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Started by AMK, December 20, 2012, 01:04:57 PM

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PB HORIZONTAL                                                                                                 

We track all EC's at the same time just as with PB.

Instead of checking each EC group off vertically we check them off horizontally as one group.

Each line represents 3 spins:

  H/L    O/E     R/B

  7        5        2
  7        2        4
  2        1        3
  1        8        3   ....  at this point group 6 is missing horizontally
  ...       ...       ...   ....  in the next 3 spins we bet against a group 6 appearing in either H/L  O/E  R/B
                                  we select the EC with the most unique groups/numbers
                                  it will be more unlikely for another unique number, 6, to appear next in this EC row
                                  we select to play O/E

Each EC group has its own listing but matches with the other 3 EC groups

      H/L      O/E     R/B

1   HHH    OOO    RRR

2   HHL     OOE    RRB

3   HLL      OEE    RBB


In the example above 6 was missing from all EC's horizontally, so we look on our group list and see

6   LLH      EEO    BBR

Now we select  EEO (#6)  not to appear in the next three spins in O/E. 

O/E had the most unique numbers.

I feel PB HORIZONTAL makes it a little more difficult for random and a game would only last 10 to 20 spins



I think it might have a chance AMK : )


Quote from: AMK on December 20, 2012, 08:45:10 PM
I think it might have a chance AMK : )

I think you are right  ;)

interesting concept
disgard zero while tracking?
1,2,4 progression?
all same as PB right?
hmmm... I agree it would make it harder for random, then again some would disagree that you can't make it easy or hard for random
it's worth a try anyway
will give it a test tomorrow (if the world don't end  ;D )


You taking the .....AMK ?

Seriously....i havn't had time to evaluate it yet.

Best Regards.



Thanks soggett,

Yes 1,2,4 prog  disregard zero when it appears (could opt to start a new line if you like)

We could even select a trigger if present, only using a 1,2 progression

Say pattern 6 is missing 

6 is represented by

6   LLH      EEO     BBR

   When we see   

H/L     O/E      R/B

L...      E....  or   B....   form we bet that it won't be the particular 6 pattern for that group


Hello dino,

Hope you might try PB HORIZONTAL hit and run or track it while you play your two PB games per day and yes I do take MMS : )


Excellent idea AMK,will add this at the start of the New Year.

As i keep all the old spin cards i can easily back-test the results.

Name of the casinos are Gala (could soon be Grovesner !) and Genting(was Mint,before that Stanley !!)

Like your subtle humour.....

Very Best.


any updates here?
has anyone played this?
I was out of town so didn't have time
amk are you having some good results with this?