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The 'Run of Three' System

Started by Bally6354, December 15, 2012, 05:58:15 PM

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Here is something interesting I found well doing some research over the last few days.

I will paste in one of my 100 spin cards and then explain the system.

13 2A
11 1B (3C)
13 2A (3C)
31 3A (C) O
3 1C (B) O
18 2C (B) S
9 1C (B) S
4 1A (B) S
26 3B (2) O
26 3B (2) S
23 2B (C) O
3 1C (A) O
23 2B (A) S
34 3A (1C) O
15 2C (1) O
35 3B (1) S
33 3C (1) S
15 2C (1) S
14 2B (1) S
15 2C (1) S
31 3A (1) S
34 3A (1) S
6 1C (B) O
34 3A (B) S
20 2B (1C) O
9 1C (3A) O
23 2B (3A) S
7 1A (3) O
17 2B (3) S
14 2B (3) S
4 1A (3) S
4 1A (3) S
29 3B (C) O
22 2A (C) S
10 1A (C) S
14 2B (C) S
34 3A (C) S
33 3C (1) O
6 1C (2B) O
5 1B (2) O (RUN OF 3) WON
9 1C (2) S
36 3C (2) S
25 3A (2) S
36 3C (2) S
35 3B (2) S
22 2A (1) O
6 1C (3B) O
34 3A (B) O (RUN OF 3) WON
21 2C (B) S
2 1B (3A) O
19 2A (3) O
15 2C (3) S
24 2C (3) S
14 2B (3) S
25 3A (1) O
31 3A (1) S
32 3B (1) S
33 3C (1) S
3 1C (2) O
18 2C (A) O
24 2C (A) S
21 2C (A) S
26 3B (A) S
6 1C (A) S
23 2B (A) S
6 1C (A) S
24 2C (A) S
28 3A (B) O
11 1B (2C) O
24 2C (3A) O (RUN OF 3) WON
8 1B (3A) S
27 3C (A) O
36 3C (A) S
30 3C (A) S
25 3A (2) O
14 2B (1) O
11 1B (C) O (RUN OF 3) WON
28 3A (C) S
21 2C (1B) O
33 3C (1B) S
35 3B (1) O
13 2A (1) S
6 1C (3B) O
25 3A (B) O
4 1A (B) S
35 3B (2) O
32 3B (2) S
26 3B (2) S
11 1B (2) S
7 1A (2) S
15 2C (3) O
8 1B (3) S
29 3B (A) O
20 2B (A) S
27 3C (A) S
6 1C (A) S
10 1A (2B) O
2 1B (2) O
9 1C (2) S
13 2A (3) O

The number is to the left.

Then I assign the dozen/column. Example 13 = 2A. (2nd dozen / column A)

The  ( ) contain the furthest back dozen and/or column.

So looking at the first few numbers from above....

13 2A
11 1B (3C).....BOTH 3 and C are the furthest back.....
13 2A (3C) .....BOTH 3 and C are still the furthest back......
31 3A (C) O......Now just the C is the furthest back........
3 1C (B) O......Now the B is the furthest back.......
18 2C (B) S......The B is still the furthest back......

You may be wondering what the O and S stand for?

If the furthest back stays the same, it is marked S.

If it changes, it is marked O.

The 'Run of Three' System is looking for three O's and then you bet for the S on the next result.

You can see that 4 bets appeared looking through my 100 spin card.

Here was the first one.
33 3C (1) O
6 1C (2B) O
5 1B (2) O (RUN OF 3)
9 1C (2) S

So you can see the three O's and now you would be looking for it to change to S.

This basically means that you want the 2nd dozen to remain missing in this case.
You would therefore bet dozen 1 and dozen 3.

Number 9 appeared (1C) which belongs to dozen 1 and is a winner.

All 4 bets were winners. Most of my cards are clear winners with this idea with very few losses at all.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Here is another card.
13 2A
19 2A
5 1B (3C)
25 3A (C) O
15 2C (1B) O
17 2B (1) O (RUN OF 3)WON
27 3C (1) S
13 2A (1) S
27 3C (1) S
16 2A (1) S
27 3C (1) S
20 2B (1) S
22 2A (1) S
1 1A (3C) O
22 2A (3C) S
8 1B (3C) S
34 3A (C) O
31 3A (C) S
27 3C (2) O
16 2A (1B) O
23 2B (1) O (RUN OF 3)WON
26 3B (1) S
4 1A (C) O
1 1A (C) S
18 2C (3B) O
25 3A (B) O
32 3B (1) O (RUN OF 3)LOST
12 1C (2) O
1 1A (2) S
17 2B (3) O
13 2A (3) S
8 1B (3) S
7 1A (3) S
35 3B (C) O
10 1A (C) S
9 1C (2) O
27 3C (2) S
34 3A (2) S
29 3B (2) S
5 1B (2) S
14 2B (C) O
16 2A (C) S
6 1C (3) O
12 1C (3) S
32 3B (2A) O
2 1B (2A) S
31 3A (2) O
9 1C (2) S
5 1B (2) S
30 3C (2) S
7 1A (2) S
29 3B (2) S
29 3B (2) S
17 2B (C) O
12 1C (A) O
10 1A (3) O (RUN OF 3)WON
15 2C (3) S
10 1A (3) S
16 2A (3) S
12 1C (3) S
16 2A (3) S
26 3B (1C) O
16 2A (1C) S
11 1B (C) O
3 1C (3) O
10 1A (3) S
1 1A (3) S
30 3C (2) O
34 3A (2) S
9 1C (2) S
28 3A (2) S
1 1A (2) S
25 3A (2) S
31 3A (2) S
14 2B (C) O
5 1B (C) S
12 1C (3A) O
7 1A (3) O
23 2B (3) S
3 1C (3) S
17 2B (3) S
23 2B (3) S
21 2C (3) S
1 1A (3) S
30 3C (B) O
15 2C (B) S
5 1B (A) O
18 2C (A) S
6 1C (A) S
11 1B (A) S
26 3B (A) S
14 2B (A) S
14 2B (A) S
20 2B (A) S
7 1A (C) O
7 1A (C) S
30 3C (2B) 0
17 2B (1A) O
11 1B (A) O (RUN OF 3) WON
14 2B (A) S
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


I would only play for the first bet and then wait for the next opportunity.

You don't want to run into a freak cycle of O's.

Most of the time you are betting either 2 dozens or 2 columns, However there are times when the third O may indicate (for example) that the 3C is the furthest back. Now you are looking for an S and hoping that the 3C remains missing. So betting against 3C means playing 8 splits = 16 numbers as opposed to the usual 2 dozens or columns = 24 numbers.

Why? Because here, you want both the 3rd dozen and column C to remain missing.

You would place bets on the 1/4, 2/5, 7/10, 8/11, 13/16, 14/17, 19/22, 20/23.

This will happen sometimes and you just need to work out what 8 splits you would need to play.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


I have asked Vic when he has time to make a tracker for this.

It could be good for running along with any other systems you are playing at the time.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: Bally6354 on December 15, 2012, 06:44:42 PM
I have asked Vic when he has time to make a tracker for this.
Thank you Bally for the sponsorship. Going to make an attempt to deliver it this month, if not, then first week of January (i.e. within vacation time!)

➡️ CHECK IT OUT: www.RouletteIdeas.com - Roulette Forum for Systems, Strategies and Roulette Software.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Many Thanks for posting this different type of Two-Dozen concept Bally.

Will spend a relaxing sunday working on this.




Thanks Vic!  :thumbsup:

Here is a 'quick' game I just played. (Well, it only took 22 spins!)
26 3B
26 3B
17 2B
2 1B
3 1C (A)
26 3B (A) S
18 2C (A) S
36 3C (A) S
32 3B (A) S
20 2B (A) S
7 1A (C) O
11 1B (C) S
20 2B (C) S
30 3C (A) O
17 2B (A) S
35 3B (A) S
6 1C (A) S
4 1A (2) O
1 1A (2) S
14 2B (3) O
29 3B (C) O
15 2C (1A) O (RUN OF THREE) WON.
23 2B (1A) S

This was one of those situations where I had to bet the splits because I was hoping that the 1A would stay missing.

My split bets were 14/17, 15/18, 20/23, 21/24, 26/29, 27/30, 32/35, 33/36.

It's a much better payout when this comes in as opposed to playing either the 2 dozens or 2 columns.  :beer: :beer:

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: dino246 on December 15, 2012, 07:37:28 PM
Many Thanks for posting this different type of Two-Dozen concept Bally.

Will spend a relaxing sunday working on this.



No worries Dino.  :thumbsup:

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Here is a winning and losing example from today.

These were the first few spins from Table 4 and Table 2.
Table 4 Spielbank Wiesbaden 15/12/2012

25 3A
11 1B (2C)
6 1C (2) O
29 3B (2) S
3 1C (2) S
1 1A (2) S
25 3A (2) S
4 1A (2) S
34 3A (2) S
4 1A (2) S
4 1A (2) S
10 1A (2) S
18 2C (B) O
11 1B (3) O
12 1C (3) S
25 3A (2) O
12 1C (2) S
7 1A (2) S
27 3C (2) S
23 2B (1A) O
13 2A (1) O
10 1A (3C) O (RUN OF THREE) BET SPLITS 1/4, 2/5, 7/10, 8/11, 13/16, 14/17, 19/22, 20/23.
10 1A (3C) S (WON +10 UNITS)
Table 2 Spielbank Wiesbaden 15/12/2012

22 2A
22 2A
15 2C
13 2A
26 3B (1)
19 2A (1) S
9 1C (3B) O
28 3A (B) O
9 1C (B) S
20 2B (3A) O
15 2C (3A) S
18 2C (3A) S
23 2B (3A) S
27 3C (A) O
25 3A (1) O
35 3B (1) S
31 3A (1) S
10 1A (2) O
33 3C (2) S
19 2A (B) O
22 2A (B) S
33 3C (B) S
21 2C (B) S
20 2B (1) O
12 1C (A) O
28 3A (B) O (LOST)
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


What am about to write is completely genuine and sincere (just so nobody takes it the wrong way)

I never cease to be amazed by the creativity of some of the posters and their ideas that are posted on this forum.

And the above Run of Three from Bally is a prime example.  Brilliant. Well done!  :thumbsup:

I can imagine you coming up with some pretty cutting-edge stuff for sports betting.

Heaven knows that's badly needed in the horse-racing arena, for example, where there's now little innovation. So often the same old stuff simply gets repackaged and recycled.


Thanks esoito!

I have never ventured into sports betting that much although my predictions on cricket are usually pretty accurate because I love the game and have spent a lot of time studying it and watching.

Some of the guys on the betfair forum are VERY good in specialist areas like boxing and tennis etc..

Roulette appeals to me mostly because of the constant payouts. The problem with horseracing is the constant change of the fields and odds. Throw in the inaccurate going descriptions we get here in the UK and people making more money laying horses to lose in the poor races and it seems a bit of a minefield.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Waiting for the 'Run of Three' can be like watching Jonathan Trott bat  :zzz:

This run went 54 spins without a run of three.

A 11, 33, 99  progression would have netted +34 units.

But I don't think it's worth the risk  :stress:   

16 2A
15 2C
5 1B (3)
16 2A (3) S
21 2C (3) S
1 1A (3) S
18 2C (3) S
23 2B (3) S
5 1B (3) S
2 1B (3) S
25 3A (C) O.......RUN OF 1
20 2B (C) S
21 2C (1) O......RUN OF 1
34 3A (1) S
19 2A (1) S
18 2C (1) S
32 3B (1) S
10 1A (2C) O......RUN OF 1
32 3B (2C) S
20 2B (C) O.......RUN OF 1
31 3A (C) S
4 1A (C) S
5 1B (C) S
33 3C (2) O......RUN OF 1
2 1B (2) S
9 1C (2) S
12 1C (2) S
1 1A (2) S
6 1C (2) S
30 3C (2) S
19 2A (B) O.....RUN OF 1
18 2C (B) S
27 3C (B) S
29 3B (1) O
1 1A (2) O....RUN OF 2
11 1B (2) S
18 2C (3) O
27 3C (A) O.....RUN OF 2
26 3B (A) S
28 3A (1) O.....RUN OF 1
33 3C (1) S
14 2B (1) S
4 1A (3C) O.....RUN OF 1
20 2B (3C) S
22 2A (3C) S
26 3B (C) O
24 2C (1) O.....RUN OF 2
33 3C (1) S
17 2B (1) S
6 1C (A) O......RUN OF 1
15 2C (A) S
13 2A (3) O
35 3B (1) O.....RUN OF 2
22 2A (1) S
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


How many won on each step of the progression ?


Quote from: dino246 on December 16, 2012, 09:06:10 PM
How many won on each step of the progression ?

Actually..... +34 would be wrong. Sometimes you would be just betting the 8 splits instead of either 2 dozens or 2 columns. This would have happened 5 times. So the gains would be slightly more.

But I honestly could not suggest it. What about if you get a streak of 5 O's. You don't want to be betting 1 1, 3 3, 9 9, 27 27, 81 81, 243 243.

That's  units 728 units just to win 1 unit. No thanks!

The above post was just to illustrate that you could be in for a long wait looking for a run of three O's.

If I was going to use something like that. (say just a three step 1 1, 3 3, 9 9. I would wait for the three O's and just take one bite at it.)

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: esoito on December 16, 2012, 01:17:53 AM
What am about to write is completely genuine and sincere (just so nobody takes it the wrong way)

I never cease to be amazed by the creativity of some of the posters and their ideas that are posted on this forum.

And the above Run of Three from Bally is a prime example.  Brilliant. Well done!  :thumbsup:

I can imagine you coming up with some pretty cutting-edge stuff for sports betting.

Heaven knows that's badly needed in the horse-racing arena, for example, where there's now little innovation. So often the same old stuff simply gets repackaged and recycled.

A fun story perhaps Esoito. Last year I flew to Canada. The back half of the plane was cargo. I was sitting all the way in the back last row, aisle seat. I was working on a method I called 9 By 9 at the time. At the start of the flight the lady next to me asked if I didn't mind getting up a few times during the flight because her horse, along with others, was in the cargo area. After talking with her for a bit it turned out that her horse had won the derby in Toronto the year before and was flying back to defend the title : )

It was an interesting sight to look back into to the cargo area and see a row of horses, smelled a bit to!