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Re: The way to beat the ECs

Started by RouletteGhost, February 28, 2017, 11:01:37 AM

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I get it but what i don't get is the 4 events part? Do they run all the same time or do you make one event, stop and then make another? I just eet to see examples of real play paperwork.



totally agree...done a lot of testing and seems solid to me....i don,t post too much anymore for the simple reason as people often get attacked if the other members don,t get it..but this caught my eye..love puzzles...not a puzzle once you understand the concept...just came across that way..if a person uses a system he uses all the time its second nature and in this case it came across as the best way he could explain it...and more clearer with the example..unless you test it properly you cannot say it's a waste of time..if you win more than lose flatbetting it's a winner..just some people don,t have the balls to place big chips...if everyone attacks someone they don,t understand or there method..or if it doesn,t work and and attacks them even more what's the point of being on this site..i for one like this method and i can see why it works as stated...the author is trying his best and probably as for anyone who is put down trying there best gets a bit fed up with it all...its hard these days for people to post anything becouse of this...i,m glad he has posted this and as stated there's nothing on the sites like this..its ORIGINAL.. :thumbsup:


well i think it's a personal thing, i don't give a stuff if i need to explain something to make it very clear and understandable, i don't care if i need to tell it 100 times or even a 1000 times. what's the reason after all posting it on a forum? is it so hard to explain something without getting upset if some or more people don't understand and asking for examples?



It seems that a few people have understood the concept.....if they feel like sharing, how about showing the graphs and bet selections for the following actual results I wrote down in a brick and mortar casino

R=Red   ( don't confuse this R with the R which means a run )

0   ( zero )


Thank you, TDX... an explanation like you asked for would do wonders.. but alas, Moglizu will just say your ignorant and you should of read all the previous posts... why make it clear so people can understand it? Better to be esoteric and speak in riddles, causing confusion and mis-information...

"Follow the linearity to not how much but where and see the events add to catch up for balance to choose next bet but follow the last 4 and only use 3 wheels but it's really one".. THERE, DON'T YOU SEE YOU IGNORANT??? SO CLEAR EVERYONE CAN FIGURE IT OUT  :)) ??? ??? ??? >:( >:( >:( 


Hi 6th-sense,

Also bear in mind that English is not moglizu's first language. It can be a frustrating thing when you have done your level best to explain something and then others just can't seem to comprehend it for love or money - and even after a certain amount of repetition too! Like yourself, I too was sufficiently intrigued by the "puzzle" as well. This whole "LINEARITY" concept was something novel to me and it certainly took a while for the penny to drop and the realisation to sink in. He has explained it all in the posts and if you "get it" you can see that there is a LOGICAL REASON why it *should* work as declared.
Having said that I have not had the time as of yet to test this to any acceptable degree; so I cannot endorse or bear out any claims made about it - but I feel it an exciting and promising idea and maybe a route to regular and sustained profits.
If a program could be made to encompass all 3 EC's at once then that would really be something! I also understand that this linear concept can be applied to the DOZENS in a special way as well, so maybe rewards can be reaped on those later on as well.


This may help:

To begin to fill in the 4 events with Runs or Changes you first of all require the last 5 roulette EC decisions in R/B format.

He says (and this is important) to ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

For example:    R-R-R-B-B (last decision)

         EVENT 1
R(uns)   C(hanges)

Event 1 is marked with an "x" as a RUN. Can you see why? So far you are with me - yes?

Can you now complete the chart and fill out the other three events then?

Any takers?


Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Quote from: plolp on March 04, 2017, 01:41:54 PM

Run   C



He says (and this is important) to ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

You have shown only ONE event.



Unless you prefer

Ru      C

X        X
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


Quote from: plolp on March 04, 2017, 01:53:58 PM
Unless you prefer

Ru      C

X        X

Is this supposed to be a joke plolp?

To begin to fill in the 4 events with Runs or Changes you first of all require the last 5 roulette EC decisions in R/B format.

He says (and this is important) to ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

For example:    R-R-R-B-B (last decision)

         EVENT 1
R(uns)   C(hanges)

Event 1 is marked with an "x" as a RUN. Can you see why? So far you are with me - yes?

Can you now complete the chart and fill out the other three events then?

I think you have failed to understand the question above.     :no:


Does it take 5 spins for 1 event?
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


R,R,R,B,B (last decision)

R           C


Many thanks are owed to M. for sharing!
It might be the missing link I have needed for a long time.
Made a few tweaks and voila.
Thanks again Moglizu, and don't take neg comments to heart. The internet shields identity.


Nah, no progressions here. (unless up with house money)
I learned to read a bac shoe way back from a master/"killer"
With proper patience and discipline and immunity from smoke inhalation one can succeed flat betting.
Anyway, very smart reasoning. It immediately reminded me of 2 observations at the tables that for years I couldn't understand but which have stuck with me for years.