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lines as ECs

Started by Turner, September 16, 2013, 06:00:50 PM

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[Edit:  Northern English word of greeting, surprise or warning. From Old Norse "Se Upp" meaning 'look up' or 'watch out'. ]

I've been studying EC, Regression to the mean, Singles and series etc.

I thought of this after seeing an EC tracker...by Bayes I think

The more ECs we track...the more we will see what we are looking for quicker.

So if you are looking for following the wheel, or against the wheel, or dominant reds, or 3SD E/c regression..what ever we need to see more EC's at any time. More than 3 that is...H/L, R/B, O/E

So, Natural lines 123 vs 456 is an EC. infact its H/L of course.
but 124 356 is also an EC and 234 156 is too.

infact, if you look, there are 10 combinations of 3 vs 3 denoted by 6!/3!/3! =20

that's both ways round, so divided by 2 =10

So there are 10 e/c's to monitor using 3 lines vs 3 lines.

There are 10 ec bets in the lines (1-6, 7-12 etc)
123 456
124 356
125 346
126 345
234 156
235 146
236 145
245 136
246 135
256 134

I have made a basic tracker which I have used to great effect.

Depending what you are looking for in EC bets, depends on how you use this tracker.

perhaps someone could knock up a better tracker with an input carpet....anyhow, this is just to get the idea of  6 lines = 10 EC's


Good try Turner.....and what next  ??? ???

Know you very persistent/all chess pl.are/am giving you further deeper task to solve,but
once you do....you be there.

Do that with 2lines + 2 streets,,,,versus,,,,,2 lines + 2 streets......and hear this;

2 identical bets..........each consists of same amount of combos regarging BR,HL,OE....

and hear further this.........85% ----15%----W/L RATIO...on one side

then you in the driving seat......RR.......good luck



Thanks Flat....I will consider your kind addition.

And your intuition is very good. Persistent, I most definitely am.


A caveat.....there are 462 6 streets vs 6 streets in 12 streets

If we tracked all 462, we would always have an EC at any one given time with 14 vs 1 with an SD of 3.0

If we computed this in a clever tracker, we would be given 6 streets to bet every spin..which were predictions of a regression towards the mean. A holy grail? ??? ...hmmmm

Consider that its Turner who thought this up before you consider that...lol


Thanks for making up the sheet Turner  :thumbsup:

It's a great idea for anyone playing a method where you have to wait a while for triggers. This should certainly speed things up a bit!
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Quote from: Bally6354 on September 16, 2013, 09:29:02 PMThanks for making up the sheet Turner  :thumbsup:  It's a great idea for anyone playing a method where you have to wait a while for triggers. This should certainly speed things up a bit!

Well....i was hoping someone could make something that looked less like a 12 year old had done it...but my excel skills are limited. I can only do the formulas because i programmed in BASIC and compiler and C+....and they are same idea


Hi Turner . . .

I added Excel's RNG to your sheet, now you can simply F9 for another 500 spins and see your possible triggers.

If you decide on a trigger, just let me know and I can easily add it in for you and see how it will work.

I started my programming with Basic as well and now just Excel which is not too far different.




Quote from: Nickmsi on September 16, 2013, 10:14:39 PM
Hi Turner . . .

I added Excel's RNG to your sheet, now you can simply F9 for another 500 spins and see your possible triggers.

If you decide on a trigger, just let me know and I can easily add it in for you and see how it will work.

I started my programming with Basic as well and now just Excel which is not too far different.



kind of you...cheers.

I've used RANDBETWEEN(0,36) in the past


now with 12 E/Cs...includes R/B, O/E.....not H/L as this is 123 vs 456


(A bit of marketing there)


Hello Turner,

Thanks for your post and the spread sheet. Nick, thanks for the Excel.

I believe we can add more triggers if we include FTL vs OLD (follow the last vs opposite last decision) for each of the 12 triggers you mentioned in your post.

I also include TB4L vs OTB4L (time before last vs opposite time before last) for each of the 12 triggers in my testing.

I used GreatGrampa's idea for the entry signal. Track the last 8 spins and bet the stronger side ( must be at least 6 to 2 or higher) for maximum 3 spins, Stop on a hit. Retrack by looking back the last 8 spins and continue as above.

Progression is 2,3,4. (up on a loss).

At this stage I am still testing. So far it look's interesting. More testing is needed before we can come to any conclusion.

Best wishes & Regards


   Hi Guys,
       I have been playing 'Lines' as EC's for many years. My Method is somewhat different. I track the last 3 or 4 spins and decide whether the trend is chopping or repeating. Then bet accordingly. The constantly changing pattern of the 20 possible EC's evens out the results, and reduces the variance to the minimum. I bet in sessions of 40 spins. The 1st 3 or 4 to get the feel of the trend and to cancel any carry over from the last session. The remaining 36/37 spins rarely show a variance of more than 1 SD, 15/21. Generally it is less. This is easily handled by a number of fairly weak progressions, with quite low bankrolls.
    If you don't get greedy it's easy to grind out 4 or 5 units per session. Very little risk!!
             Regards        Harry


when you say 20, do you mean 10 lines vs 10 lines, and the reverse...i.e.   123 vs 456  reverse 456 vs 123 (same thing)


  Hi Turner,
      Short answer, definate NO!! I regard each possible combination as a separate possibility. I do not separate into high or low or any other way. I bet which ever 3 lines I feel have the best chance, based on the last few spins.
      I am really trying to predict the wheel trend. Either REPEATING or CHOPPING.
The following example will probably illustrate what I mean.
  2   3 lines have shown in 3 spins. This indicates that the wheel is currently chopping. This could stop at any moment, but there are more reasons to follow the wheel than to reject it. Therefor bet that one of the 3 missing lines will show next. WE don't know which one so bet all 3.... 3-5-6
  3 W...... now bet opposite last 3....1-5-6
  2 L....... only 2 lines have appeared in the last 3 spins. The wheel is now favouring repeating.,,,,, Bet last 3 lines that appeared..... 2-3-4
  5 L..... We are back to 3 in 3.... Bet opp....1-4-6
  4 W..... Still 3 in 3..... bet 1-3-6
  1 W..... still 3 in 3...... bet 2-3-6
  6 W.....       "              bet 2-3-5
  1 L...... 2 in 3 ..... bet last 3 to show...  1-4-6
  3 L...... 3 in 3 .....bet opp...   2-4-5
  6 L .....    "          bet opp ...  2-4-5
      This shows the how and why I change the combinations. Over a standard session, 40 spins ave 36 bets, the variance is generally small. 17/19, 16/20 a full 1 SD ie. 15/21 is quite rare. This small variance can be handled with any number of progressions and a small bankroll.

            Regards      Harry


thanks HarryJ for example. And what progression do you prefer for this?