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Started by JOHN LEGEND MK2, February 04, 2018, 04:52:04 PM

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Hi Sputnik,

I'm not saying all these people are lying, but think about it. What do you actually know about any of these people, and what does success mean? They may have only played the system for a couple of hundred spins. You can't come to any sensible conclusion based on that. Do you really know that these people are  playing full time using the system? and do you know that they are continuing to be successful?

I'm not saying that you can't win for a while with the system and I'm not really interested in getting into long arguments about the merits of systems because my simulations do the arguing for me, so to speak. Hard data and numbers are more persuasive to me than hype and rhetoric.


Quote from: james on March 03, 2018, 02:10:22 PM
Thanks for taking the time to code and publish the results.

You're welcome James. I'm glad at least some members appreciate the value of a simulation.


But the code was a waste of time - we who has experience and been around for 10 year or more know that all existing systems fail after several simulations.
When are we going to see a test that show us what a system is made of - what kind of variance and imbalance it create during the short term.
We know everything even out towards expectation in the long run.

For example - why did you not show us the true odds?
Assume you would count for how many times you win before the eight pattern show for each and every cycle and measuring does values to give us the median value for the 50% probability benchmark in the short term.

The coding modell below is what i use then exploring sleepers (no matter amount of numbers) and i never get the true odds and where the 50% benchmark is something else then the true odds.

Cycle's - Strikes - Skips

We can use different spread of numbers/sectors.
They will come in cycles.
Sometimes they will sleep and not hit with expectation.

This method can you use with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 numbers

I see this as you measuring the random fluctations hit ratio or bias.
Where the numbers hit ratio give us a medium value that we can take advantage of.

We can chose to play when our numbers hit or we can attack when they have fall to sleep.

Skip Streak System by Apache:

First I want tell I build this system using Ion Saliu concepts :
Skip, Streak, and Median Value.

Example :

Roulette Number: 6
Hits > 24 times
Skips > 51 43 104 1 2 29 37 77 79 15 130 15 12 7 11 131 11 129 8 16 20 14 21 12

* Sorted Skips: 1 2 7 8 11 11 12 12 14 15 15 16 20 21 29 37 43 51 77 79 104 129 130 131

* Median Skip: 16

So number 6 hit 24 times. The first row - called Skips - show ( to the right to left) the skips of number 6. Number 6 show. After 12 spins, show again, after 21 spins show again, after 14 spins number 6 show again etc. The last three skips of number 6 are 104, 43, 51.

The second row - called - Sorted Skips show all the skips for a particular number in ascending order.

The three row called - Median Skip - show the median value of the sorted skips. The median is the middle value of a string of numbers. In this example the median value of skips is 16. It should not be confused with the average. So the Median Value is the middle value in a string of values.

Therefore 50% of the values are within the median or less, and 50% are within the median or more. In my example of number 6, the skip median is 16. That mean that 50% of the time number 6 hits within a skip of 16 or less.

Now if in the string of skips of number 6 I mark :

with sign (+) I mark if the skip is greater than median value of skips
with sign (-) I mark if the skip is small than median value of skips
with sign (=) I mark if the skip is equal with median value of skips

I obtain this :


51  43  104  1  2  29  37  77  79  15  130  15  12  7  11  131  11  129  8  16  20  14  21  12

+   +    +  -  -   +   +   +   +   -    +   -   -  -   -    +   -    -  -   =   -   -   -   


We bet on the numbers which have a 3 consecutive streak of skips greater than the median value of skips. ( That mean three consecutive + )

In our example number 6 is qualified because the last three skips ( consecutive ) are 104, 43, 51. We have + + + ( three consecutive value of skips, greater than median value of skips. 16

(104 > 16) (43 > 16) (51 > 16)

1.Bet on numbers with encounter 3 consecutive signs +
2.Bet on numbers with encounter 4 consecutive signs + (tight bettors)
3.Bet on numbers until hit.
4.Bet on numbers for 37 spins
5.Bet on numbers for a number of spins equal with the median value of skips. ( In this example we bet number 6 for 16 spins)

Money managament : Flat bet.


Quote from: Sputnik on March 04, 2018, 10:12:51 AM
But the code was a waste of time - we who has experience and been around for 10 year or more know that all existing systems fail after several simulations.
When are we going to see a test that show us what a system is made of - what kind of variance and imbalance it create during the short term.
We know everything even out towards expectation in the long run.

For example - why did you not show us the true odds?
Assume you would count for how many times you win before the eight pattern show for each and every cycle and measuring does values to give us the median value for the 50% probability benchmark in the short term.

The coding modell below is what i use then exploring sleepers (no matter amount of numbers) and i never get the true odds and where the 50% benchmark is something else then the true odds.

Cycle's - Strikes - Skips

We can use different spread of numbers/sectors.
They will come in cycles.
Sometimes they will sleep and not hit with expectation.

This method can you use with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 numbers

I see this as you measuring the random fluctations hit ratio or bias.
Where the numbers hit ratio give us a medium value that we can take advantage of.

We can chose to play when our numbers hit or we can attack when they have fall to sleep.

Skip Streak System by Apache:

First I want tell I build this system using Ion Saliu concepts :
Skip, Streak, and Median Value.

Example :

Roulette Number: 6
Hits > 24 times
Skips > 51 43 104 1 2 29 37 77 79 15 130 15 12 7 11 131 11 129 8 16 20 14 21 12

* Sorted Skips: 1 2 7 8 11 11 12 12 14 15 15 16 20 21 29 37 43 51 77 79 104 129 130 131

* Median Skip: 16

So number 6 hit 24 times. The first row - called Skips - show ( to the right to left) the skips of number 6. Number 6 show. After 12 spins, show again, after 21 spins show again, after 14 spins number 6 show again etc. The last three skips of number 6 are 104, 43, 51.

The second row - called - Sorted Skips show all the skips for a particular number in ascending order.

The three row called - Median Skip - show the median value of the sorted skips. The median is the middle value of a string of numbers. In this example the median value of skips is 16. It should not be confused with the average. So the Median Value is the middle value in a string of values.

Therefore 50% of the values are within the median or less, and 50% are within the median or more. In my example of number 6, the skip median is 16. That mean that 50% of the time number 6 hits within a skip of 16 or less.

Now if in the string of skips of number 6 I mark :

with sign (+) I mark if the skip is greater than median value of skips
with sign (-) I mark if the skip is small than median value of skips
with sign (=) I mark if the skip is equal with median value of skips

I obtain this :


51  43  104  1  2  29  37  77  79  15  130  15  12  7  11  131  11  129  8  16  20  14  21  12

+   +    +  -  -   +   +   +   +   -    +   -   -  -   -    +   -    -  -   =   -   -   -   


We bet on the numbers which have a 3 consecutive streak of skips greater than the median value of skips. ( That mean three consecutive + )

In our example number 6 is qualified because the last three skips ( consecutive ) are 104, 43, 51. We have + + + ( three consecutive value of skips, greater than median value of skips. 16

(104 > 16) (43 > 16) (51 > 16)

1.Bet on numbers with encounter 3 consecutive signs +
2.Bet on numbers with encounter 4 consecutive signs + (tight bettors)
3.Bet on numbers until hit.
4.Bet on numbers for 37 spins
5.Bet on numbers for a number of spins equal with the median value of skips. ( In this example we bet number 6 for 16 spins)

Money managament : Flat bet.

Not bad idea but takes a lot of time in order to qualify your bet selections.
Yesterday I saw number 30 hit only once in about 150 spins and then returned after approximately 280 spins, therefore 150 + 280 = 430 spins / 2 hits = 215 average but you still would need a third skip before you start betting it!
Your method is not so practical, just my 1 cent.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


Quote from: Sputnik on March 04, 2018, 10:12:51 AM
But the code was a waste of time

I disagree. John Legend claims that the win rate is way above what it should be according to the maths, but the simulation shows it's not so. Surely that has to be worth something for those who were thinking of testing it? Of course there are a lot of other analyses you could do on the system so I've modified the code to generate data on the streak lengths (winning and losing streaks), and the file is now in csv format so you can load it into a spreadsheet for further analysis.

All the testing shows that waiting for the last pattern makes no difference to the end result. You would get exactly the same stats just betting red with a 3 step martingale. According to theory, without the zero the win rate is 87.5% and a ratio of 7:1 wins to losses, this is very close to what the data in the file tells you.


14 years don't mean a thing to me, perhaps I'm betting more spins in a year than you in 14 years!
Time doesn't matter by itself but only what you do and how often you do it on this time.
Time is the common currency of everything in life but exists only as a notion, it's just a perception, a human invention if you will in order to create a sense of order in what happened and what are we intending to do.
But certainly it doesn't exist as energy, like electricity or gravity for example.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


That was good that you can observe and get a visual over the L/W sequence - have read that some one only once got two loses in a row during 400 sessions and with your simulation is pretty common.
Missing the function to click on F9 to get new sample with new results.


Mr J

Quote from: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on February 04, 2018, 04:52:04 PM
Hi to all who remember me and hi to those who don't know me yet.

Well its been 5 years since I was on this forum. I still play PATTERN BREAKER. But with some tweaks which made it even stronger and more profitable.

The revised system rules

(1)--You track ALL THREE even chances at the same time, instead of focusing on just one like I once did. The advantages of this are a slightly higher strikerate. And faster game qualification.

(2)--The first even chance to deliver the 8th pattern is your bet.

(3)--You proceed to bet against the 8th pattern using the classic 1-2-4 progression.

Even chances >> Nope

Pattern >> Nope

1-2-4 progression >> Nope
Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))


Quote from: Mr J on March 04, 2018, 07:37:58 PM
Even chances >> Nope

Pattern >> Nope

1-2-4 progression >> Nope
11 years of winning success YUP!

I've heard nothing but bad things about you Mr pessimistic. But you need to know a system doesn't turn a profit for 11 years and counting without having something.

Pattern breaker in all the forms I play it 3 step 2 step. Makes no difference. In a 100 game set. The outcome is ALWAYS THE SAME. 🛑PROFIT🛑 The only thing I cannot predict is HOW MUCH. It can be anything from 12 units to 60 units now with the superior revised version.

But I will be making a living from this system until I draw my last breath. Played properly and faithfully. It has this game beaten for ALLTIME.

It comfortably grinds out 10% yield on a bankroll per week. that means someone starting with just 200 units at the beginning of the year will have over 29,000 units by the end of the year.

I said the pattern breaker concept played for 3 steps or 2 steps. Is the greatest AFFORDABLE AND PLAYABLE system of alltime for a reason. It WORKS......


JL you wrote you make some kind of Banker bet - is that a three step Marty with higher unit size - for example 5 10 20 - after that i understand you play with lower unit size until you lose or go home with profit - is that correct understanding.

How many times with real play have you experience two loses after each other?
Read about another member at other forum board who made around 300/400 session and encounter to loses after each other once or twice - do you have the same experience.

JL how does a visit to the casino look like - i could after a simple test see that you get a trigger after 30/40 spins tracking all EC positions.
Do you play all three when the qualify?

When do you take a break for some soda and sandwish - do you take a break and tracking several tablies in the same time.
Do you play online or only real casino.



Quote from: Sputnik on March 05, 2018, 06:51:58 PM
JL you wrote you make some kind of Banker bet - is that a three step Marty with higher unit size - for example 5 10 20 - after that i understand you play with lower unit size until you lose or go home with profit - is that correct understanding.

How many times with real play have you experience two loses after each other?
Read about another member at other forum board who made around 300/400 session and encounter to loses after each other once or twice - do you have the same experience.

JL how does a visit to the casino look like - i could after a simple test see that you get a trigger after 30/40 spins tracking all EC positions.
Do you play all three when the qualify?

When do you take a break for some soda and sandwish - do you take a break and tracking several tablies in the same time.
Do you play online or only real casino.

Hi Sputnik.

Yes I play the first game of the day as my banker. It has the best performance. In 2013. I won 352 days and lost 13. that's how good that first bet can be. Last year I won 347 and lost 18. It performs above the other bets of the day. That's why its my banker.

Back to back losses are rare for me. In my last 100 losses. 2 were back to back Sputnik. So its AN EXCELLENT. Oppurtunity to make EXTRA PROFIT. And recover most if not all of the previous loss. Its very powerful.

I've played in real casinos. But mostly play online. I live in the UK so we have it easy. I have 11 online accounts.


Thank for your answer JL ...

I have one last question - how do you track for results using online casinos ...

Ask because i don't like to be online with live table and not place bets - then after some time being not active you need to enter again or push and click on some functions to let the live feed stay alive.
One solution i been looking at is that some casinos with live wheels have a live score board with live results that you can view before entering the game - is that how you do it?




Try 'MrGreen'.....I can sit there and watch a whole shoe on their 'no commission' baccarat without getting cut off or sent back to the lobby. For anyone interested, the no commission just means both banker and player pays 1/1 except a banker 6 which only pays 1/2.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: Sputnik on March 05, 2018, 08:08:29 PM
Thank for your answer JL ...

I have one last question - how do you track for results using online casinos ...

Ask because i don't like to be online with live table and not place bets - then after some time being not active you need to enter again or push and click on some functions to let the live feed stay alive.
One solution i been looking at is that some casinos with live wheels have a live score board with live results that you can view before entering the game - is that how you do it?

Sputnik the beauty of online casinos is they're FAST. I ALWAYS. Count the first 10 numbers on the board. And use them first then go from there. Because they spin the ball around twice a minute online and PBR finds your bet inside 50 numbers the vast majority of the time. Most games are over in 15--20 minutes with 36 spins being the average number of spins to close the 7th pattern. When you allow random to choose for you. In a real casino A game of PB could take 2 hours plus. That's why I favour online.

Mr J

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))