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Triple shooter for even chances

Started by GreatGrampa, May 03, 2013, 08:56:38 AM

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Who could create a super-sofware with all this implementations?: Bot for BVNZ, MM, etc... :cheer:

I'm not serious. With a moderately developed excell would be more than enough.

Thank you Grampa :thumbsup:
Uno de Badajoz que pasaba por aquĆ­.


4 cycles at 1u. Only last cycle ended +

1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3, 4 4 4 +28u


Quote from: Turner on May 09, 2013, 09:49:51 PM
4 cycles at 1u. Only last cycle ended +

1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3, 4 4 4 +28u

Great Turner. Also a warm welcome to this forum.

Now as promised the video with bet selection as Atlantis described! I am leaving you with some thoughts on does bet selection really matters? Based on my experience it is a big NO. It is what we call fallacy and am very much part of the fallacy myself by varying my bet selections, finding a simple way to do it so on and so forth. What really is hte stronger aspect of this method is the cyclical progression and betting on all 3 even chances in an attempt to convert the wins or losses into percentages rather than a total loss or win. We will see more on this in the next session, but at the moment, it is anyone's guess (or theory) and my experience.
Session 2
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


As promised,just short introduction of my way of playing all 3 EC,
especially if you could find lapartage table.


Great flat. A couple of lines of explanation would be much appreciated. 
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


@GreatGrampa: Such an easy framework/system, yet so complex.
1)I did a virtual test with 5 cycles, max bet 2 units and ended up with 8 units profit at a live table. Was it just luck or should work the same at a live wheel?
2)The 0 should be written in the excel sheet? I think we should skip it because it messes results.
3)I see the rules of the game have changed and we bet different, can i get the latest excel? Or you will still be using the old one from page 1?


Quote from: Mudiru on May 11, 2013, 02:00:44 AM
@GreatGrampa: Such an easy framework/system, yet so complex.
1)I did a virtual test with 5 cycles, max bet 2 units and ended up with 8 units profit at a live table. Was it just luck or should work the same at a live wheel?

Should work the same at live wheel. 

Quote from: Mudiru on May 11, 2013, 02:00:44 AM2)The 0 should be written in the excel sheet? I think we should skip it because it messes results.

Immaterial.  Some cases it will work in your favors. Sme cases it will work against. But you can improvise it. 

Quote from: Mudiru on May 11, 2013, 02:00:44 AM3)I see the rules of the game have changed and we bet different, can i get the latest excel? Or you will still be using the old one from page 1?

The rules remain the same.  If you are a system player then there need to multiple excel files, as there multiple systems here based on a single framework.  Unfortunately,I am not able to help as I don't have excels for all that has been discussed so far

All the best
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Thanks for the fast response. I wrote the numbers from your videos in my excel file from the 1st page of this thread and it tells me to bet different. In the end i still win, but this means you modified your excel file since then and i was wondering if i could get the new one, when i loose to much with the 1st excel i will use the 2nd to recover and so on..


n problems.  eventhough I don't recommend the use of excels like that there is no harm in sharing the excel I used in the video :).  i will upload it as soon as am able to access my PC which is possibly after the weekend.  hope its fine. o
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 10, 2013, 11:06:42 PM
Great flat. A couple of lines of explanation would be much appreciated.

--By statistics/Bayes/7,8,and 9th. spins are the most repeat spins of them all....correct???

  First spin of first 6 virtual,will be trigger for next 3 spins/7,8,and 9th. spins/

After finish betting/7,8,9/our next trigger would be again first spin of last 6 spins....

And so on in cycles of 3 spins/as 7,8,and 9th.spins/always looking back 6 spins for new trigger.

Five x 3 spins is our betting cycle......1 up on loss,1 down on a win....very simple,I think....and

Bayes may be right with his statistics.


 :cheer: thanks flat!  very novel idea on bet selection!

Bayes is a whizz indeed! O0
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Quote from: Mudiru on May 11, 2013, 11:26:21 AM
Thanks for the fast response. I wrote the numbers from your videos in my excel file from the 1st page of this thread and it tells me to bet different. In the end i still win, but this means you modified your excel file since then and i was wondering if i could get the new one, when i loose to much with the 1st excel i will use the 2nd to recover and so on..

Here u go.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Thanks! Each one tells to bet the opposite, so if you have a long bad run with one you can switch to the other, as trend goes. So what i learn is that it doesn't really matter what you bet, more important is the cycle betting.


I   don't  know   where  You   see    profit   in   this   strategy  .
I   test   this for   random   Dublinbet   sessions   from   last  3   days,   each  150  spins.
1  :  -50 , whole   session   minus
2  :   highest   was   +8  , I   wait   for  + 10  as  target   profit , never reach  and   ended   - 210
3  :   this    one    reach    +  10   ,  I play   whole   session ,   bigest   profit    + 20


Quote from: ozon on May 13, 2013, 12:18:21 AM
I   don't  know   where  You   see    profit   in   this   strategy  .
I   test   this for   random   Dublinbet   sessions   from   last  3   days,   each  150  spins.
1  :  -50 , whole   session   minus
2  :   highest   was   +8  , I   wait   for  + 10  as  target   profit , never reach  and   ended   - 210
3  :   this    one    reach    +  10   ,  I play   whole   session ,   bigest   profit    + 20

We did exchange PMs. Apologies, was very busy lately so couldnt come back to you earlier. I don't advice the way you are playing without a proper MM. Anyone in this forum can advice strongly on how to manage your money in a better manner and how to do the same within/around sessions.

Also, i see you really do very long sessions. Attached is a way that should suit your style of play. Please test it extensively before using it.

Attached is my take on what Flat has commented in this thread using the statistics provided by Bayes (Both of them are real genius and filled with wisdom and experience.. Salute!  :applause: ). Basically i tweaked Flats bet selection method to continuously look at the first of the previous 6 spins and play it for 7,8 and 9th spins as a bet selection. Attached is the outcome from Ozon's play into hell.

Session 1 : Flat betting , final state  -3 units, Sesion max +20 units.
Cyclic betting,  final state -28 units, session max +57 units.

Session 2 : Flat betting +12 units, session max +31 units
Cyclic betting +35 units, session max +71 units.

Session 3 : Flat betting +16 units, session max +33 units
Cyclic betting +35 units, session max +85 units.

So the quest continues !!! The more we look the more we learn and the more we adapt the more we win.

A note to flat and atlantis, i have successfully used your selections in my last few visits to soho square! Thanks for the continuous learning experience
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine