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Dispersion kILLINg

Started by GGasoft, May 01, 2013, 03:53:29 AM

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Hey GG, waiting for more on this. Keep it coming! :cheer:
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Hello again GGasoft,

I wanted to see if I could discuss your roulette approach with you?

Would be great.

Hope I may hear from you.


The Master Dispersion Killer will be happy to answer.

Again limited time only

For those who are ready to defeat themselves.

Here I am.


Master Dispersion Killer


Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Dear GGAsoft,
         How your approaches help to win more and lose less in a random session?Would you mind elaborating that?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Hello master

I wonder can one become your discrete and loyal student?

I would like to learn from you so I wonder is anyhow apart from forum possible to get in contact with you? Like over skype or teamviewer or e-mail?

All videos you posted here are gone now. Too bad...


Students are welcome , there is no fees , our teaching is free , and understanding randomness will give you great power over your environment not only the board.

Most of the serious persons that study our line after a few years , admit that reach a negative balance , on the overall , is near to impossible.

However I can not assume the responsibility of make you a master , I can introduce you to the game of the masters, but we can only show the half of the way ,  make the right questions and you will get the right answers.

The universe spoke thru us , but the words are only for the ones ready to lisen.

Let me know your current concerns , and we will analize them and move forward.


Master Dispersion Killer


grandpa is back----im not excited by al because i know he's full of it but HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all!

[Moderator's Comment:  Keep your personal remarks like this OFF the forum. So now -- once again -- you reap the consequencies of your actions. You have been warned before about this... ]


QuoteHello Master

Is it for me?
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Quote"don't fight random, instead go with random, and take advantage of random happening"

Easier said than done. If you try to follow a so-called trend it may go upside down that very moment.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


What betselections would you take for your "siege" money management?

Lets take 1-54 or 1-72 for example? How do you choose on what you will bet during these steps?


Common sense has become so rare it should be classified as a superpower.


Quote from: Drazen on December 23, 2013, 11:23:27 PM
What betselections would you take for your "siege" money management?

Lets take 1-54 or 1-72 for example? How do you choose on what you will bet during these steps?



Dialog 3

-And how you choose what you play?

-Whatever is good....(Here he try to say he don't care about choosing something special to play I didn't find a expression to translate the idea right)

-How come whatever ?

-Yes so what.... , play what you play , you will have moments where you will win more than the theoretical balance, and anothers when you will lose more than the theoretical, what it really matters is how much you play on function of how you win or lose. It is chance, remember that.

-But and the biased roulettes? and all that?

-There still some small casinos on colonia and centroamerica , that they still have that old carromatos, but the big -casinos take precautions years ago. Forget about all and focus on what im telling you.

-But and the statistics?

-That is the worse way you can name to win , with maths is impossible.   

-But you know a lot about statistics

-Yes you have to study a lot and then forget about all

-And the law od third and the big numbers, and the Ecarts?

-That is all very cute, but on the action time the capital rule , same as all business

-With the time the cash will become each time more heavy. You want to destroy a country take out the cash from the pockets of the people...

-I don't understand nothing...

-You will

-and what about the symbol?

-With the time you will understand that santelli is a legend that go furter than himself , when you need a friend the nono will show and it will talk equal to equal , it will take a coffe or some drinks , and santelli will go back to the sky where he belong , for you to try to reach him or be better than him of course , the ball do not get dirt ......

Years later a friend repeat that last on front of 40 000 persons , that last that manrique toll him 20 years before on barcelona too.


Last part of  Manrique's Arcano 4

Bet selections do not exist for the dispersion Killer.


Start training without seeing the numbers , ask a friend to tell you if you win or lose only , and pay attention , on your balance to move between universes.


Master Dispersion Killer


Oh well how then your typical session looks like?

Can you end in plus any 300 spins session?

Common sense has become so rare it should be classified as a superpower.


Quote from: GGasoft on December 24, 2013, 04:22:05 AM
Dialog 3

-And how you choose what you play?

-Whatever is good....(Here he try to say he don't care about choosing something special to play I didn't find a expression to translate the idea right)

-How come whatever ?

-Yes so what.... , play what you play , you will have moments where you will win more than the theoretical balance, and anothers when you will lose more than the theoretical, what it really matters is how much you play on function of how you win or lose. It is chance, remember that.

-But and the biased roulettes? and all that?

-There still some small casinos on colonia and centroamerica , that they still have that old carromatos, but the big -casinos take precautions years ago. Forget about all and focus on what im telling you.

-But and the statistics?

-That is the worse way you can name to win , with maths is impossible.   

-But you know a lot about statistics

-Yes you have to study a lot and then forget about all

-And the law od third and the big numbers, and the Ecarts?

-That is all very cute, but on the action time the capital rule , same as all business

-With the time the cash will become each time more heavy. You want to destroy a country take out the cash from the pockets of the people...

-I don't understand nothing...

-You will

-and what about the symbol?

-With the time you will understand that santelli is a legend that go furter than himself , when you need a friend the nono will show and it will talk equal to equal , it will take a coffe or some drinks , and santelli will go back to the sky where he belong , for you to try to reach him or be better than him of course , the ball do not get dirt ......

Years later a friend repeat that last on front of 40 000 persons , that last that manrique toll him 20 years before on barcelona too.


Last part of  Manrique's Arcano 4

Bet selections do not exist for the dispersion Killer.


Start training without seeing the numbers , ask a friend to tell you if you win or lose only , and pay attention , on your balance to move between universes.


--Right on the nail....one of rares here...real player....how do I know...similar philosophy
   as mine.....good on ya amico.


Quote from: GGasoft on May 07, 2013, 05:11:25 PM
Divino plus bazoka

Here is the divine parachut , there is another mj active in the example that i call "the bazoka" , but this one play on the video only when the divine parachut profit this and is a good option for low rollers.

But highrollers , can't use the bazoka instead , they can use regressions.

Even if you see the divine parachut fo fall a lot , that's ok , it has the specific task to absorb as much dispersion as posible , deviations can last thousands of spins , this tech is specific made to perform against that.


does anyone still have a copy or link to this video?