I needed seven step parlay to get back to new high, and it comes just in time to not need eight.
This is not parlay. This is Reverse Martingale.
Quote from: Albalaha on March 21, 2013, 03:08:02 AM
This is not parlay. This is Reverse Martingale.
Every last six bet is a parlay. Together it is a seven step parlay. This special can be called reverse martingale, but still it rides.
@ Albahala
Its not a Reverse Martingale.
it's a Parlay.............(just looks Martingale-ish because of the Even chances payout).
Who in their right mind would play or even think of playing a Reverse Marty.......that means U bet the outcome to LOSE 1 unit
it's a Parlay at each stage, because the winnings were re-invested each time on the subsequent bet.