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Simple Trend Catcher for Dozens & Columns

Started by malcop, August 15, 2013, 06:36:00 PM

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Quote from: soggett on August 22, 2013, 01:49:56 PM
thanks for your answer malcop

did a few quick test runs and it performs quite ok for now

gonna look at the baccarat too

so you say a BR of 20 units is ok - still valid or do we use bigger BR cause you had a few -20's back there?
Yes I found 20 for each side enough, no point in chasing a bad session, the good sessions make up for any bad ones that may come along.

I was just running some tests with the EC mode and that seems to work out OK.  The only issue I had was what to do about the zero, when the zero came up I put the same bet back up again.  Played 300 spins flat-bets had a high of +14, Low -5, end +9.

I know I don't need to say this but I'm going to anyway, please don't play this for real until you are confident with how it performs for you.

Guess what I'm trying to say is prove it for your self first, and if you are happy and want to move on with real money, just play for very small stakes to start with.




From my experience it's worth set a stop loss betting; I'd place mine at -2, then wait for a paper plus before restart live betting, this avoid that a bad run, yes sometimes they happen, kills your bankroll.
anyway I'm running the test flat betting. oscar's grind work well with this BS.
just my suggestions...


...4 more shoes played:

1) 6, min 0, max 6
2) -2, min -5, mx 2
3) 7, min 0, max 7
4) -4, min -5, max 1


How many hands in the shoes your testing from?

The drawdowns are low, is this with the stop-loss you talked about?


no, the testing was made simply flat betting, with no stop-loss.


This little 'thread nudge' is for all the new members of the forum.

It would be a shame if this gem remained buried.


I would like to thank esoito for giving this thread a " nudge " and malcop for the system.

I have just tested a quick 650 live Dublin Bet spins in the tracker and it gave a grand total of + 3 units for both dozens and columns combined. Maybe I've just been unlucky.

I am aware there are tweaks to be done to improve this result such as andrebac's 2 chip stop loss and bet again when paper shows a positive and others but still very disappointing as I really liked the positive vibes I was reading in the thread.

The trends when you get them are decent but they don't seem to happen that often, so with that in mind what do you think about a tracker that incorporates lines as well so that we have 18 sets of 12 numbers to monitor instead of 6,this way we can cherry pick the best trending ones.

Would appreciate other test results/opinions.



"I have just tested a quick 650 live Dublin Bet spins in the tracker and it gave a grand total of + 3 units for both dozens and columns combined. Maybe I've just been unlucky."

I look at it this way, klw -- it's a matter for rejoicing!


Because you've managed to convert a set-in-cement -2.77 disadvantage into a +3 advantage.  (Even 0 is an advantage if you think about it...LOL)

Yes, applying tweaks could bear fruit.
And your idea of incorporating lines as a form of diversification is inspired!  :thumbsup:

Hopefully other testers will jump aboard.  (Perhaps an RX coder might feel inclined to have a go, too.)


I was playing baccarat like this for a while some time back.
I was using a mild "shoe by shoe" type progression with it and had some steady wins with only mild losses occassionally.
Is anyone still playing this way? If so how is it bearing and what kind of mm are you using?