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Chaos theory

Started by Pockets, December 19, 2013, 03:57:40 PM

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No am not going to talk about Chaos theory here. I am going to talk about a way of playing roulette, that I have been pondering upon. If you have read chemistry then you might have come across the anecdote that the honeycomb structure that we come across quite frequently in organic chemistry is the result of a dream on a good nights sleep. I am glad, I decided to stop playing roulette because of the losses I made there and this method is a product of a nice little dream. It is a result of a very intense thought process that has gone into the game to figure out the probability of something which is very rare in occurrence.

When the thought stuck me that if you are able to figure out something that has a lowest odds of occurance, then you are able to maximize it to your advantage. So initially I went into patterns to try various combinations like RRBBRBBBRRB so on and so forth and figured out that it has a balance between occurance and non-occurance and will always be an issue to create that edge. Then I read about parachuting in this forum. I thought, that sounds really nice and workable and why are people not doing it. Then learnt that it is not as simple as it looks. Then explored law of third and after digging through post after post after post across multiple roulette forums, figured out that anything that is around here as a bet selection is equally good as other. I have dug so deep that even though I have joined the forum very late, I can now remember dialogues that goes back to 7-8 years.

Coming to the point, the idea is simple. We all know that there are sleepers. We all know that certain things can sleep for a long time. But 37 unique numbers in a row, how rare is that? 18 splits in a row, how rare is that? The idea is completely based on this principle. It is based on the fact that there will always be sleepers. So take advantage of sleepers while they sleep before they wake up. And be as dynamic as possible in your bet selection to take advantage of that sleeping by applying the principles of parachuting. I recently posted my 10 day history. There was one loss and that loss was because I was in the middle of the game and my daughter sat on my lap to use paint shop in my PC. I let go of the roulette. So there is promise.

A taste of the 3 stepped ladder play of this idea in this video. I mention 3 step, as it progresses only to 3 steps in the session i have played. 4 steps is relatively common as getting 8-9 reds in a row. I will explain more when I find time. But I have already given out the idea for everyone to interpret.


Blood Angel

Luck happens when Preparation meets Opportunity.


Then explored law of third and after digging through post after post after post across multiple roulette forums, figured out that anything that is around here as a bet selection is equally good as other. I have dug so deep that even though I have joined the forum very late, I can now remember dialogues that goes back to 7-8 years.

that's the alibi out the way then.....lol

Seriously.....its great to see a good parachute idea demoed on BV casino....again ;)


I'm so please you started this thread.

Earlier, my eyes popped out on stalks when I saw your BV history on another of your threads!!

You (and Weddings) seem to have BV's 'tender bits' in a vice -- makes my eyes water just thinking about it.  :o

I was going to ask which method you used but then decided not to 'cos I didn't want to put you in an awkward position. There are enough freeloaders coming to the forum as it is...

So now I'm about to watch your video. Thank for taking the trouble to compile it.  :thumbsup:


Thanks for your kind comments. Now that some of you have gone through the video, you have noted that there is not a strict rule that has been applied even within this 3 stepped ladder. That's because I hate mechanical play when am calling the shots. I like some dynamics. But that doesn't mean that I don't like bot play. Its fun in its own way and we can define a set of rules and suit this play to a mechanical way of playing. It's like this. I go to Starbucks every day, well almost every day. I ask for a cuppa. They make cuppa within a defined set of rules to make the coffee taste the same irrespective of the outlet you visit. So there are defined rules and the coffee machine outputs the coffee. Very similar to a bot. But one coffee maker makes a heart on the foam on the top and other makes a Christmas tree. That's personal touch. That's like me playing roulette and calling shots. The output is finally the coffee you need.

Why am I highlighting this? If you have watched the video then you would have noted that the first step is playing 18 numbers and I have chosen to play Red and black. Mechanical. Pure mechanical. But someone else might chose to play low and high. Turner might chose to play a set of 3 lines. A bot maker might chose to play 18 individual numbers. But finally the essence is 18 numbers.

On the other hand the second step in the ladder is playing 24 numbers. If you have watched the video, you would have noticed that I am playing 2 dozens sometimes, I am playing 1 line and an EC which are not overlapping sometimes. That's not mechanical. That's not governed by rules. That's intuition. Will this way of playing work without intuition? Yes it will. It will give the same coffee without that added touch of heart or smile or tree on the top. It is essentially playing 24 numbers. With that guidance, I will carry on with why I am currently believing it should work (Of course, am always with Sam when he says only time will tell and am not claiming it to be bulletproof)

Now leaving aside all philosophy, same idea but different positions. 6 and 9 streets(18 and 27 numbers) in this video. Actually, i went on to 15 splits as well(30 numbers) but for some reason the video did not record after a certain point.


Betting history for the 29 spins i played in this session below. The outcome was 27units.