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Quasy random to beat random, please test!

Started by BEAT-THE-WHEEL, March 05, 2018, 12:32:05 PM

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Hi, I am keen to know whether this dozen strategy is a stable or unsteady selection.
If this a stable selection, we could easily win a few unit before 300spins.

Anyone could help, by testing flatbet a few thousand spins, and just post the charts here, as many chart possible.
Thanks in advance.

Dz1=dozen one, and so on...
Double dozen bet.

If last spin= dz1, then bet dz1 and dz2. (Win or lose, then...)
If next spin=dz2, then bet dz2 and dz3 (win or lose, then..)
If next spin=dz3, then bet dz3 and dz1 (win or lose...)
If next spin=zero, take loss, then bet the previous indicator dozen.

1st= dz1, (  bet dz1 and dz2)
2nd=dz3, (  bet dz3 and dz1)
3rd= dz2, (bet dz2 and dz3)
4th=zero!, =lose,
5th=ignore zero, (bet dz2 and dz3)

Zero will be regard an unfortunate losss, then ignore, and bet as if zero not there.


I had hand test this for 4000spins real roulette, at the end hit just within math expectation, but 4k, too small to conclude.
Thus, will very grateful if anyone here could test with their computer.
Thanks in advance


Hello BA

I have tested many systems like this and they all failed.

Attached is a graph of this system using 10,000 Weisben Live BM spins.

I also attached the Excel Sheet used so you can be sure that I coded the system correctly, just enter any number in Column A, starting with Cell A5  and the bet selection will show up.

This is a system based on the previous single spin which means each spin is independent and as such you will always get the same probability and results.

Try basing you selections not on single but multiple spins.




Thank you so much Nickmsi,
Appreaciate them!
The purpose,
Is to see if the result, in short, medium, and long term, eg. 100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 10000...so on..
whether they always hit WITHIN MATH EXPECTATION!( That losing only at HE.)
If they do,
Then, with variance management, random avoidance, streaking, and cluster advantage, we could win a few units flatbet, in every 100, 200 or 300spins.
Maybe if we look at more charts, we may come to conclusion, that this a STABLE SELECTION.


Hi Nickmsi,
I test your xls,
I noticed that, when previous decision =dz1, the program bet dz2 &dz3....

May you please have a program, that,
If previous decision=dz1, then bet dz1 and dz2.

This strategy, take advantage of dozen STREAKS.AND CLUSTERING.
I am no good at computer, maybe  if you just post few charts will do,
Appreciate your work,
Thanks in advance


Attached is graph v 1.0 results of trying to catch the streaks.  The results are pretty much the same as the prior test and that is as it should be.

When a bet selection is based on the last spin then your result will be the same as each spin is independent and nothing changes from spin to spin.

It is like drawing a ball from a bag of 36 balls.(18 Red and 18 Black).  Your chance of drawing a Red is 50%.  Put the ball back and bag and draw again.  The result is still 50% chance of drawing a Red ball.  That's why systems based on the last spin result will never win in the long run.

Now if you draw 2 balls at one time, what happens?  You increase the chance of getting a Red from 50% to 75%.  If you draw 3 balls at one time your chances of getting a Red increase to 87.5%. Plus there is so much more you can do with multiple spins being used for bet selection.




Thank you so much Nickmsi,
Appreaciate your kindness of testing and postings.

I see that, the testing spins=9577bets, instead of 9999/10000bets risked,
The very first spin did not risked...as it just indicator for 2nd spin bet.
(Zero, excluded?)
Please clarify.
Thank you very much.


Hello, yes the number of bets was less than 10,000 because the excel sheet was not 10,000 lines long, that would be a really long sheet.

The bot requires a "seed" spin (free spin) in order to get started and the excel sheet was
only about 30 lines long so every 30 bets would require a "free spin" which is not a bet.




Thank  you Nickmsi.

Our purpose is to look for a bet selection that is VERY STABLE.
when a selection is Stable,  the along the way, in 100, 200, 300spins,
The end result always  hit within MATH EXPECTATION,
thus in roulette, it , if stable, always ,only lose only a few units in 100 risked bet,
Or in a 1000risked bet, it lose only a tens of units.
If a selection, that win tens and in the following season lose tens, then it is not stable, and we bet on luck.

In over-simplified example, a stable bet,
In a bag, there 50 black and 50 red  marble, cast aside when drawn.
Thus in next 100 bets, flatbet, in the end,  the result always zero,
So how we bet?
The answer very obvious.

In real life, if a selection is stable,
Then the streaking and clustering, are our advantages,
Whenever an imbalance occured,
We could bet , hoping to ride on the streaking and clustering effect of the remaining spins,
the QUESTION is ...whether the bet selection is STABLE?


Dear Nickmsi,
The last chart you post, ( thank you very much),
I assumed,
it is double zero roulette?
The 5.6% losses of  -539units,
in 9577bet, with 6205 wins.

I think it should bet from the second  spin to the10000th spin,
Whenever ,
zero hit,  take the previous dozen, before the zero,
, as indicator, thus 9999bets.

If you do a , say, 300spins, and every "300spins" result,
show hit within math expectation,
then this selection, is STABLE.
(European roulette is way better risk, obviously...)
Thanks Nickmsi.