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The Easy-Peasy II System

Started by Atlantis, July 10, 2013, 05:12:44 PM

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A simple but hopefully effective and profitable approach to playing roulette 2/1 odds.

The locations to be bet are 2 doz and 2 col.

If last number RO or BE then bet D2 and D3 + C2 and C3.
If last number RE or BO then bet D1 and D2 + C1 and C2.

This leaves 4 uncovered numbers + the ZERO (unless playing on nozero!)

The starting bet is 1 unit on each designated location.

Simple Progression Rules:
If doz wins and col also wins REDUCE all four bets by 1u each - but if level or ahead reduce to starting bet of 1u on each location.

If doz wins and col loses then REDUCE both doz bets by 1u each and INCREASE both col bets by 1u each - but if level or ahead overall then reduce to starting bet of 1u on each location.

If doz loses and col wins then REDUCE both cols by 1u each but INCREASE both doz bets by 1u each - but if level or ahead overall then reduce to starting bet of 1u on each location.

If both doz and col bets lose (0 or 4 other numbers occurred) then INCREASE all four bets by 1u each.

The minimum default bet size for both col and doz = 1u each location.

The target is 3u+ per game. Recommend daily session of 3 games. (as per original "Easy-Peasy" EC+Line)

[You could employ a "switch bet" rule if encountering 3 consecutive double losses]

This is a good one to try with low-risk small unit value stakes.

Try out and Have fun,  :)


Master of Pockets posted something very like unto this a while back.  I thought it was good then and I'll try it now.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Just to be clear Atlantis.........the start position is 1u +1u +1u +1U ?

Doz of choice 1 unit (I)
Doz of choice 1 unit (II)
Col  of choice 1 unit (I)
Col  of choice 1 unit (II)

(I) & (II) are not indications of which Dozen/Column is bet on.


Hi Chrisbis,

OK. I have clarified that now in the original post.



Live game just now with live autowheel:

3RO                 bet 1u d2;d3 and 1u c2;c3          +0
26BE   +2         bet 1u d2;d3 and 1u c2;c3          +2
14RE   +2         bet 1u d1;d2 and 1u c1;c2          +4   target
22BE   +2         bet 1u d2;d3 and 1u c2;c3          +2
32RE   +2         bet 1u d1;d2 and 1u c1;c2          +4   target
17BO   +2        bet 1u d1;d2 and 1u c1;c2           +2
11BO   +2        bet 1u d1;d2 and 1u c1;c2           +4   target

PS. Of course that is the perfect session - but it DOES happen... In fact, also happened to me twice in a row earlier today during some testing.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on July 10, 2013, 05:18:09 PM
Master of Pockets posted something very like unto this a while back.  I thought it was good then and I'll try it now.

Hey Sam, cn you point me to it. I am not able to find anything in the name master of pockets


Hi Priyanka,
Try searching for "master_of_pockets" in the other forum and you can read all his posts from his profile. It is different to this method though.



Quote from: Priyanka on July 10, 2013, 05:52:47 PM
Hey Sam, cn you point me to it. I am not able to find anything in the name master of pockets
MOP...the other forum. wasn't he flatino?.


I don't think MOP was FLAT!! 
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


he was someone banned, and got banned again as MOP.....Catalyst?....Roulette Explorer?

can't remember


I remember that MOP was Roulette Explorer and then got banned for being the same one as RE.


Hi Atlantis,

I'm creating a RX Script for Easy-Peasy II.

Just have a quick question for you.

What do you do about the zero.

Do you just put the same bet up again or wait for a new valid trigger.




Hi Malcop,

Thanks for your interest in the Easy Peasy II system. I must tell you that with time I have found that I have come to prefer the ORIGINAL Easy Peasy system (1EC + 1Line method) over this one as I find that it works works better - especially with a couple of mods I made to it, and this is the one I am now playing for real.

I do not wish to stop you going ahead ahead and creating an RX script for it though - its just that you might want to see the update to the original before you commence your programming.

I will post the full amended original method + some thoughts quite soon; then you can decide whether you may wish to make a RX script for that instead (or as well) because with the tweaks I added it  *might* be a little bit trickier to code (but I think well worth it!)

Regarding the 0 I have stated:
"If both doz and col bets lose (0 or 4 other numbers occurred) then INCREASE all four bets by 1u each."



Hi Atlantis,

Thanks for getting back to me, I will wait for your update to Easy-Peasy.

I can always code in Excel if it's too complicated.




OK. Thanks Malcop.
Will post it Sunday morning GMT.