter.


I bought Windows 8 and a book, "Windows 8 for Dummies".  The book said if you don't have to install 8, don't.  I took it back to Staples and they couldn't believe the guy wrote that.

I hear it's a skank.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on March 10, 2013, 01:30:04 AM
I bought Windows 8 and a book, "Windows 8 for Dummies".  The book said if you don't have to install 8, don't.  I took it back to Staples and they couldn't believe the guy wrote that.

I hear it's a skank.

:)) :)) :)) :))  and yet here I am with my Windows 8 PC. I guess it comes with being an IT guy ;D


When dealing with a topic a rough way to make an estimate about people's opinion is through antagonism.

How many think it sucks versus how many think it rocks.

The answer is -as usual- most likely lying in between. But it sure can serve as a raw indicator of market trends.

"Windows 8 Sucks"


About 357,000 results

"Windows 8 Rocks"


About 36,500 results

...That's an 119 to 12 ratio!!!

Holy potatoes! When comparing both groups alone, only 10.22% of support says heaps  :broken:  --In my opinion  :whistle:

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


I use to not upgrade until I need it, It is always problems in the first releases!  It is often today new versions which should be called beta not point  +1. The users find the bugs.

Today it looks like I change my versions of OS, when I need a new computer, a laptop have short life time, burn itself appart in a few years, a spare parts are lacking and work to replace cost as a computer.  I payed 420 USD for the last and it is including 25%  VAT we have here.