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Playing three EC.

Started by Ralph, March 12, 2013, 02:05:35 PM

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I have tested different types of EC bets, and I use to have some problems getting mote than a few plus. This time I will use all three EC:s and parlay once on winning bets. I will let the losing bet stay. Reset at any plus. I did some 1000 tests in fun and it was about half a chip plus pro spin.  I change now to Zero Wheel even if I would have better result at NOZ. it is in real mode and the lowest bet. The risk money is 10 Euro, and the target is to double the money. I will this time bet against the last number.

I have done 582 spins and got 258 plus.


Fun mode is not the real thing, you might use RX or random org ...
As i see it your results are bias, my opinion ...



I am playing 3 of the selected EC in competition with each other. See  that  chapter  in JP book. Just follow his rules   of LL,WG,and   3 in a row for each.. No  sweat.

For recreational purposes only. Play at your own risk. Like all casino games  roulette too is a hobby.




(Pardon me, Ralph.  I know you can speak for yourself.)

This gentleman has earned 1,000,000 of his dollars gambling.

This gentleman has been limited to withdrawing 2,000 Euro per months from Bet Voyager. 

This gentleman has posted some fabulous screen shots, one where he made 1,497 Euro in one sitting.

This gentleman full well knows about play money and real money.  He knows more than most of us will live long enough to learn.

Those who speak to him with disrespect should stop and consider the target of their vitriol.  Can anyone match his record?  Can anyone post screen shots like his? 

I am reminded of mongrels who nip at the heels of champions.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: Sputnik on March 12, 2013, 02:21:57 PM

Fun mode is not the real thing, you might use RX or random org ...
As i see it your results are bias, my opinion ...

I hardly use simulations, and I use funmode just sometimes.  Bv real you can test with small bets.  Rx and similar things I have no use for.
I do not understand your meaning of bias!


I am now up to 808 spins and the plus is  371.


975 spins and plus 553. Some drowndrawn and some parlays hitted on all.


Thanks Ralph.

Could somebody code this in rx to test it more? ::)
Uno de Badajoz que pasaba por aquĆ­.


1137 spins. Plus  653.


Ralph--Champion of the Penny Game
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


What's your progression Ralph?

I have done some work in the past on playing 3 EC's  8)


QuoteThe risk money is 10 Euro, and the target is to double the money.

How come you don't aim for a low win target ? you have a better chance to succed that way ! don't you agree ?


Quote from: Sputnik on March 12, 2013, 07:38:56 PM

How come you don't aim for a low win target ? you have a better chance to succed that way ! don't you agree ?

We can aim for less! But if we play it again and aim for less, and once again.....
It is no difference if you try to win 1000 in one go or several   timeframes. We never now when the bad runs come.

There is a good chance to make it. If I take 100 units in 10 trials or1000  in one is just a kind of bookkeeping, which will
only help if you think a pause helps(HAR).

I reset  most of the time after winning one or two units.


Quote from: Chrisbis on March 12, 2013, 07:11:00 PM
What's your progression Ralph?

I have done some work in the past on playing 3 EC's  8)

Pls read my first post!


I have finish and got  to target. Once it was close, down 800 units, otherwise all went smooth.

1513 spuns and  1002 units won.  It was on a zero wheel.