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Started by JohnLegend, November 05, 2012, 08:05:04 PM

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@ John,

What worries me is that IF you consistently fail to get results in the challenge, you will then turn round and say: "it's because BV are cheats!".

It just seems like a get-out clause which you can always fall back on. But I still think you deserve credit for taking it up in the first place. You were doing ok with my RNG after a shaky start. The sooner I get something else set up, the better. I'm working on it...


Quote from: Bayes on November 28, 2012, 03:47:53 PM
@ John,

What worries me is that IF you consistently fail to get results in the challenge, you will then turn round and say: "it's because BV are cheats!".

It just seems like a get-out clause which you can always fall back on. But I still think you deserve credit for taking it up in the first place. You were doing ok with my RNG after a shaky start. The sooner I get something else set up, the better. I'm working on it...
Bayes consider this, I can beat the fun mode anytime I want to staking sums that wiped the other guys out in real mode. Now what im feeling Bayes is BV don't cheat on a low level. But on a higher level it looks suspect.

So if I play smaller and make 200 euro over a greater time span have I failed? Its the time limit I've never been comfortable with Bayes.

But I don't intend to leave it on an RNG Bayes. I want to go live too eventually. Ill do it all. The RNG is just stage 1. :applause:


When tracking 2 methods....E/O and H/L and you use the marquee to get your first 20 numbers...it takes about 20-30 mins to get at least 1 of the bets to appear and about 40 mins or so to get both appearing. If it has gone 40 mins and no sign of a bet then I just ignore it and shutdown the pc and go do something else.

40 mins to get +2 units....or 40 mins to get -14 units either way if you spread that out over a month you'll still end up with a fairly large whack of games played.

Speramus has, since the 13th Nov, racked up about 70 or so, games played...where a single game is a single bet...so if I'm tracking the 2 methods in PB then I'm playing 2 games at the same time. I play very much on a "when I get some free time" scenario. I don't play every hour on the hour for dozens of games each day, the win to loss ratio would fall to levels where there isn't simply any point in playing given you're breaking even...or worse  :(

The less games you play in the PB...the longer your win streaks. I'm happy to grind out just 20 units a month and after month 9 (yes a long time but I have the patience that others might not have) I will be betting £11+ per unit

£11, £22, £44

Even if that £11 worth of 20 units won...sure that's over £200 a month for doing what....reading my computer forums while keeping an eye on a tracker to see if any bets come up...not exactly difficult :)

IMO a lot of people on here play smaller units more often for similar money...I am aiming for LARGER units and play LESS often....for the same, or more, "money made" results at the end of the month that the smaller unit peeps are aiming for.



Quote from: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 03:19:41 PM
Let's do some simple brain storming. It takes two hours to play 60 spins. Add to that an average hit and run interval of another hour and you got three hours per session. You might average three sessions per day. Let's say that you played five days a week. That comes to 15 sessions per week. If you don't take any time off then you get 780 sessions per year. At a rate of three sessions per day you could only reach 3100+ sessions in the past 4 years. I believe you claimed 6,000 sessions. I also assume that in the last four years of this working that you never bothered to clean out the casinos. Instead, you came to these forums to explain your success and give guidance to your followers. My favorite of all being the meaning you explain for common superstition. Something does not add up. In fact, something smells fishy.
Giz you are out of touch, I could play 25 games a day if I want to. Its called Live online. the ball spins every 30 seconds. You track the marker board there's 20 odd numbers waiting for you already.
Sometimes I can get a game in 3 MINUTES. Because 7 patterns are already formed or about to be formed. You have several tables to swap between. Get the picture??

You have a problem with me Giz that's fine. You are out to discredit me since I landed here. You are concerned not about me but the bigger picture. MATHS, your ego. What you believe in now for years is on the line.

But Subbys going to show you. Then I will too. And you can't discredit RESULTS. there's a guy who owns half a dozen forums. He sells gimmick computers for horrendous sums of money.

If it gets out that a simple method like PATTERN BREAKER. Can win. How foolish does not only he but the people who spent all that money feel? You all bought into the maths explains all theory.

I didn't, now you know why I come here. You get a Subby or Chauncy47 very rarely. I can't even come close to their discipline. If you had 10,000 players like them this games in BIG TROUBLE.

They don't buy into the math explains ALL theory either. And they are going win a heap as a result. If I even open the minds of one out of evey 500 people who read my threads. I've accomplished what I set out to do.

To answer your queerie why don't I cream the casinos. Again you are out of touch. This isn't hollywood. If you let them know you can take them. They close you out. The smart player is the one nobody notices. But he takes what he needs and goes.

The loud mouth player who lets everyone and the kitcken sink know he can win a fortune isn't going to last long.

Its okay Giz, you will keep trying. But the results will keep COMING. Until the day comes where even normally indifferent minds start asking questions.

Like wait a minute, How come they told us this game of negative expectancy could not be beaten longterm. But these guys are doing it MONTH IN, MONTH OUT?? as Subby says. Keep on keeping on. :pirate:


LOL All you can do is laugh.


Quote from: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 05:03:05 PM

If it gets out that a simple method like PATTERN BREAKER. Can win.

All systems can win at one time or another.
The big question is, does Pattern Breaker
beat the house edge? It most certainly does
not, therefore in the scheme of things its just
a hobby system. To win consistently you need
an edge greater than the casinos, its really
that simple. And that difficult.


Hi JL ... I have an amazing run of PB going right now and will post stats for you to see, hopefully tomorrow.  I always like to mention that I don't just play PB.  I mix it up and play PB, P4, Code 4, D&C and even a bit or warrior's Hybrid D&C and a few others ... I hit randomness from so many different sides that is plays really well to the H&R strategy.  It's just my opinion and it's working for me :)


Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 28, 2012, 07:14:39 PM
Hi JL ... I have an amazing run of PB going right now and will post stats for you to see, hopefully tomorrow.  I always like to mention that I don't just play PB.  I mix it up and play PB, P4, Code 4, D&C and even a bit or warrior's Hybrid D&C and a few others ... I hit randomness from so many different sides that is plays really well to the H&R strategy.  It's just my opinion and it's working for me :)
Look forward to that Chauncy47. And to ALL the people who don't know this. Chauncy has to overcome the daddy of them ALL. The DOUBLE ZERO U.S WHEEL.  :forbidden: :forbidden:


Quote from: spike on November 28, 2012, 07:09:02 PM
All systems can win at one time or another.
The big question is, does Pattern Breaker
beat the house edge? It most certainly does
not, therefore in the scheme of things its just
a hobby system. To win consistently you need
an edge greater than the casinos, its really
that simple. And that difficult.
You are thinking OLD Spike. Your thinking is the reason 99% of players will LOSE.

Imagine a person was introduced to the game. They knew nothing of negative expectancy, house edge, gamblers fallacy. They were sinply given a method (SAY PATTERN BREAKER) told how to play it.

And played and won. They kept playing and winning for 1,2,3,4 years. Now you know where my mindset is. I washed all the negative thinking out of my head and started afresh. And until you do that. You are going NOWHERE.


Well, it starts again!

Why don't we just let the test with snubby play itself out?

You can argue all day about what is or is not under the rock.  snubby is turning the rock over and we'll all see.

Not one of you guys will convince the other.

Thanks in advance for keeping it civil.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


I'm almost done trying to be helpful. I'm programming my simulation to test 6,000 sessions. I think I can get a few of them to finish off far above the expected statistical probability. I'll report those results without comment. Then I'm done.


6,000 spins

Wins = 5,298
Losses = 702
Double Losses = 78
Triple Losses = 9
Strike Rate = 7.55



I switched to playing PB on a Bac table and am off to a good start !

27 Games played 27 games won

I play 2 Bac tables at once on Paddypower  :cheer:

Will update again around 50 Games  8)


Quote from: spike on November 28, 2012, 08:41:33 PM
Then I'm probably next, I guess. I just have
a low tolerance for nonsense. How many times
did we see this 3 and 4 and 5 years ago. Somebody
comes along with the Grail and squaks about it
for months about how he'll change the game forever,
until he finally peters out and disappears forever.

If what you do doesn't beat the edge, you're done.
Sad but true..
Spike im going nowhere. You and Giz amd many more carry on thinking as you do. I will carry on winning.

The fact Giz keeps harking on about a three step marty shows how backward your thinking is. I could make PB work with level stakes. Digression. ANYTHING.

Because it WORKS plain and simple. The bet selection married to H.A.R is a winner. Simple as that. And it will be PROVEN. Beyond doubt over the coming years.  :pirate:


Legend says:

"Random will bite you at some point. And that point could be fatal."

Every spin in roulette is random. There are no
'less random' spins. That being said, how can
random 'bite you', or do anything to you. Its
always random all the time.

I'm trying to understand where you're coming
from. And you still haven't explained how R/B
is weaker than H/L or O/E. Enquiring minds
want to know.