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Re: The way to beat the ECs

Started by RouletteGhost, February 28, 2017, 11:01:37 AM

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I am making a steady income with my method for 2 years now by playing only the RB in land based Casinos.

He prefers to play only the R/B even chance. 4 events cataloguing the Runs and Changes. Playing when there is deviation to bring into balance. According to his words earlier in the thread, these events are decided and determined by comparison to the LAST spin.



Tnx crow! And tnx amk! Im only may have a few posts on here but im around since 2010 on other forums, the way crow explains i understand clearly. Its straight to the point on what to do :thumbsup: i have rx so i will test.



it is down to the last spin...just depends on that spins outcome on the linear chart...it's a rolling system..


Crow is not right, we do not  use different EC
I think
Event No.1 is 2 recent decisions
Event No.2 is last decision and  2nd before the last decision
Event No.3 is last decision and 3rd before the  last decision

We use only the R / B and compares past decisions to the last.
It requires practice, because in the beginning it looks complicated.


moglizu wrote:

Let s just take for example ( this is what you are asking... examples) only EVENT no1.
EVENT no1 is comparison of the last 2 spins(R/B).

We have R R  this is a RUN (because from R it went to R again)
So we have

   R    C

ozon wrote:

Crow is not right, we do not  use different EC

I agree.


The Crow

I will now tell you how to win the ECs."

EC is even chances.
Last time I checked, EC is RB OE and HL

"No clues , no nothing. Just the way."

Well, just the way can mean anything. There is more than one "way" to play even chances.

"Make 4 different tables on your paper."
There are many kinds of tables, dining, coffee, end, etc.
Is it 4 table with two columns?

"Each table must have the runs and changes of the ECs."
Once you explain tables, I can log in the runs.

So 2nd attempt to interpret.

"every event must be compared with the LAST EC."
By event, do you mean spin or RR, (run, run) C (change)

"So 4 events = 5 last ECs."

01 02 03 04 05 series of spins: The last is 07, (red)

1, 25, 12, 29, 7

Using 7, the LAST EC and comparing it to each spin the information looks like this:

7/1 R
7/25 R
7/12 R
7/29 C

I have 3 and 1

The question is, C should be wagered as we are looking for balance.
And this is what you said:

"If you have 3 and 1 = 2 so bet"

"Do NOT , I repeat do NOT care about HOW MUCH the deviations are.... care ONLY about HOW MANY the deviations are.
When you have 2 or more deviations bet for balance.
If you have 3 and 1 = 2 so bet
if you have 2 and 1=1 so do NOT bet
If you have 2 and 2= 0 so do NOT bet."

"The reason why this wins is because 1 deviation can go as much as it wants.
BUT a lot of deviation events can not happen at the same time.

Remember that the LAST EC  must be compared with ALL the 4 events."

The Crow


To be fair this is excactly how I did it on a graph and the results do confirm what I've posted maybe I have gave it an overall in depth view to your system..the written results do show that this is correcting the Columns of runs and changes..maybe a different wording than yours but still the same system


Typically when a strategy is supposed to be be simple but the explanation is complex, steer clear

It's an EC bet

When XYZ happens bet on _______

QuoteBecause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.


Not sure if this is correct. I'm using Crows explanation.

The Crow

If one has to decipher a concept, then it is not clear.
An idea may be perfectly clear in one's mind, but cloudy in another person's mind.
Anyway, thank you for your roulette contribution moglizu.

The Crow


I am French and it is absolutely incomprehensible.
I quote :

" I repeat do NOT care about HOW MUCH the deviations are.... care ONLY about HOW MANY the deviations are."

Who can explain the difference between " how many " and "how much" ?

And the concept of linearity ????

Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .

Nathan Detroit5

What`s missing is the chicken blood

Nathan Detroit5

This  bet selection process will never be played by any one. Total waste if time.


Quote from: plolp on March 04, 2017, 09:43:07 AM

" I repeat do NOT care about HOW MUCH the deviations are.... care ONLY about HOW MANY the deviations are."

Who can explain the difference between " how many " and "how much" ?

Hi plolp,

When you have your paper upon which you write and record the 4 events of the EC you will see all the Runs and Changes for each of the events - yes?

moglizu wrote:
You have to ADD in each spin the new Xs on the events.

Then you will have a GRAPH (on your paper) with 4 events and Xs on their RUNS and CHANGES

I put Xs because the eyes are understanding fast the imbalances .

***Every event that has 2 or more runs than changes or 2 or more changes than runs is being qualified***

If an event is pointing to bet on RED for balance and one other event is pointing in BLACK , then they are canceling each other so we have 0 value ( because 1-1=0).
***In order to bet you must have a value of 2 clear or more*** 

This rule is made because as I stated a lot of times what we care in order to gain the advantage is for the MOST events to be corrected (balanced) in every spin.

Now you can see it - it is not so much whether a single event shows any deviation - but HOW MANY deviations are occurring over all of the 4 events that you are tracking!

When you can see significant deviation in 'more than one event' (bearing in mind that moglizu said that it is very unlikely that many events can keep continuing to deviate for very long) then you can look to see if you are able to bet either on the run side or the change side whichever needs, as he puts it, "the MOST events to be corrected (balanced)"

You need to have at least 2 clear events that qualify (after any cancellations) because, and here I repeat what he says:

This rule is made because as I stated a lot of times what we care in order to gain the advantage is for the MOST events to be corrected (balanced) in every spin.

Hope this helps.


I tried a test session with it this morning and won +5u (my target) quite easily.
