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Re: The way to beat the ECs

Started by RouletteGhost, February 28, 2017, 11:01:37 AM

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Quote from: Badger on March 04, 2017, 08:09:47 PM
Thanks Atlantis. Thought it could not be so easy.
Have I worked out the 4 events correctly in my spread sheet??

Tracking and events appeared to be right to me (leaving aside the 0 for now)   :)





Hi guys

I have been following this post with a lot of interest. Thanks to Moglizu for sharing the system; and also to other members
who have been parrticipating in trying to solve the puzzle.

Badger has posted tracking of a lot of nos in an excel document; Atlantis has indicated that the tracking seems ok. 

It seems to me now that we only need to analyse all the info in the posts, to have the exact criteria for betting for winning very fast.

Have a Look at the excel document posted by  Badger, it seems that if after Run, Run we bet for change one time only. If it is a loss
then at next betting opportunity (i.e when there is Run, Run or Change, change.....) we bet the opposite one time only....

I'm not sure if this is the correct way of playing by Moglizu but what I do know is that there is 100's ways to skin a cat.....and by working together
as a team we may find the solution of the puzzle.

Is that correct....??



Hi Guys

Was chatting to 6th-sense and it seems I still have it wrong.
I thought the system was about tracking FTL, DBL and decision before DBL, etc

Its more simple than that. I made a excel sheet that's like Mogli posts and the way Atlantis prefers.(as explained to me by Gordan)

Going down the columns you look for the trigger. When the run or change is 3-1 you bet once, then track again. If the trigger is 3 Runs and 1 Change, bet for a change. If the trigger is 1 Run and 3 Changes, bet for a run.

Track using all 3 EC's so that you have more betting opportunities.

Hope this helps and thanks to Moglizu for sharing his system.
And all the kind souls who have been so patient with me.


Thanks for your efforts Badger
But this is not at all what has been explained.
Rien de plus normal, tout est étrange .


I tought he was saying something like betting for balance? Im trying to find out the logic on same amount of changes and runs to be balanced.



Hi Rewster

In 100 spins of the roulette wheel you should find on average the following

50 changes -  single red or single black
25 doubles  -  RR or BB
12 triples    -  RRR or BBB
6 fours       -   RRRR or BBBB

Its like the law of the third and only an average. I think Moglizu is using this to determine his bet selection.

This is where the balance comes in. He's hoping to hit one of the 50 singles. Or if there has been a run on singles then he's hoping to hit on of the runs.
Its like card counting, just up your street.


Yes you right badger, i totally see the logic now. Tnx for sum it up! Il try some spins on rx. So on the end of every 100 spins the runs and changes will be around the same.



Quote from: plolp on March 05, 2017, 08:01:14 AM
Thanks for your efforts Badger
But this is not at all what has been explained.

You know what they say.
If you are 1 step ahead of the crowd, everybody thinks you are a genius.
If you are 2 steps ahead of the crowd everybody thinks you are a crackpot.

Moglizu is 2 steps ahead of us LOL


Yes he needs some roulette words, like an event he means a spin/outcome i think. When you normally say an event is a whole play(more then 1 spin). Words we used to in roulette are different then his words. that's why its harder to understand.


moglizu wrote:

I have already explained everything multiple times in detail.
I can t bother anymore.
If the members that understood it want to help you then let them be my guest.

I have tried a couple of times to help ppl to get started.

I will try one more time

You must proceed one step at a time in order to understand.

So here goes:

To begin to fill in the 4 events with Runs or Changes you first of all require the last 5 roulette EC decisions in R/B format.

He says (and this is important) to ALWAYS use the LAST decision and compare it with the preceding decisions...

For example:    R-R-R-B-B (last decision)

     EVENT 1
R(uns)   C(hanges)

Event 1 is marked with an "x" as a RUN. Can you see why? So far you are with me -  yes?

Can you now complete the chart and fill out the other three events then?

Can ANYBODY reading this post the chart as it should look after that has been done???



Atlantis. Thanks for trying but I give up.


You must be overthinking it - It's not a trick question or anything.


Allow me to try 1 step at a time. I will post the first event.

For example:    R-R-R-B-B (last decision)

     EVENT 1
R(uns)   C(hanges)
  x          x