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Walk down the double streets

Started by Ralph, January 13, 2013, 04:46:23 AM

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Quote from: seykid31 on January 14, 2013, 05:13:51 AM
What about playing with progression 11111 22222 33333 each win,we fall back 5 paces
if we win on 7th step which is after playing 11111 22 we go back 5 paces on the 3rd 1(111) and we pick up from there.

Which is best depends on the numbers coming out.  And if we want to reach new high in less spins, which is more risky we do not know before the play.  A ds sleep for 90 spins I had once I did not use a stoploss and the bets become very high. I come out, but it was due to very good hit rates at the end.

I think a stoploss of 200 is OK or 2000, in between I am not sure. 200 gives more loss, but a reasonable chance to catch it up, which 1000 may not. 2000 we will reach if lucky very seldom.


154... is the max number of spins i have seen any 6 numbers slept for.
95... is the max for 6 numbers in board order (DS)

either way u could expect 150+ sleeps.
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Quote from: Ophis on January 14, 2013, 08:05:02 AM
154... is the max number of spins i have seen any 6 numbers slept for.
95... is the max for 6 numbers in board order (DS)

either way u could expect 150+ sleeps.

The method can bear a long sleeper as long it is compensated in less than 2000 spins, after that there are problems with the HE, to many zeros have been in the outcome. It is the average number of hits in appr 2000 spins which make it win or bust.



I forgot to say that I can log on to BV without using the bot and it all works fine.  Does that tell you anything?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 14, 2013, 03:43:24 PM

I forgot to say that I can log on to BV without using the bot and it all works fine.  Does that tell you anything?


Yes it does!  How to solve I do not know for now, it may be the casinos security, or how the version of the browser handle some events.

Lady K


Have you noticed if one Line tended to hit slightly more then the others?
(I'm curious about the 6-Line)

Lady K


Quote from: Lady K on January 15, 2013, 01:17:32 PM

Have you noticed if one Line tended to hit slightly more then the others?
(I'm curious about the 6-Line)

Lady K

This happens all the time, we get to know it afterwards. Lines has the same behavior as numbers, you can go for repeaters.


I will add that to this kind of playing lines.  A post I did on an other forum.

We will need a very large bankroll. and be ready for many hours of play using this method.

It has last year won quite a lot, but is as always not foolproof.

We use fun the first time, if we not fully understand how the method works, and the possibility and risks with it.

0.01 is the best chip value, and we would risk 10000 units or may be 20000 units. That's for the not smooth cases, it may work with less.

We put a chip on the line belonging to the last spun number.

We spin, and if hit we spin the same bet.
If no hit add a chip to the bet, and put one
chip on the last spun line.

We add a chip on all missing, until we cover 5 lines.
We can use fewer if we want.

On every miss add a chip to all missing bets.

If we hit a line we remove six chip  or until
just one is left.

If any pile get 12 chips (We can use 18 as well, but longer play larger bankroll), we note it as to be phased out.

We play until the table is empty.

We use small stakes as 0.01, but if it works out
well we will have Euros in plus.

We can be on plus and still have chips on the table,
and stop if we want.

I have had a line missing 90 spins.

Sometimes a session can be short as the session I
just did, only 75 spins and plus 219.

It can last more than 1000 as well.


Did once more, I stopped before the table was empty, on a plus of  1516 units. I did some betting misstakes, so the outcome may not in full be as it would be without the misstakes. I may have removed or added 0.1 chips instead of 0.01.

375 spins.